“unsafe” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “unsafe”:

– Heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation can be the cause of a burn.<!– Quote=The higher risk for females is associated with open fire cooking, or inherently unsafe cookstoves, which can ignite loose clothing.

– Serbia became unsafe and local leaders fought each other for control.

– Scientists who study they have “less” unsafe sex.

– They also wrote that NASA sometimes did unsafe things because people would get angry if the shuttle launches were delayed.

– They concluded that there was nothing unsafe going on on the set.

unsafe some ways to use
unsafe some ways to use

Example sentences of “unsafe”:

– They say this because people can make the water unsafe for the platypus.

– The growth in population has made the water unsafe again in many places, but round about 1900 a clean water supply was available in many parts of the world.

– The New Zealand Historic Places Trust who own the building have decided that it is unsafe to try to repair it.

– Another danger from using cocaine is the risk of infection when using unsafe ways of taking cocaine.

– At this time Thomas realized his basketball skills might help his family get out of poverty and the unsafe neighborhood.

– Dumbledore’s death in book six, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, made the location unsafe and the headquarters was moved to The Burrow as a result.

– If it has to land at an unsafe weight, the plane needs to be looked at for damage.

– Places that make them feel unsafe and increase their feelings of anxiety and panic.

– Michelin was unable to produce new tyres to replace the seven teams’ unsafe tyres.

– When a person is intoxicated, they may do dangerous things, such as having unsafe sex with a person they do not know, or getting into a violent fight with a person.

– Such abortions are usually called unsafe abortions, back-alley abortions or DIY abortions, mainly because the risk to the health of the mother is much higher than with abortions carried out by skilled doctors.

– These can cause blue-green algae to grow in the lake which makes the water unsafe for humans or animals.

– Stalking in a way that makes someone feel unsafe is a crime in many countries.

– The quarry was called unsafe and people could not use it.

– All the blocks of the quarters were then deemed unsafe for residence.

– If the emergency is serious, the 737 just needs to land at an unsafe weight.

– The city is entirely accessible and is relatively safe on the road, although it is unsafe to go around the city without a radiation dosimeter that measures exposure.

- They say this because people can make the water unsafe for the platypus.

- The growth in population has made the water unsafe again in many places, but round about 1900 a clean water supply was available in many parts of the world.

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