“masses” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “masses”:

– The air masses separated by a front usually differ in temperature and humidity.

– Those with masses under the limit remain stable as white dwarfs.

– Some examples of early parody masses include the “Missa Malheur me bat”, “Missa Mater Patris”, and “Missa Fortuna desperata” by Josquin Desprez.

– The critical establishment was generally hostile to the novel; Taine found it insincere, Barbey d’Aurevilly complained of its vulgarity, Flaubert found within it “neither truth nor greatness” the Goncourt brothersGoncourts lambasted its artificiality, and Baudelaire – despite giving favorable reviews in newspapers – castigated it in private as “tasteless and inept.” “Les Misérables” proved popular enough with the masses that the issues it highlighted were soon on the agenda of the French National Assembly.

– Add all the molar masses of the elements together to get the molar mass of the chemical compound.

– The patterns of plant and animal distribution in the world’s ecozones was shaped by the process of plate tectonics, which has redistributed the world’s land masses over geological history.

– Two of his mass masses and eight motets have survived.

– After masses of hate mail, Hermione swears revenge on Skeeter.

masses some example sentences
masses some example sentences

Example sentences of “masses”:

– Mourning masses were held in churches.

– The remaining surface water, made dense by the extra salinity, sinks and produces dense water masses such as North Atlantic Deep Water.

– Plunder, masses of Looting, Force Conversion, Genocide, destruction, and rioting took place in Gujranwala, during 1947, August time.

– For example, to test Newton’s Law of Gravitation in our solar system, one needs information about the masses and positions of the Sun and all the planets.

– The regular stellar winds can only stand for a mass loss rate of about 10 solar masses per year.

– It is thought that the object has a mass similar to that of Neptune ~35 Earth masses Such a planet would also produce surface gravity greater than 7 times that on Earth.

– He also wrote masses including the “St Cecilia Mass”.

– Composers wrote many masses masses and motets.

– A protostar with less than 0.08 solar masses never reaches the 10 million K temperature needed for efficient hydrogen fusion.

– Scientists began noticing strangeness when these particles did not decay as quickly as their masses would have suggested they would have.

– Combatants at the First Battle were the United States Army and masses of Kiowas, Comanches, and Plains Apaches.

– The Iapetus Ocean was between continental masses that would at a much later time roughly form the opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

– Broken symmetries and the masses of gauge bosons.

– The air in this temperate zone cell moves according to the differences between moving masses in Hadley and Polar cells.

– This is done by comparing the relative concentrations among the atomic masses in the generated mass spectrum.

– Although an island is, in general, any land mass that is completely surrounded by water, some definitions exclude land masses large enough to be considered continents.

– In Sri Lanka the cyclone produced masses of rainfall which led to flooding and landslides across ten districts across the country.

– When air masses move up and over mountains, the air cools producing precipitation.

– This is because there is a lot of contact between cold and warm air masses which makes severe weather.

- Mourning masses were held in churches.

- The remaining surface water, made dense by the extra salinity, sinks and produces dense water masses such as North Atlantic Deep Water.
- Plunder, masses of Looting, Force Conversion, Genocide, destruction, and rioting took place in Gujranwala, during 1947, August time.

More in-sentence examples of “masses”:

- Some may have been of large ice masses that were carrying rocks and other glacial debris—dirty ice can appear convincingly similar to land.

- The Eastern Ghats are broken into several hill masses that are unlike each other and have a northeast-southwest trend along the Bay of Bengal.
- The large masses are called 'volcanic bombs'; they have mostly a rounded, elliptical or pear-shaped form owing to rotation in the air before they solidified.

– Some may have been of large ice masses that were carrying rocks and other glacial debris—dirty ice can appear convincingly similar to land.

– The Eastern Ghats are broken into several hill masses that are unlike each other and have a northeast-southwest trend along the Bay of Bengal.

– The large masses are called ‘volcanic bombs’; they have mostly a rounded, elliptical or pear-shaped form owing to rotation in the air before they solidified.

– The planets’ estimated minimum masses are between two and six times the Earth’s mass.

– Broadly speaking, areas near land masses get nutrients by rivers and wind.

– For planet 581f, they found a mass of 7.0 Earth masses and an orbit length of 433 days.

– Its mass is about 130 solar masses and its luminosity four million times that of the Sun.

– There are weekly masses held at the church.

– From this is got the massndash;luminosity relationship, and from this is got the masses of individual stars.

– For a long time, it has been known that the sum of the masses of objects that interact or of the chemicals that react remain conserved throughout these processes.

– By the middle of the 16th century, a large number of masses composed used the parody technique.

– Ockeghem based many of his masses on well-known tunes in a way that is called “cantus firmus technique”.

– It can be found by adding the molar masses of all of its elements.

– He is supposed to have written one of his masses in one night.

– Dust devils are twirling masses of air that form in the desert and send sand spinning.

– There are at most two masses which can be the endpoints of a walk.

– Careful experiments that measured the masses of gasses showed that the phlogiston theory was wrong.

– Anomalous Cepheid variables have masses higher than type II Cepheids, RR Lyrae variables, and our sun.

– Giebel’s career was based on the works of music such as cantatas, oratorios, passions, and masses and was thought to be one of the greatest Bach singers of her generation.

– The most important music of the early Renaissance was compose for use by the church—polyphonic masses and motets in Latin for important churches and court chapels.

– Most of the Northerners either ceased composing or followed the dictates of the regime for writing songs to mobilize the masses and strengthen the revolution.

– The monsters are trapped by the masses of plants.

– The Bergeron and Spatial Synoptic Classification systems focus more on where the air masses which help make climates come from.

– The power of social media is offering a platform where masses of people from different locations can rally up and protest for their cultural freedoms.

– Reaching latitude 30 degrees, the masses of air return to the rainy equator.

– A standard atomic weight is the mean value of relative atomic masses of a number of normal samples of the element.

– Air masses cover many hundreds or thousands of square miles.

– Stars weighing more than eight solar masses will become supernovae.

– He removed all features except the list of land masses and the bridges connecting them.

– This is because Kansas is in the area known as Tornado Alley, where cold and warm air masses come together to make severe weather.

– All the major land masses were collected together in the super-continent Pangaea.

– A weather front is a boundary in between two masses of air of different densities, and is the main cause of significant weather.

– In open water, if the wind continues to blow, as happens in the Roaring Forties in the southern hemisphere, long, organized masses of water called swell roll across the ocean.

– The article Joseph C Kalimbwe just as is Mcebo Dlamini and Chumani Maxwelle which are similar in every way as i created them, is of southern African student and political activists who represent black African community underprivileged masses who are excluded from opportunities through some inherent Apartheid rules set to tilt education to a few minority in Fees Must Fall.

– The female lays round masses of eggs on the egg-carrying legs of the male, which carries the eggs until they hatch.

– When two air masses of different temperatures meet, this is called a warm front or cold front.

– Supermassive black holes of billions of solar masses had already formed when the Universe was less than one billion years old.

– In 1990, the Holy See published the document “Norme per la celebrazione della Messa in esperanto”, allowing the use of Esperanto in Masses without special permission.

– This expelled gas forms a nebula about one parsec across, centered on Delta Cephei, and contains 0.07–0.21 solar masses of neutral hydrogen.

– He had to compose masses for the morning and evening services.

– The temple walls are covered with masses of flowering plants.

– The masses of the nucleus and the lepton orbiting the nucleus would remain unchanged.

– However, all four of the land masses in the original problem are touched by an “odd” number of bridges.

– It is used for important Masses and ceremonies.

– There are 14 mass masses that survive and other vocal works.

– Hundreds of Catholic masses were held in honour of the devout Vézina, and more than 1500 people went to the Chicoutimi cathedral for his funeral.

– The galaxy produces stars at the rate of 0.04–0.08 solar masses per year, which means that the gas supply in the galaxy can last for a few billion years longer.

– It occurs as a line of knobbly masses in chalk and some limestones.

– Their masses could then be found.

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