How to use in-sentence of “council of ministers”

How to use in-sentence of “council of ministers”:

+ The Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was legally the Soviet government.

+ He was a Vice-President of the Council of Ministers from 1976 until his death in 2019.

+ Sharq became Prime Minister of Afghanistan or Chairman of the Council of Ministers Council of Ministers of the Soviet-backed government, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

+ In 1988 the job of Prime Minister of Suriname was abolished and replaced by a Vice President, who chairs the Council of Ministers ex officio.

+ The Prime minister directs the executive branch of the union government, leads the union Council of Ministers and is responsible for enforcing federal laws.

+ The European Union, in the principal statement of its Badinter Committee, “The Badinter Arbitration Committee named for its chair, ruled on the question of whether the Republics of Croatia, Macedonia, and Slovenia, who had formally requested recognition by the members of the European Union and by the EU itself, had met conditions specified by the Council of Ministers of the European Community on December 16, 1991.

+ From 2011 to 2013, he was Secretary of the Council of Ministers of ItalySecretary of the Council of Ministers during the Mario Monti cabinet.

How to use in-sentence of council of ministers
How to use in-sentence of council of ministers

Example sentences of “council of ministers”:

+ The prime minister is the head of the Council of Ministers of Nepal.

+ It is also known as the Council of Ministers or the Executive Council.

+ In March 2021, the french council of ministers dissolved the movement.

+ The President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, informally called “Premier” or “Prime Minister”, is in charge of the Council of Ministers, and is appointed by the President, but must be approved by the Congress as with all members of the Council.

+ However, the Governor General could act on contrary to the advice of the Council of Ministers if any of his ‘special responsibilities’ was involved in such act.

+ He held several public offices, among them the most controversial being Prime Minister of PeruPresident of the Council of Ministers in the government of Alberto Fujimori.

+ The Chairman of the Council of Ministers controlled the government of East Germany.

+ He was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Office of the Council of Ministers from 2004 to his death, and started serving in the Cabinet in 1993.

+ Under the ADR, a the government was a parliamentary system in which a parliament, called the Milli Majlis electionelected on the basis of universal, free, and Council of Ministers was responsible before it.

+ He served as Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1975 to 1987.

+ He was also the First Vice President of the Council of State and Council of Ministers from 2013 to 2018.

+ The prime minister is the head of the Council of Ministers of Nepal.

+ It is also known as the Council of Ministers or the Executive Council.

+ The Prime Minister of India, is the head of government of India, chief adviser to the President of India, head of the Council of Ministers and the leader of the majority party in parliament.

+ The prime minister holds the executive power of the nation and represents the Council of Ministers and chairs its meetings.

+ On 17 March 2020, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared a state of emergency in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

+ Díaz-Canel served as Minister of Higher Education from 2009 to 2012; he was promoted to the post of Vice President of the Council of Ministers in 2012.

+ The council of ministers had to command the confidence of legislature.

+ In August 2013, the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia passed a new law to protect people who are attacked or hurt by members of their own family.

+ She also was on the Council of Ministers of the Economic Union of Central Africa.

+ The period of the most significant development of the city was from 1971, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR has adopted a decision “About the measures for further development of Kishinev city”, that secured more than one billon rubles of investments from the state budget, until 1991, when Moldova gained independence.

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