“led” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “led”:

– In many ways the events of 1979 led to the events of 2001.

– This led to a series of battles called the “Rough Wooing”.

– The occupation ended as Augusto César Sandino, a Nicaraguan revolutionary, led guerrilla armies against US troops.

– The Ushkuiniks were medieval Novgorod RepublicNovgorodian pirates who led a Viking-like life and often raided other Russian settlements.

– By 1929, he was conducting at the FestspielhausFestspielhaus, Salzburg and in 1934 he led the Vienna Philharmonic for the first time.

– It is led by the Premier of the ROC.

– Sparrow had been captain of the “Black Pearl” before his first mate, Hector Barbossa led a mutiny and took over.

– The work of Henri Braconnot in 1777 and the work of Christian Schönbein in 1846 led to the discovery of nitrocellulose.

led - some sentence examples
led – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “led”:

– Pegram, led a diplomatic mission to England to establish co-operation on the development of the atomic bomb.

– Hopper’s work led to the development of the FLOW-MATIC.

– The second movement was led by a “shepherd boy” named Stephen de Cloyes near the village of Châteaudun.

– His love of science and writing led him to write storystories and novels that are now called “science fiction”.

– The controversy led to an impeachment inquiry against Trump.

– The fascist idea that superior people should have more power in society has led to genocide.

– The Communists were led by Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi,Zhou Enlai and others.

– This might have led to the family’s murder, because they were so fond of Rasputin.

– Guild 32 Carson joined another expedition led by Thomas Fitzpatrick in 1831.

– This led women to get the right to vote.

– Palin led the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004, and was chosen to become Governor of Alaska in November 2006 by first being picked to be the choice of the Republican Party and then being chosen over a man in the Democratic Party who had twice been governor of the state.

– The character’s in-world real name is Lazlo Valentin, a scientist who suffered a schizophrenic breakdown that led him to become a supervillain who wears a pig mask.

– This has led to the ActiveX-based architecture being criticized for being fault-prone.

- Pegram, led a diplomatic mission to England to establish co-operation on the development of the atomic bomb.

- Hopper's work led to the development of the FLOW-MATIC.

More in-sentence examples of “led”:

- However, Henry was easily led by people like Thomas Crownell, Thomas Cranmer and Anne Bolyen, who secretly wanted the country to become Protestant.

- His attempt at industrialization and collectivization with the Great Leap Forward led to the deaths of many people from famine.

– However, Henry was easily led by people like Thomas Crownell, Thomas Cranmer and Anne Bolyen, who secretly wanted the country to become Protestant.

– His attempt at industrialization and collectivization with the Great Leap Forward led to the deaths of many people from famine.

– Settlers led by a man named John Hutchinson founded Medicine Lodge in February 1873.

– The police, led by Patience’s love partner, Detective Tom Lone, come.

– The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America was founded by Damon Knight in 1965 as a non-profit organization to serve the community of professional science fiction authors, 24 years after his essay “Unite or Fie!” had led to the organization of the National Fantasy Fan Federation.

– When you pull the trigger, the infrared LED lights up, but the infrared can not be seen by humans.

– Soon after Hoffa became its president, this led to the Teamsters union being forced to leave the AFL-CIO.

– The design was very successful and led to the development of the similar British Rail Class 320Class 320 and Class 322 units for use by Strathclyde PTE and Stansted Express respectively.

– He first led the Silures, then moved to the territory of the Ordovices, where he was defeated by Ostorius in 51 AD.

– Settlement by rural populations has led to deforestation, soil erosion, and habitat loss.

– The Archbishop of Manila led a prayer and 200 police officers lit candles for the dead in a mourning ceremony.

– This led to a famine which killed about 25% of the island’s human population.

– A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study says that nuclear fallout might have led to 11,000 excess deaths, most caused by thyroid cancer linked to exposure to iodine-131.

– The Spaniard Andrés Niño led an expedition from Central America and arrived in Meanguera Island in the Gulf of Fonseca on May 31, 1522.

– In parallel he led a career as a solo soloist and a chamber musician.

– The 2021 Armenian coup d’état attempt is an ongoing Coup d’étatmilitary coup attempt in Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces Armenian Government led by prime minister Nikol Pashinyan.

– Its formation 1.5–2 million years ago may have led to the speciation of the bonobo.

– Neruda was suffering from cancer when he died of heart failure in hospital at the age of 69 on September 23, 1973 about a fortnight after the overthrow of Salvador Allende by military forces led by Pinochet.

– Pericles turned the Delian League into an Athenian empire and led his countrymen during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War.

– The first German crossings around 11:00 led to a complete collapse of the defence.

– He led projects which improved the ports of Japan, including Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Hiroshima.

– Later political disputes led to Coup d’état in 1960, 1971, and 1980, and several failed attempts.

– The “Schutzstaffel led by Heinrich Himmler, ran the death camps and concentration camps in Nazi Germany.

– The republic was led by President Qazi Muhammad and Minister of Defense Mustafa Barzani.

– Created in 2019, it is led by Nigel Farage.

– This opening of trade led to the downfall of the Middle Kingdom, caused by an invasion from the Hyksos.

– Ramesses II led several expeditions north into the lands east of the Mediterranean.

– The second diff may be debatable, as modern historians believe the naval blockade and the internal unrest in Germany led to her eventual defeat – especially as the US troops had not yet reached the front-line in any real numbers – but the first diff is fairly shocking.

– A stairway led from one of the interior chambers to the top of the mudbrick wall.

– On September 11th, 1973, the Chilean military led a coup d’état against Allende in which they attacked the Presidential Palace in Santiago.

– On November 19, the Civic Forum, the political movement which led the dialogue with the communist government, was created in The Drama Club in Prague.

– The issue which led to the meeting was the result of the work of Paul, leading people to faith in Jesus and planting churches in Asia Minor.

– Sean was raised by his mother, along with his grandparents; who he thanks for the properties of hard work and determination which led to his current success.

– The miscarriage led to Lita and Kane joining forces in order to take revenge on Snitsky.

– Gregor Mendel’s experiments with plant hybridization led to his establishing laws of inheritance.

– The creation of “Sinfonietta”, to music of Kylian´s co-patriot Leoš Janáček for the “Charleston Festival” in the USA in 1978 led to international recognition of the company.

– This led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890, where many Natives were killed.

– They traveled in groups with a size of 700-1,600 people, all led by conductors chosen by John Ross, except for those, who signed the Treaty of New Enchota.

– By observing at the right time what happened in the process that led to a change, the Quality engineeringquality engineer or any member of the team responsible for the production line can troubleshoot the root cause of the variation that has crept in to the process and correct the problem.

– Barbossa was Jack Sparrow’s first mate but led a mutiny and became captain of the “Black Pearl”.

– Serving as the General Secretary of Government Schools Teachers Association in 2014 the association led a campaign for the removal of pay anomalies.

– Enquiries led to Thorpe and three others being charged with conspiracy to murder Scott.

– This tendency reached its peak when Charlemagne was coronationcrowned “Roman Emperor” in the year 800, an act which led to the formation of the Holy Roman Empire.

– The LED lights up when power is run through it.

– The evidence collected by Pistone led to over 200 indictments and over 100 convictions of Mafia members.

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