How to use the word “barrier”

How to use in-sentence of “barrier”:

– He is known for breaking the black Racial segregationcolour barrier in ice hockey and is referred to by the media as the “Jackie Robinson of ice hockey”.

– On January 31, 2011, Gabe Watson appeared in Judge Nail’s court to formally answer two charges: firstly, that he had kidnapped Tina and taken her to Australia with the intention of murdering her, and secondly, that he had then murdered her while Scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.

– His troops also were a barrier against thousands of “turncoats, deserters, cowards and suspected malingerers”.

– The gates remain closed until the tide downstream of the barrier falls to the same level as the water level upstream.

– In contrast with the helium nuclei which are positively charged, and therefore repelled by the strong electrical forces in the nuclei of heavy atoms, this new tool in atomic disintegration need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

– This shows that the Andean barrier existed during the formation of Chile.

– Usually, the player is diving to be the barrier to block the ball from hitting the court.

– Variability will rarely be a barrier to increased renewable energy deployment.

How to use the word barrier
How to use the word barrier

Example sentences of “barrier”:

– However, the placental barrier is not able to protect the fetus from everything that could hurt it.

– It is seen in reefs of East Africa, Japan, Samoa, New Caledonia, and the Great Barrier Reef.

– So barrier methods stand between the sperm and the ovum.

– The Indo-Bangladeshi barrier is a 4,000-kilometer fence that India is presently constructing to seal off the Indian-Bangladeshi international border from what was formerly East Bengal.

– Fire Island is a barrier island, approximately 31 miles wide, in Suffolk County, New YorkSuffolk County on the southern side of Long Island in the U.S.

– The barrier was closed twice on 9 November 2007 after a storm surge in the North Sea which was compared to the one in 1953.

– Sea ice also acts as a barrier between the sea and the air.

– When the Rock rock or earth barrier collapses, or is eroded, this triggers a flood.

– The Great Barrier Reef has 1,500 species of fish, and many other animals, algae, and corals.

– People who are against the barrier say that it is against international law because Israel and the Palestinians have not agreed where the border between them should be and have not reached a consensus.

– Length of larval life n twelve families of fishes at “One Tree Lagoon,” Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

– The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef.

- However, the placental barrier is not able to protect the fetus from everything that could hurt it.

- It is seen in reefs of East Africa, Japan, Samoa, New Caledonia, and the Great Barrier Reef.

More in-sentence examples of “barrier”:

– Thus, allowing their children to be in the front lines of the Birmingham Children’s Crusade was certainly a barrier for young people to overcome.

– The number 47 is hidden in various places as a reference to 1947, the year the sound barrier was broken.

– There is usually some sort of barrier which separates and protects the lagoon.

– Most river floods will not fill this volume in the few high tide hours when the barrier needs to be closed.

– And unlike barrier methods, hormonal methods do not interfere with sex.

– It uses dielectric barrier discharge, which is also known as plasma discharge.

– Between the barrier and the regular coastline is a lagoon.

– She wants to remove the barrier for Edward so he can access her mind.

– She ran into the Great Barrier Reef near Cape Tribulation.

– The second layer is a barrier layer which connects the ceramic layer to the middle layer.

– In video games, clipping problems, also called collision detection problems, occur when an object passes through a barrier that it was not intended to pass through.

– In 2016, bleaching of coral on the Great Barrier Reef killed between 29 and 50 percent of the reef’s coral.

– Because of her work, along with others, the Belize Barrier Reef was given UNESCO World Heritage status in 1996.

– Oosterscheldekering is a dam and storm surge barrier between the islands Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland.

– The partition wall works as a sound barrier and it is fire resistant.

– When the river is in flood upstream, if the gates are closed shortly after low tide, a huge empty volume holds behind the barrier which can act as a reservoir to hold the floodwater coming over Teddington weir.

– The Coral Sea Islands is a group of islands on the Great Barrier Reef, in the country of Australia.

– Israel-West-Bank barrier is a wall built by the IsraelState of Israel to separate Palestinian territories from Israel.

– They could also be a possible threat to nearby islands like the Little Barrier Island.

– The Belize Barrier Reef is home to many different plants and animals.

– Cape Lookout is southern point of the South Core Banks, one of the natural barrier islands on the Atlantic coast of North Carolina, USA.

– The Great Barrier Reef is in the Coral Sea.

– The barrier reef is the second-largest in the world.

– Thirty species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises have been seen in the Great Barrier Reef.

– McKayle was “among the first black men to break the racial barrier by means of modern dance.” Nancy Reynolds and Malcolm McCormick, “No Fixed Points: Dance in the Twentieth Century 345.

– It goes along the coast of Belize, about long Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System.

– This comprehensive guide describes the organisms and ecosystems of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, as well as the biological, chemical and physical processes that influence them.

– It can be thought of as a barrier between the reagents and the products of a reaction.

– Links inserted by named identifiers are presumed to lie behind a paywall or registration barrier – exceptions listed below.

– The blood–brain barrier is a highly selective permeability barrier.

– The mountains block the winds which can then form a low-level barrier jet.

– Note the deep water of the Lombok Strait between the islands of Bali and Lombok formed a water barrier even when lower sea levels linked the now-separated islands and landmasses on either side.

– Palau’s most important islands are Angaur, Babeldaob, Koror, and Peleliu, which lie together within the same barrier reef.

– PET :- Light, rigid or semi-rigid, naturally transparent or colorless, PET is an excellent moisture and gas barrier and is resistant to impacts.

– The blood–brain barrier protects the brain from many common infections.

– The barrier island of Sriharikota separates the lake from the Bay of Bengal and is home to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre.

– When the barrier is broken, biochemical events repair the damage.

– The idea of the Weismann barrier is central to the modern evolutionary synthesis, though it is not expressed today in the same terms.

– Before the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier was built, storm surges caused by hurricanes killed people and caused damage.

– However, some viruses, bacteria, and other germs are able to get through the blood-brain barrier and cause infections.

– During a reward trip, player and future runner-up Colby Donaldson broke an Australian law by breaking off coral from the Great Barrier Reef which could have gave him a fine of AU$110,000.

– Moisturizers are designed to either impart or restore hydration in the stratum corneum, which is an interactive, dynamic structure, and maintenance of hydration can impact its barrier function.

– Its mouth is formed by the Fort Morgan Peninsula on the eastern side and Dauphin Island, a barrier island on the western side.

– Because the sequence of values will converge towards a barrier, they are also known as barrier methods.

– This limits the injection of holes from the base into the emitter region, since the potential energypotential barrier in the valence band is higher than in the conduction band.

– Japanese-American Wataru Misaka broke the NBA color barrier in 1947–48.

– The Belize Barrier Reef has a number of small islands.

– The crown-of-thorns is well known for its destructive habits of eating coral, especially on the Great Barrier Reef, which is a World Heritage Site.

– Mass’s car touched Baldi’s, both went off the track and Mass hit the barrier and was then catapulted into grandstands full of people.

- Thus, allowing their children to be in the front lines of the Birmingham Children’s Crusade was certainly a barrier for young people to overcome.

- The number 47 is hidden in various places as a reference to 1947, the year the sound barrier was broken.

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