“unacceptable” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “unacceptable”:

– Twathead was already indef blocked for unacceptable username.

– The account All about love and life is a unacceptable username and needs to get blocked.

– This was unacceptable for Charles, who sent his general Gian Giacomo Medici to lay siege to it with a Florentine-Imperial army.

– It is used for a member of a nation or ethnic group which is seen as having a lower level of civilization, or for an individual person which is seen as a brutal, cruel and insensitive or whose behaviour is unacceptable in the civilized society of the speaker.

– And on that note, there are vast swaths of this article which are completely unreferenced, and that itself makes this unacceptable for becoming one of our very best articles.

– Freud’s work on defense mechanisms focuses on how the ego defends itself against internal events or impulses, which are regarded as unacceptable to one’s ego.

– Critical is ‘social control’: the ability to suppress urges which, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes.

unacceptable example in sentences
unacceptable example in sentences

Example sentences of “unacceptable”:

– As it’s used on each of the, I think it would be unacceptable legally for simple: if it was vandalised.

– Water may be unacceptable if it has high levels of toxins or suspended solids.

– I want to query whether the username concerned, whilst not specifically covered in WP:USERNAME, could be seen as unacceptable due to the sexual meaning of the word “Gangbang”.

– The second account was created today and left on my talk page and I blocked him for having an unacceptable username.

– This was unacceptable to many customers.

– Per the Flood Flag policy, “Unacceptable uses include attempting to circumvent legitimate oversight of any controversial action, regardless of whether it is an administrator task or not.” This statement says that if I /had/ used the flood flag whilst my edits were under scrutiny then it would have been unacceptable use.

– Herr Hitler repeated that any other solution was unacceptable to him.

– It may not be circumvented, eroded, or ignored by local policies.” In the resolution itself, it does not offer an alternative to deletion of files uploaded under an unacceptable license.

– See examples of unacceptable dates and how to fix them, below.

– They would have followed a separate warrior code unacceptable in the society outside their peer-group.

– They consider the risk of a nuclear accident unacceptable and generally believe that radioactive waste cannot be disposed of safely.

- As it's used on each of the, I think it would be unacceptable legally for simple: if it was vandalised.

- Water may be unacceptable if it has high levels of toxins or suspended solids.
- I want to query whether the username concerned, whilst not specifically covered in WP:USERNAME, could be seen as unacceptable due to the sexual meaning of the word "Gangbang".

– This makes the basic design unacceptable in modern vehicles.

– If they do not find an inconsistency, the philosopher might show that the theory leads to a conclusion which is either unacceptable or ridiculous.

– Knol has a policy that specifies topics that are unacceptable for the project.

– The therapeutic effect is achieved by the neutralization of traumatic emotional experiences and the progressive reorganization of the psychic structures to include previously unacceptable mental contents, too.

– This incinerator has a catalytic converter, something that reduces harmful gases to below unacceptable levels.

– If the attributes of interest vary within an acceptable range, a process is said to be “in control” “in statistical control” or “stable.” When unacceptable variation is noted, actions are typically taken to determine and correct their cause.

– I think that P1KACHEWPOO is unacceptable because it has “poo” in it and poo is short for Poop.

– Tara’s previous overseer, fired by Scarlett’s mother for what she considered his unacceptable behavior with the local trollop, has become a powerful man in the county, and out of revenge, raises their taxes beyond what they can afford to pay.

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