In sentence examples of “stellar”

How to use in-sentence of “stellar”:

– Arcturus is a stellar classificationtype K1.5IIIpe orange giant star, with an absolute magnitude of −0.30.

– The nebula is a huge stellar nursery.

– They are losing mass rapidly by means of a very strong stellar wind, with speeds up to 2000km/s.

– Extending beyond the stellar disk is a much thicker disk of gas.

– Even the ancient Greeceancient Greeks, who knew a lot about the stars and discovered some of the other ways they move, such as stellar precession, did not discover proper motion.

– A star system or stellar system is a small number of stars which orbit each other, bound by gravitational attraction.

– A stellar black hole is a type of black hole formed by the gravitational collapse of a star.

In sentence examples of stellar
In sentence examples of stellar

Example sentences of “stellar”:

– The stellar disc of the Milky Way does not have a sharp edge, a radius beyond which there are no stars.

– There are 59 known stellar systems within 20 light years from the Sun, containing 81 visible stars.

– As the two stellar bodies draw closer to one another, often one pulsar will absorb matter from the other, causing a violent accretion process.

– In 1839 he became director of the new Pulkovo Observatory and was one of the first three astronomers who almost simultaneously obtained an approximate stellar parallax.

– Open clusters are key objects in the study of stellar evolution.

– Betelgeuse is now in a later stage of stellar evolution.

– A stellar occultation observed on January 21, 2017 and described in an October 2017 “Nature” article indicated the presence of a ring around Haumea.

– Most elliptical galaxies are composed of older, stellar evolution#Low-mass starslow-mass stars, with a sparse interstellar medium and minimal star formation activity.

– Note: The conventional color description describe only the peak of the stellar spectrum.

– After a stellar career in the Western Hockey League with the Brandon Wheat Kings and Portland Winter Hawks, Agnew began his professional career with the Canucks in 1986.

– Heating of the solar and stellar coronae: a review.

– Contact binaries share the same stellar atmosphere, and as friction slows them over a long period, they may merge into one star.

– The first pair consists of two bright, large Stellar classificationtype-G giant stars, both with a radius about 10 times the Sun’s, in close orbit around each other.

– The massive stellar census will provide the basic observational data.

- The stellar disc of the Milky Way does not have a sharp edge, a radius beyond which there are no stars.

- There are 59 known stellar systems within 20 light years from the Sun, containing 81 visible stars.
- As the two stellar bodies draw closer to one another, often one pulsar will absorb matter from the other, causing a violent accretion process.

More in-sentence examples of “stellar”:

– These collections of stars by brightness and temperature are important when talking about stellar evolution.

– In 1957 he and his wife, together with William Alfred FowlerWilliam Fowler, the American physicist, and Fred Hoyle, the British astronomer, wrote a 104-page paper about stellar nucleosynthesis.

– Tidal stripping is when a larger galaxy pulls stars and other stellar material from a smaller galaxy.

– Most failed to live up to their candidacy, however, because the absence of lithium showed them to be stellar objects.

– Due to his stellar experience in the Fishing industry, Heredia was appointed as the Director of the Caribeña Cooperative which he served for 30 years, he still had his passion for the open sea and went out on fishing trips with Guillermo Nunez and/or Severo Castillo at least once a week their catches were then sold to the Cooperative.

– The star is losing mass by stellar winds.

– Long-lived, long-period radial velocity variations in Aldebaran: a planetary companion and stellar activity.

– The regular stellar winds can only stand for a mass loss rate of about 10 solar masses per year.

– Collisions between stellar remnants will create occasional supernovae.

– The giant red branches of the galaxy may have at least 1-2 billion years.«To Near-Infrared Stellar Census of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: The Wolf-Rayet Galaxy I Zw 36».

– It does not involve logic, just the practical fact that stellar distances are so great, and our ability to collect data from other bodies is limited.

– Between 2000–2009, strong evidence for a stellar mass black hole was discovered in an M 49 cluster.

– The many supernovae produced in the galaxy as well as the strong stellar winds of its stars have produced filaments and bubbles of emission nebulaionized hydrogen with respective sizes of up to 3,700 and 380 light years.

– Tholen based on ground-based stellar occultation observations on May 24, 1981, and given the designation S/1981N1 and said on 29 May 1981.

– Proof that the rings are incomplete first began in the mid-1980s, when stellar occultation were found to rarely show an extra “blink” just before or after the planet occulted the star.

– The stellar atmosphere is the outer region of a star.

– DARE will make the first measurements of the birth of the first stars and black holes and will measure the properties of the invisible stellar objects.

– This stellar system is currently one of the most massive that can be studied in detail.

– Scientists think that binary stars, stellar winds and magnetic fields might be some of the reasons planetary nebulae can look so varied.

– It was created by the strong stellar wind.

– The two most important stellar properties are mass and metallicity because it determines how these planetary systems form.

– The actual stellar source of the light detected no longer exists.

– Strong stellar winds blow the gas and plasma in the outer layer of the star outwards.

– In the end, supernova explosions and strong stellar winds from the most massive stars blow away the gases of the HII region.

– Its stellar wind is 30 times as strong.

- These collections of stars by brightness and temperature are important when talking about stellar evolution.

- In 1957 he and his wife, together with William Alfred FowlerWilliam Fowler, the American physicist, and Fred Hoyle, the British astronomer, wrote a 104-page paper about stellar nucleosynthesis.
- Tidal stripping is when a larger galaxy pulls stars and other stellar material from a smaller galaxy.

– Most compact stars are at the end of their stellar evolution.

– The Orion Orion OB1 stellar association is the group of hot giant stars in a large cluster.

– Hipparchus created a table of chord functions giving the length of the chord for each angle, and there are references to his using polar coordinates in establishing stellar positions.

– These days Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams are used to present stellar evolution in pictures to students.

– The stellar members of the Sco–Cen association have nearly parallel velocity vectors, moving at about 20km/s with respect to the Sun.

– We have room to include less than stellar topics as long.

– This flow of matter from one stellar body to another is known as an accretion disk.

– This movement is called stellar precession.

– After the war, the observatory began stellar and galactic astronomy and was renamed The Commonwealth Observatory.

– NGC 6822, a remote stellar system.

– White dwarfs are the final stellar evolutionevolutionary state of all stars whose mass is not high enough to become a neutron star.

– Much of this radiation is absorbed by the primary stellar wind.

– The average distance from Kepler-22b to its host star Kepler-22 is about 15% less than the distance from Earth to the Sun This combination of a shorter average distance from the star and a lower stellar luminosity are consistent with a moderate surface temperature at that distance if we assume that the surface is not subject to extreme greenhouse heating.

– A stellar system of two stars is known as a “binary star”, “binary star system” or “physical double star”.

– The star stellar classificationspectral classification and discovery of the Hubble sequence were all made using photographic paper.

– Hiàn will serve this community in a stellar fashion.

– The stars are much farther away than was generally assumed in ancient times; and the tiny amount of stellar parallax is only detectable with telescopes.

– It surrounds the Solar System and dominates our stellar neighbourhood.

– As its name indicates, the Westerlund 2 cluster was discovered by Bengt Westerlund in the sixties, but its stellar content was assessed only in later years.

– Kepler-22b is an extrasolar planet orbiting Stellar classificationG-type star Kepler-22.

– The cluster contains a large number of rare, evolved, high-mass stars, including: six yellow hypergiants, four red supergiants, 24 Wolf-Rayet stars, a luminous blue variable, many OB supergiants, and an unusual supergiant sgB star which may be the remnant of a recent stellar merger.

– Early theories suggested that an object less than 0.09 solar masses would never go through normal stellar evolution.

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