How to use in-sentence of “zero”

How to use in-sentence of “zero”:

– Significant contributions to the decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero happened during this period in India.

– How can these animals evolve and persist? Since they do not breed, their fitness should be zero and any genes causing this condition should be eliminated from the population immediately.

– The first regularly published web based magazine was either Game Zero Magazine Right now, online gaming magazines and websites have many advantages over print-based magazines.

– Thus any series in which the individual terms do not approach zero diverges.

– And in all those cases, the total number of positive and negative charges of the atom’s protons and electrons sum to zero before and after the change.

– This is because when any of the two equations is equal to zero, the original equation is equal to zero because the two equations are multiplied together to form the quadratic equation.

How to use in-sentence of zero
How to use in-sentence of zero

Example sentences of “zero”:

- Ground zero is the name for the exact place where an explosion occurs.

- Then the scalar product of any vector with itself is a non-negative real number, and it is nonzero except for the zero vector.

– Ground zero is the name for the exact place where an explosion occurs.

– Then the scalar product of any vector with itself is a non-negative real number, and it is nonzero except for the zero vector.

– It stars Woody Allen, Zero Mostel, Danny Aiello, Michael Murphy and was distributed by Columbia Pictures.

– One is a natural number after zero and before two.

– But it was almost zero by 2005.Jessica Brown and Neil Bird 2010.

– See Passive house, Superinsulation, Self-sufficient homes, Zero energy building, Earthship, Straw-bale construction, MIT Design Advisor, Energy Conservation Code for Indian Commercial Buildings.

– For example, the Maya civilization developed a Maya scriptwriting system, built huge pyramids, had a complex calendar, and developed the concept of zero 500 years before anyone in the Old World.

– The “proof” above is incorrect because it divides by zero when it divides by “x”-“x”, because any number minus itself is zero.

– A good that is made available at zero price is not necessarily a free good.

– Apart from the choice of the zero point and name, this Julian day and Julian date are not directly related to the Julian calendar, although it is possible to convert any date from one calendar to the other.

– By repeatedly applying this formula to the generated guesses, the value of the guesses will approach a zero of the function.

– Converts four digit year to two with zero padding.

– The “number” zero is not the same as the “numeral” or “digit” zero, used in numeral systems using positional notation.

– All triangles are taken to exist in Euclidean geometry, so that the inside angles of each triangle sum to π radians ; therefore, for a right triangle, the two non-right angles are between zero and π/2 radians.

– Water pressure decreases to zero as it passes through the turbine blades and gives up its energy.

– However, the point one centimeter to the left of the zero point cannot be point one, since there is already a point called one.

– An eigenspace of “A” is the set of all eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue together with the zero vector.

More in-sentence examples of “zero”:

– He meets Zero Two when his class is doing their graduation ceremony.

– The simplest possible window function is rectangular: It is 1 inside the domain of interest, and zero everywhere else.

– In machine code and many programming languages, one means true and zero means false.

– There is a mark for zero and every other number, in order of size.

– He decided that zero on his temperature scale would be set at the standard barometric pressure at sea level.

– Normally speaking, there was no year zero between 1 BC and 1 AD.

– The Heaviside function, often written as “H”, is a non-continuous function whose value is zero for a negative input and one for a positive input.

– The pilots of other Zero planes flying with Koga thought that he might be alive.

– Instead of the normal method of downloading a software package, extracting it, and installing it before it can be used, packages distributed using Zero Install need only to be opened and usually comes in Application Directory format.

– If both bits are 0 the result 0, if one bit is 1 and the other is zero the result is 1, and if both bits are 1 the result is 0.

– The model says that after a finite time there will be a final singularity, called the “Big Rip”, in which the observable universe will reach zero size and all distances will reach into infinite value.

– The invisible zero may in fact be replaced by any other string, by specifying the string as the first optional parameter.

– More ways could be using zero cost choices, using barter, and having a good knowledge of prices.

– If hour, or minutes are missing, zero is assumed.

– So if the words “natural numbers” are not used, then there will be less confusion about whether zero is included or not.

– Overview on deepmind and its AlphaGo Zero AI.

– However, there is a year zero in astronomical year numbering as well as in all Buddhist and Hindu calendars.

– The Akutan Zero was very important to the American war effort.

– One of the base assumptions of the potential flow assumption is that the vorticity is zero almost everywhere, except in a boundary layer or a stream-surface immediately bounding a boundary layer.

– I must say though, I see absolutely zero consensus to make it a 6 month ban.

– They are redirected from, where “n” is a number from zero to the total number of VGAs minus one.

– In front of the studio of each set, multiple large barrels filled with non-combustible paint were lined up, and a large fan for special effects equipped with a Zero fighter plane engine was brought out and installed on each barrel.

– After the British Mandate of Palestine, the new Kilometer Zero was moved to the nearby Jaffa Gate.

– The team lost four games to zero in the finals to the New York Islanders.

– Some people think that at absolute zero particles lose all energy and stop moving.

- He meets Zero Two when his class is doing their graduation ceremony.

- The simplest possible window function is rectangular: It is 1 inside the domain of interest, and zero everywhere else.
- In machine code and many programming languages, one means true and zero means false.

– Entering a day as zero is regarded as the previous day.

– If an overdose is suspected, dial triple zero for an ambulance immediately.

– This is done by making the zero rather egg-shaped and the O more circular, but most of all by cutting open the zero on the upper right side, so the circle is not closed any more.

– In laminar flow through a pipe, it is assumed that the velocity of the fluid is zero at the boundaries of the pipe and is at a maximum in the center; mathematically, the velocity profile is parabolic.

– It is where the two Auto racingexhibition races, the Advance Auto Parts Clash, Can-Am Duel, and the two points-paying races, the Daytona 500 and Coke Zero Sugar 400 is held.

– In practice, when rounding large sets of sampled data, because it will still preserve the hyperbolic convergence towards zero of the overall mean roundoff error bias and of its standard deviation.

– PF ranges from zero to one.

– The number Triple Zero was chosen for several reasons, one of which was that it was easy to dial in darkness because the number zero was next to the finger stop on most Australian telephones.

– Over hundreds of years, the idea of zero was passed from country to country, from India and Babylon to other places, like Greece, Persia and the Arab world.

– Criticism of the work being done at Ground Zero was made in 2008 and 2009, when there was no work being done at the site.

– The idea of zero was first thought about in Babylon, India and in Central America at different times.

– An initial “guess value” for the location of the zero must be made.

– A search gives zero hits.

– Larry Silverstein said that the entire site would be completed in 2037, and that billions of dollars have been spent on rebuilding the site, even though Ground Zero “is still a hole in the ground.” During an interview for the episode, Silverstein said, “I am the most frustrated person in the world…I’m seventy-eight years of age; I want to see this thing done in my lifetime”.

– In general for 100, 1000, 10000 and so on, multiply by ten for repeatedly for each zero in that number.<!– to the right.

– Sequence numbers are almost always non-negative, and typically start at zero or one.

– A semiconductor is a material with a small but nonzero band gap which behaves as an insulator at absolute zero temperature but allows heat to excite electrons enough to jump into its conduction band at temperatures which are below its melting point.

– Spacecraft starting from the surface of Earth has a zero initial speed.

– The closer that “w” is to −1, the closer the denominator is to zero and the further the Big Rip is in the future.

– For example, a photon has zero mass and a neutrino has zero charge.

– In zero gravity, there is nothing to push against, so they just float in the air.

– After Zero Two’s partner is killed by a klaxosaur, Hiro volunteers to become her new partner.

– The symbol for the number zero is “0”.

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