Use in sentence of “insect”

How to use in-sentence of “insect”:

+ The ants attack and kill insect pests of the orange trees.

+ Other forms of nets used in insect collecting include: Beating netbeat nets, fishing nets, and sweep nets.

+ Aldrin is not toxic to insects; it is oxidized in the insect to form dieldrin which is the active compound.

+ Anaphylaxis and insect allergy.

+ Some insect nymphs are aquatic, which means they live in water.

+ A sawfly is an insect belonging to suborder Symphyta of the Order order Hymenoptera.

+ The World’s first insect memorial.

+ The origins of insect flight remain obscure, since the earliest winged insects currently known appear to have been capable fliers.

Use in sentence of insect
Use in sentence of insect

Example sentences of “insect”:

+ It catches insect and small vertebrate prey disturbed by these animals.

+ Later, the insect is digested by secretion of the Pitcher plant.

+ In this way the insect is indirectly responsible for serious fires.

+ A butterfly is a usually day-flying insect of the order order Lepidoptera.

+ The plant has cells that make more mucilage in the place where the insect is.

+ His work on insects showed that the stages an insect life – Egg egg, larva, pupa, and adult – are different forms of the same animal.

+ They are highly popular among insect collectors.

+ In the winter, many insects go into something called diapause, which is the insect version of hibernation.

+ Like true woodpeckers, piculets have large heads, long tongues to get their insect prey and zygodactyl feet, with two toes pointing forward, and two backwards.

+ Animal behaviour: insect orientation to polarized moonlight.

+ The spray contains pungent-smelling volatile molecules which the insect gets from its food plant.

+ It catches insect and small vertebrate prey disturbed by these animals.

+ Later, the insect is digested by secretion of the Pitcher plant.
+ In this way the insect is indirectly responsible for serious fires.

+ This insect lives on cacti from the genus “Opuntia”, feeding on moisture and nutrients in the cactus sap.

+ The water strider is a true bug, an insect of the family Gerridae.

+ Bee is an insect in the show.

+ Dust can come from smoke, cotton, small bits of soap, pollen, mold spores, dried cat saliva, pieces of spider web, skin flakes, cloth fibers, insect fibers, or tiny bits of food.

+ Soybean oil has a component of oleic acid that can be used to make an insect repellent.

+ In June 2010, Brown came under media attention for matters relating to his spending on his council credit card and other council expense claims, which included items of a personal nature like toys, groceries and insect repellent.

+ Then the archerfish catches the insect and eats it.

+ The insect lives in tropical and subtropical South America, Mexico and Arizona.

+ Before DNA barcoding, scientists had to follow an insect or other animal around and watch it eat.

More in-sentence examples of “insect”:

+ In insect species GABA acts only on excitatory nerve receptors.

+ If the body of the insect changes direction in flight or rotates about its axis, the vibrating halteres exert a force on the body.

+ People can protect themselves from diseases that are spread by insects, like Lyme disease and malaria, by avoiding insect bites.

+ The insect detects this force with sensory organs at the base of the halteres.

+ In some groups, the elytra are fused together, and the insect is flightless.

+ A cocoon is a shell made of silk by most kinds of moth caterpillars and other insect larvae.

+ The body of an insect has three main parts: a head, a thorax, and an abdomen.

+ These are insect galls, caused by many little animals.

+ Pollination happens as the insect attempts to mate with flowers.

+ A large number of animals, all of the single insect Order order Hemiptera, feed directly on phloem sap, and make it the primary component of their diet.

+ The single factor which most causes this high number of species is phytophagy: the huge number of insect species, each eating one or a few plant species.

+ Eucalyptus oil is an insect repellent.

+ The sundew will then eat the entire insect except the outside exoskeleton.

+ The Titan stick insect is one of the largest stick insects in Australia.

+ They use this cooperation to exploit food sources and environments which would not be available to any single insect acting alone.

+ When an insect lands on the wall, it falls down into the liquid.

+ Annelids, nematodes, platyhelminthes, ribbon worms, arrow worms, priapulid worms, and some insect larvae are all of animals that are often called worms.

+ The monarch butterfly is an insect in the Nymphalidae family.

+ An insectivore is an animal or insect that eats mostly insects for food.

+ Ants are a kind of insect that lives together in large colonies.

+ In older adults, medications and insect bites or stings are more common triggers.

+ Almost all are solitary insects, and most are parasitoids—the larvae feeding on or in another insect which finally dies.

+ Fly is an insect in the show.

+ Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are produced by plants as a defence mechanism against insect herbivores.

+ The leaves are much bigger at this level and insect life is abundant.

+ Scientists have suggested the crucial insect may be a small beetle from the family Melyridae.

+ There are bumps on the skin that look somewhat like insect bites.

+ Farmers buy these parasitic wasps for insect control in their fields.

+ They are flapped rapidly and work as gyroscopes, telling the insect about its body position during flight.

+ Microbats find their insect prey in the dark this way.

+ A leaf miner is the larva of an insect which lives inside a leaf and eats it.

+ They sneak as close to an insect as they can, and then they jump onto the insect and immediately bite it.

+ Landing on the colorful tip, the insect will immediately be stuck.

+ A year later Finlay identified the mosquito of the genus Aedes as the insect transmitting yellow fever.

+ It is the longest insect in the world.

+ In some places, they have killed off 70% of the native ant species and 40% of other native insect species.

+ Hoverflies, sometimes called ‘flower flies’ or ‘syrphid flies’, are the insect family Syrphidae.

+ A record among insects, the Indian stick insect “Necroscia sparaxes” was seen coupled for 79 days at a time.

+ Other imperfect fungi are used for insect pest control.

+ This suggests good decision-making in its constant search for insect nests, and for a mate when reproducing.

+ In many species it is a piercing organ which allows the insect to put its eggs into a specific place.

+ Mitochondrial genomics and the new insect order Mantophasmatodea.

+ Other than that, BTNR also has rich bird and insect life.

+ The earliest damselfly-like insect and the origin of modern dragonflies.

+ The Pucciniomycotina include the rust fungi, the insect parasitic/symbiotic genus “Septobasidium”, a former group of smut fungi, and a mixture of odd, infrequently seen, or seldom recognized fungi, often parasitic on plants.

+ Typical examples are members of the Apocrita, and some species in two other insect order.

+ The honeydew then drops from the insect and makes a sticky layer on the plant.

+ The region is home to ~2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of species of plants, and some 2000 species of birds and mammals and a similar number of fish.

+ In insect species GABA acts only on excitatory nerve receptors.

+ If the body of the insect changes direction in flight or rotates about its axis, the vibrating halteres exert a force on the body.

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