In-sentence examples of “curvature”

How to use in-sentence of “curvature”:

+ The waves can bounce between the ionosphere and the earth to reach receivers that are not in the line of sight because of the curvature of the Earth’s surface.

+ The sickle-claws of the dromaeosaurid “Deinonychus” have a curvature of 160 degrees, well within the range of climbing animals.

+ For an open soap film, the pressure difference is zero, hence the mean curvature is zero, and minimal surfaces have the property of zero mean curvature.

+ Indeed, on small scales compared to is the Gaussian curvature of the plane, an observer would have a hard time determining whether he is in the Euclidean or the hyperbolic plane.

+ The theorem is about the curvature of surfaces.

+ Einstein used mathematical objects called “tensors” to describe the curvature of spacetime to define gravity.

+ The theorem is “remarkable” because the starting “definition” of Gaussian curvature makes direct use of the position of the surface in space.

In-sentence examples of curvature
In-sentence examples of curvature

Example sentences of “curvature”:

+ This can also be phrased as a curvature in spacetime.

+ Modern philosophical materialists extend the definition to include other basic entities proven by science, such as energy, forces, and the curvature of space.

+ Radii of curvature in the axial direction are shown.

+ In mathematics, the lowercase is used to represent the curvature of a curve, while the uppercase Κ is used to represent an ordinal number which is also a cardinal number.

+ Previous studies had shown that the amount of curvature in a claw corresponded to what lifestyle the animal has: animals with strongly curved claws of a certain shape tend to be climbers, while straighter claws indicate ground-dwelling lifestyles.

+ The diagram shows how surface curvature of a tiny patch of surface leads to a net component of surface tension forces acting normal to the center of the patch.

+ Spacetime goes toward infinite curvature and matter is crushed to infinite density under the pull of infinite gravity.

+ The theorem states that curvature can be determined by measuring angles, distances and their rates on a surface alone.

+ But there is a problem in figuring out what that something is: a missing planet, badly calibrated test equipment, an unsuspected curvature of space, etc.

+ Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime.

+ So, the surface will push back against any curvature in much the same way as a ball pushed uphill will push back to minimize its gravitational potential energy.

+ This can also be phrased as a curvature in spacetime.

+ Modern philosophical materialists extend the definition to include other basic entities proven by science, such as energy, forces, and the curvature of space.
+ Radii of curvature in the axial direction are shown.

+ In German and French organs and organs built before 1920, the pedalboard will be straight without any fan curvature to it.

+ If one thinks of electron spin, or the curvature of space, these are not everyday ideas.

+ The Manning team also compared the curvature of the dromaeosarid “sickle claw” on the foot with curvature in modern birds and mammals.

+ A penis has a tubular shape while a clitoris has a hood covering and C curvature shape, and yet still tube-like, and rides along the body.

+ For example, he suggested that there was an atmospheric conducting layer many kilometers above the earth’s surface which could be used for sending long-distance radio-waves around the curvature of the earth.

+ Eunomia appears to be a stretched but fairly round body, with what appear to be four sides of differing curvature and noticeably different average compositions.

+ For the electromagnetic field, the curvature form is an antisymmetric matrix whose elements are the electric field and magnetic field: the electromagnetic tensor.

+ The Curvature of the shape is used, as well as its Euler characteristic.

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