“attic” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “attic”:

– The attic is the highest part of a house, it is directly below the roof.

– It has three stories plus an attic and full basement.

– By adding insulation to the walls and attic of one’s home, and installing weather stripping or caulking around doors and windows one can lower their heating costs more than 25 percent.

– Furthermore, the conflict between Niobe and Leto is mentioned in one of Sappho’s poetic fragments, The subject of Niobe and the destruction of the Niobids was part of the repertory of Attic vase-painters and inspired sculpture groups and wall frescoes as well as relief carvings on Roman sarcophagi.

– The “Alexandrian Canon” compiled by Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace recognized Demosthenes as one of the ten greatest Attic orators and speech writers.

attic how to use?
attic how to use?

Example sentences of “attic”:

– Polite, caring, humble, she sang to the lyre perfectly and spoke clear Ionic Greek, spiced with Attic wit.

– On the second floor are the sleeping chambers and in the attic is the granny flat of Dominik.

– When he was younger he played in bands called Pier 69 and the Attic Children.

– The two spent a night together in Lennon’s attic studio, listening to his avant-garde recordings and finally making one of their own.

– His best roles he played in his career were the Victor Frankenstein, in the British horror movie “The Curse of Frankenstein by Terence Fisher he plays of role brilliantly, Victor creates a monster in the attic of his castle.

– A photo of Harry can be seen in Sarah-Jane Smith’s attic in “The Sarah-Jane Adventures” and in “Invasion of the Bane”, Sarah-Jane thought of naming her newly adopted son after him before deciding on Luke.

– Homer spoke and wrote in an old dialect that was somewhat different from Attic Greek.

– It comes from the Attic style architecture.

– An attic ladder is a collapsible ladder which is attached with the floor of an attic and ceiling of the floor below the attic.

– He was given a clavichord when he was seven and he used to practice it in the attic where his father could not hear him.

- Polite, caring, humble, she sang to the lyre perfectly and spoke clear Ionic Greek, spiced with Attic wit.

- On the second floor are the sleeping chambers and in the attic is the granny flat of Dominik.

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