“scale” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “scale”:

– Another scale is the “short scale“, under which a new name is given every time a number is a thousand times larger than the last named number.

– However, for non-cyclical non-spiral scales such as S, T, and LL’s, the scale length is shortened to make room for end margins.

– A Vernier scale on our ruler does this last fine piece of measuring between the two marks for us.

– Nation-states developed and with them the first large scale ceremonial architecture and cities.

– The details of the Death Star changed between different Scale modelmodels during production of “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”.

– Learners’ abilities are rated on a 10-to-90 point scale for each of the four basic skills.

scale - example sentences
scale – example sentences

Example sentences of “scale”:

– Plots on paper with one log scale can show up exponential laws, and on log-log paper power laws, as straight lines.

– Thermodynamics is useful because it helps us understand how the world of the very small atoms connects to the large scale world we see everyday.

– It had a full scale reproduction of the mess, built by Colin Monk.

– The Rankine scale was originally used in the United States.

– This means that Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale, and scientists use this scale more than any other.

– The greater demand allowed further economies of scale to be exploited.

– The Kinsey scale is an organization of sexual orientation.

– In the past this was reserved for high-end mainframes but now small scale multiprocessors servers have become commonplace for the small business market.

– The Douglas Sea Scale and Douglas Wind Scale are similar, but they separate the sea from the wind.

– The permanent exhibition includes a replica of the Nihonbashi and scale models of the city.

– With these scales the trailing edge of each scale slightly overlaps the front edge of the scale behind it.

- Plots on paper with one log scale can show up exponential laws, and on log-log paper power laws, as straight lines.

- Thermodynamics is useful because it helps us understand how the world of the very small atoms connects to the large scale world we see everyday.

– The scale includes a spring which provides a force to oppose the gravitational force on the object which is being weighed.

– When he used the “triumphal arch” motif of a large arched opening with lower square-topped opening on either side, he invariably applied it on a small scale, such as windows, rather than on a large scale as Alberti used it at Sant’Andrea’s.

– This danger made the asteroid Level 1 on the Torino ScaleTorino impact hazard scale until August 2006.

– This temperature scale was made in 1724 by a German scientist named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

– The decibel scale makes sound intensity numbers easier to work with.

– A logarithmic scale is a scale used when there is a large range of quantities.

– Honeydew is a liquid sugar that aphids and some scale insects make when they eat plant sap.

– To minimise repetion of code, there is a sliding scale of inheritance that applies to each value in each parameter set.

More in-sentence examples of “scale”:

- The Universe's expansion, assuming a constant dark energy density, multiplies the wavelength of the cosmic microwave background by 10, exceeding the scale of the cosmic light horizon and erasing any sign that the Big Bang happened.

- The link text is usually the title of the time scale being linked to; if left blank the template will display "Time scale".
- This is a precise sundial which tells not only local apparent time but also local mean time using a scale on it.

– The Universe’s expansion, assuming a constant dark energy density, multiplies the wavelength of the cosmic microwave background by 10, exceeding the scale of the cosmic light horizon and erasing any sign that the Big Bang happened.

– The link text is usually the title of the time scale being linked to; if left blank the template will display “Time scale“.

– This is a precise sundial which tells not only local apparent time but also local mean time using a scale on it.

– Warhammer 40,000 also called 40K is a table-top game in which Scale modelmodel armies fight against each other on miniature terrain.

– Typically, the scale has a readout which gives not the weight but rather the mass of the object.

– The ability to construct long base pair chains cheaply and accurately on a large scale allows researchers to do experiments on genomes that do not exist in nature.

– A logarithmic scale is also a graphical scale on one or both sides of a graph where a number “x” is printed at a distance “c”·log from the point marked with the number 1.

– It is the standard for grade 1 in the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

– The interval between the sixth and seventh degrees of this scale is an augmented second.

– He was known for his fundamental human needs and human scale development.

– As above, this time scale is based on the International Commission on Stratigraphy.

– The initial pilot will not be more than 50 students – and with an intent to scale up.

– In small scale reactions, the solvent vapors do not have enough space to protect the magnesium from oxygen.

– The scale was first published in “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male”.

– The first serious attempts to formulate a time scale of historical geology that could be applied anywhere on Earth happened in the late 18th century.

– One after another, three divisions had tried to scale Marye’s Heights and all had failed.

– It was replaced with the Enhanced Fujita scale in the United States in February 2007.

– The darkness of the night sky is estimated by a nine-point scale known as the Bortle scale.

– At nano scale physical properties of system or particles substantially change.

– The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is used only to describe hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean and northern Pacific Ocean, to the east of the International Date Line.

– The remaining 4 isotopes have half lives on the scale of yoctoseconds.

– On 8 August 1942 in Bombay, the All India Congress Committee called for a non-violent mass struggle on the widest possible scale throughout the mat Gandh delivered the famous Do or Die’ speech: The call for Quit India a most to a standstill in large parts of the country as people voluntarily threw themselves into People observed hearts and demonstrations and processions were accompanied by The movement was truly a mass movement which brought into its ambit thousands of idents, workers and peasants.

– To create the sinking of the ship, scale models and computer-generated imagery were used.

– Studies have shown that when the CIWA scale is used to guide treatment: Mayo-Smith MF.

– Most show both Celsius scale and Fahrenheit temperature scales, and run from 35 degree Celsius to 42 degree Celsius.

– PIR is at times stated to be fire retardant, or contain fire retardants, however these describe the results of “small scale tests” and “do not reflect hazards under real fire conditions”; the extent of hazards from fire include not just resistance to fire but the scope for toxic byproducts from different fire scenarios.

– The Kelvin scale is defined by a specific relationship between the pressure of a gas and the temperature.

– Stations found that the sliding scale licensing fees were too high for what little exclusive programming they received, especially after spending additional funds for the PBS HD feed.

– Every increase of 1 on the Richter scale corresponds to an increase in amplitude by a factor of 10 so therefore, it is a logarithmic scale.

– Agrology of watercress is both a large scale and a garden scale.

– Coulomb’s law explains the scale between two electric charges.

– The scale scale of a map shows the ratio between the distances on the map and the corresponding distances in reality.

– He is more famous for developing the Celsius temperature scale when he worked on meteorology.

– Initially the unit was confined to performing small scale reconnaissance missions, platoon sized missions by sea and on occasion on land into Finland and later Norway.

– But as this wiki continues to grow has we have been getting more users joining from time to time, our articles should be classified on an assessment scale as en wiki does to their articles.

– The Richter Scale was invented by Charles Francis Richter in 1935.

– Muskies also have Scale scales only on the upper half of the cheek.

– Work is carried out from a combined studio and workshop where concept development, detailing, prototyping and small scale fabrication take place.

– To compute, for example, locate x on the D scale and read its square on the A scale.

– It has lots of dotted rhythms and the fourth note of the scale is often sharpened.

– The largest earthquake ever measured was a 9.5 on the scale a 10 has never been recorded.

– An easy way to find such a pentatonic scale is by using all the black notes of a keyboard.

– The useful range of the absorbance scale is from 0-2 but it is desirable to keep within the range 0-1 because, above 1, the results become unreliable due to scattering of light.

– First employed in 2001 to fund the South Courtice Arena and Recreation Complex, it is viewed as a cost-effective method to undertake large scale publicly funded projects.

– A separate scale is used for jazz, classical, and folk music albums: sales exceeding 10,000 and 20,000 for Gold and Platinum awards respectively.

– It is originally the color of the dye produced from the dried bodies of a scale insect, “Kermes vermilio”.

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