“shaping” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “shaping”:

– Neurotransmitters play a major role in shaping everyday life and functions.

– In the mid-1980s, Syvanen suggested that lateral gene transfer not only had biological significance, but was involved in shaping evolutionary history from the beginning of life on Earth.

– By the Nagybánya’s painting lessons continued painting with natural themes and human figures appear rich color scheme, has joined forces shaping a balanced composition.

– Christianity has been an important part of the shaping of the world.Orlandis, “A Short History of the Catholic Church preface.

– Steels are often wrought by cold-working methods, which is the shaping of metal through deformation at a low equilibrium or meta stable temperature.

– Skinner’s research leant mainly on behaviour shaping using positive reinforcement.

– Ceramic forming techniques include shaping by hand, injection molding, dry pressing, and other variations.

shaping - some sentence examples
shaping – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “shaping”:

- Social movements also helped in shaping people's outlook, tried for social changes, and tried to remove bad social practices and evils like illiteracy and caste system.

- Arkzin’s distinctive design resonated well especially with younger audiences and activists, leading to a number of cultural and media initiatives turning to Arkzin’s designers for help in visually shaping their promotional materials and political messages.

– Social movements also helped in shaping people’s outlook, tried for social changes, and tried to remove bad social practices and evils like illiteracy and caste system.

– Arkzin’s distinctive design resonated well especially with younger audiences and activists, leading to a number of cultural and media initiatives turning to Arkzin’s designers for help in visually shaping their promotional materials and political messages.

– However warp technology as a fictional idea has been an interesting way of shaping the story line to let spacecraftspaceships move at speeds greater than 186,000 miles per second.

– Fluency shaping approaches are normally taught in groups therapy programs, which may take two to three weeks to complete.

– A fixed tenon was made by shaping the end of one timber to fit into a mortise that is cut into a second timber.

– The prime minister heads the cabinet, which in turn plays a leading role in shaping the agenda of the houses of Parliament.

– Lotus was also among the first in Formula One to add wings and shaping the bottom of the car.

– Michael has played an important part in shaping the drumming characteristics of this genre.

– The bark is taken off, the ends are trimmed, and there is some shaping of the outside.

– It shows itself to people in this world as a rainbow as it moves through water and rain, shaping landscapes, naming and singing of places, swallowing and sometimes drowning people; strengthening the knowledgeable with rainmaking and healing powers; blighting others with sores, weakness, illness, and death.

– This way of studying cancer is very important to cancer epidemiology today, and it has also been very important in shaping what we now know about cancer and what the rules and laws about the disease and public health are today.

– However, the name potter’s lathe is also used for the machine used for another shaping process, turning, which is similar to that used for the shaping of metal and wood articles.

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