Some example sentences of “hard”

How to use in-sentence of “hard”:

– Because of their dark coloured fur, moose are hard to see when they are crossing roads at night.

– Like the adults, the boys were given hard work such as stone cutting and building.

– Certain computer peripherals, for example Computer printerprinters and certain hard disks can be directly connected to the network with such cables.

– Their song “It’s Hard out Here for a Pimp” won an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2006.

– Blizzards only usually go for 3 hours so everything won’t be too damaged, meaning it won’t be as hard as an earthquake or tsunami to clean.

– Very long numbers are hard to solve.

– Grana Padano is a kind of hard cheese.

– Their robes are blowing around, and it is hard to believe that the whole scene, which is set against a wall, is not really floating.

Some example sentences of hard
Some example sentences of hard

Example sentences of “hard”:

– On Microsoft Windows, these files end with ‘.exe.’ To humans, these files are hard to read.

– After leaving the governorship, Clements worked hard to help Republican candidates seeking office in Texas.

– Stahl thought that because some parts of plants, like raw cellulose and starch are hard to digest in uncooked form, they would likely not be a part of the hominidaehominid diet before fire could be controlled.

– He worked hard to do well in school, and went to college.

– In the photograph above, you can see the back is covered with hard plates, and wispy slender legs.

– It had Square square headlights and was a little less round than the ones we see today, and had a hard steering wheel.

– The movie’s consensus in Rotten Tomatoes is: “Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games” does have improved animation, lovable characters and it’ll definitely entertain kids and die hard fans of the franchise, but it seems to suffer from a lazy story and a thinly-written script”.

– I doubt it could be simplified because it’s hard to figure out what it’s discussing in the first place.

– They earned low wages for very hard work.

– They will also bite very hard if attacked.

– These are hard and have a hooked and pointed tip.

– Concrete is very heavy and hard to mix.

– It was hard to make a living.

– Australia had a really hard time in the Great Depression of the 1930s and joined Britain in a war against Nazi Germany when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.

– The hard drive is like a human’s memory, and keeps track of all the data stored on the computer.

- On Microsoft Windows, these files end with '.exe.' To humans, these files are hard to read.

- After leaving the governorship, Clements worked hard to help Republican candidates seeking office in Texas.
- Stahl thought that because some parts of plants, like raw cellulose and starch are hard to digest in uncooked form, they would likely not be a part of the hominidaehominid diet before fire could be controlled.

More in-sentence examples of “hard”:

- It's always possible to obfuscate the image-hiding code, so that vandals have a hard time figuring out why their special contributions don't show up.

- Feldspar is typically reddish or pale pink in color, and has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, making it roughly as hard to scratch as glass.
- Arthropods have a hard exoskeleton.

– It’s always possible to obfuscate the image-hiding code, so that vandals have a hard time figuring out why their special contributions don’t show up.

– Feldspar is typically reddish or pale pink in color, and has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, making it roughly as hard to scratch as glass.

– Arthropods have a hard exoskeleton.

– Embryo splitting is not as hard as somatic cell nuclear transfer, and it can only be done from an embryo.

– Simple, hard working, strong, peace-loving, trusting.

– Normal hard disks use magnetism to store information.

– At the tip of each root, there is a small group of tough, dead, hard cells called the “root cap”.

– In 2000 the KWord application was created in a way that made it very hard to fix problems and nobody was working on the problems anymore.

– One person said she had “beautiful prose” but also said her style makes reading her books hard sometime.

– Direct democracies are not usually used to run countries, because it is hard to get millions of people to get together all the time to make laws and other decisions.

– It relies mostly on the hard sciences like physics and mathematics, and economics.

– Although she is gone, Sophia Mendoza left her mark on the East San Jose community by being an activist and and fighting hard for what she cared about.

– Andrew Ryan believed that the Governmentgovernments and religions above the ocean wanted to take away the wealth from people who worked hard for it and to give it to so-called “parasites”, people who take away things from people who worked for it.

– A shell is a hard outer layer, which has Evolutionevolved in a very wide variety of different animals, including molluscs, sea urchins, crustaceans, turtles and tortoises, armadillos, etc.

– In general, the traveling salesman problem is hard to solve.

– He was known for playing in the bebop, hard bop, and post-bop beginning in the early 1960s onwards.

– One costs $399 and has a 40 gigabyte hard drive.

– This is called the hard palate.

– People of Singapore went through hard times during the Japanese rule, until the surrender of the Japanese in September 1945.

– Mystery Guests changed their voices to make it hard for the panelists to know who they were.

– They are very hard and acidic, and we can only eat them after the cold weather makes them soft.

– They include the earliest known representatives of some modern phyla, and they have the great advantage of presenting a nearly continuous record of early Cambrian organisms whose bodies include hard parts.

– The abbey went through hard times during the wars around 1525.

– He said the two had hard time getting along for first few years of their career on the show “Yah Shim Man Man” which aired on July 10.

– Today RS codes are used in hard disk drive, DVD, telecommunication, and digital broadcast protocols.

– Larvae are pelagic for a couple of weeks before settling onto a hard substrate.

– The main weakness of flash memory is that it is more expensive than hard drives for the same amount of storage.

– This was because it was hard to put pieces of paper in it, and it did not look as good when there was paper in it.

– He worked hard as an apprentice, but he continued to read in his spare time.

– It had the hard rock song “Barracuda”.

– Pointed stakes were set up on likely landing grounds to make it hard for the Allies to do airborne landings.

– It is much smaller than many other commercial word-processors of its time, only using about 15Mb on a computer’s hard drive under Microsoft Windows.

– They also thought that it is wrong for somebody to live in great welfare that is made of the hard work of others, or the oppression of others.

– It is hard to know why Stalin decided he did not like the opera.

– He’s also influenced by musicians other than hard music like “Bohren der Club of Gore” and “Klause Schulze”.

– For example, a car is a system in that the driver chooses how hard to press on the gas pedal.

– Mozart then worked very hard at the “Requiem”.

– They fought hard but finally they were all killed.

– I’ve worked hard on it and the article is in tip top shape.

– Many think that celebrities do not work as hard as non-celebrities and that celebrities do not deserve to be treated specially.

– Adolescent youths report being able to masturbate to ejaculation six or more times per day, though some men in older middle age report being hard pressed to ejaculate even once per day.

– Due to Physical Damage:- It is also called hardware failure, and consists the following types: Overheating of hard drive, Read/write head crash, Cracked or poor-contact data line, Scratch on magnetic platters, Short circuit in the control circuit board and much more.

– Indeed, the user’s responses above show his lack of understanding and are skirting the issues; it’s very hard to believe what is being said from where I am standing.

– Carter was influenced to some extent by Stravinsky’s music as well as by that of his friend Charles Ives, but he worked hard to find a style of his own.

– Some of these labels also offer hard copy CDs in addition to direct download.

– Krabs tells him that problems can be solved with hard work.

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