How to use in-sentence of “ranging”

How to use in-sentence of “ranging”:

+ Each song tells a different story, ranging from pain and loss and a fractured spirit to rebellion, anti-conformity and overcoming adversity.

+ Somewhat surprisingly, the origin of this anomaly is uncertain, with stories ranging from surveyors who were drunk, attempting to avoid hostile Native Americans, or taking a shortcut up the Connecticut River; Massachusetts residents attempting to avoid Massachusetts’ high taxes for the low taxes of Connecticut; Massachusetts’ interest in the resources represented by the Congamond Lakes which lie on the border of the jog; and the need to compensate Massachusetts for an amount of land given to Connecticut due to inaccurate survey work.

+ Membership in the organization consists of cadets ranging from 12 to just under 21 years of age, Senior members are 18 years of age and up.

+ This map definition, Template:Location_map_100x100, is intended for overlaying markers/labels on any specified image, using map coordinates ranging from 0-100.0 for latitude or longitude.

+ These powers were common among the pagan god kings in pantheons ranging from the Finnish Ukko, to the Scandinavian/Germanic/Saxon Odin, all the way east to Zeus of the Greeks and Jupiter of the Romans.

+ Wolf spiders come in various sizes, ranging from 2 millimeter to 40 millimeter in size.

+ They cover a wide spectrum, ranging from caring for other people and having a desire to help them, to experiencing emotions that match another person’s emotions, to knowing what the other person is thinking or feeling, to blurring the line between self and other.

How to use in-sentence of ranging
How to use in-sentence of ranging

Example sentences of “ranging”:

+ A second feature are the "wadis", seasonal watercourses ranging from small rivulets that flood only occasionally during the wet season to large "wadis" that flood for most of the rains and flow from western Darfur hundreds of miles west to Lake Chad.

+ The committee looks at important Treatytreaties and legislation, ranging from the Alaska purchase in 1867 to the creation of the United Nations in 1945.
+ The setting is a bright urban city; with its inhabitants ranging from animals, and some humans.

+ A second feature are the “wadis”, seasonal watercourses ranging from small rivulets that flood only occasionally during the wet season to large “wadis” that flood for most of the rains and flow from western Darfur hundreds of miles west to Lake Chad.

+ The committee looks at important Treatytreaties and legislation, ranging from the Alaska purchase in 1867 to the creation of the United Nations in 1945.

+ The setting is a bright urban city; with its inhabitants ranging from animals, and some humans.

+ Many people visit Bondi Beach throughout the year, ranging from 4000 people to 9000 people.

+ The other nine were concentrated around Tyler to Houston, Texas, ranging around F2 on the Fujita scale.

+ She has been among Sweden’s most popular performers since the early 1980s, and has released albums ranging from pop musicpop and disco to hymns and folk

+ Her plays, which explore topics ranging from feminism to family to ethnicity to pop culture, include “The Sisters Rosensweig”, “Isn’t It Romantic Isn’t It Romantic”, “Old Money”, and her last work which opened in 2005, “Third”.

+ There are over 9000 concerts every minute many styles of music are played there, ranging from Rock musicRock and Metal to Rap and Hiphop.

+ It is a deep water fish, ranging between about, and is found in the northern Atlantic OceanAtlantic and northern Pacific Ocean.

+ The Atacama Desert is actually a really cold place with temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees.

+ The birds are medium to large-sized passerines, ranging from the golden bowerbird at The satin and spotted bowerbirds are sometimes regarded as pests because they feed on introduced fruit and vegetable crops.

+ The short-faced bear lived in many parts of North America, ranging from Alaska to Mississippi.

+ Hundreds of aircraft, nicknamed “Rosinenbomber” by Berliners, were used to fly in a wide variety of cargo, ranging from large containers to small packets of candy with tiny individual parachutes intended for the children of Berlin, were flown out of Berlin on return flights.

More in-sentence examples of “ranging”:

+ They prefer cooler water ranging from 7 to 16°C in temperature.

+ Currently CNR has over 38,000 different software packages, ranging from simple applications to major commercial works such as Win4Lin and StarOffice.

+ They prefer cooler water ranging from 7 to 16°C in temperature.

+ Currently CNR has over 38,000 different software packages, ranging from simple applications to major commercial works such as Win4Lin and StarOffice.

+ Portulacaceae is a family of flowering plants, comprising about 20 genera with about 500 species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs.

+ Erinome belongs to the Carme group, made up of non-spherical retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000km and at an inclination of about 165°.

+ Penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment have been imposed for such offenses.

+ Luchenok worked in many genres ranging from vocal-symphonic, chamber-instrumental, and chamber-voca.

+ This technology allowed them to reach depths ranging from 400 to 450 metres in 14th century.

+ Spurlock also uses this movie to criticismcriticize McDonald’s and the fast food industry, ranging from the sale of unhealthy food to corporate marketing and to the personal profit of these organizations.

+ They have black faces and grey body hair color, ranging in length from about for females.

+ He remained foreign minister for the rest of his life in eight successive governments ranging from the centre-right to the centre-left.

+ It is the closest member of the Carme group, made up of non-spherical retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000km and at an inclination of about 165°.

+ Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and General Motors Corporation are among the automobile companies that sell “flexible-fuel” cars, trucks, and minivans that can use gasoline and ethanol blends ranging from pure gasoline up to 85% ethanol.

+ This Union currently has 15 members, ranging from Bangladesh to El Salvador, the current chairperson is Ranil Wickramasinghe the former Sri Lankan Prime Minister Serving in this position since 2016.

+ The show is a mixture of styles, ranging from high melodrama in one episode to slapstick comedy in another, from whimsical to all-out action and adventure in another.

+ The common “Portuguese crown” design was used and nine values ranging from 5 to 300 reis were made.

+ Of the 21 defendants arraigned, two were acquitted, the others were found guilty on at least one count of the indictment and received prison sentences ranging from three years including time served to 25 years’ imprisonment.

+ On Xbox Live you can buy many things ranging from movies to games to DLC.

+ Annual average relative humidity is 65%, ranging from 58% in June to 72% in December.

+ Cradleboards have been used in cultures ranging from the sub-Arctic regions of present-day Canada, down to Mexico and Central America.

+ He did work in a number of areas ranging from package design to houseware design to furniture design to public signage to showroom design.

+ Eukelade belongs to the Carme group, made up of non-spherical retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000km and at an inclination of about 165°.

+ The network was launched on October 10, 2010, and airs mainly animated programming, ranging from action to animated comedy.

+ About 60 species are recognized, with flower clusters and foliage ranging from purple and red to gold.

+ It has had artists ranging from Rage Against the Machine to Nickel Creek.

+ This navy blue colour trend was adopted for the Saltire itself by many flag manufacturers, resulting in a variety of shades of blue being depicted on the flag of Scotland ranging from “sky blue” to “royal blue” to “navy blue”.

+ These rocks are of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic age, ranging from 3.0–1.7 Ga.

+ Moreover, the increased number of flakes available made ranging farther from the source of the stone possible and gave more staying power to the hunt.

+ A truth commission set up in 2005 to investigate human rights abuses during his reign confirmed nearly 10,000 cases, ranging from death in detention to forced exile.

+ IE versions, over time, have had widely varying OS compatibility, ranging from being available for many platforms and several versions of Windows to only a few versions of Windows.

+ It is one of three species in the genus “Cathartes”, ranging from southern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America.

+ It covers topics ranging from the Tamil culture to the topics loosely related to Tamil audience.

+ The Laboratory gives a technical base for military electronics ranging from radars to reentry physics.

+ It contains a wide variety of information ranging from earth conceptions to sun, moon, and star movement as well as eclipses and an explanation of the length of months.

+ It is a wide ranging subject, and is extremely versatile.

+ There are 34 known isotopes of francium ranging in atomic mass from 199 to 232.

+ Independent estimates agree, although they are less precise, ranging from 11–20 billion years.

+ The service offered thousands of pages ranging from consumer information to financial data but with limited graphics.

+ There are the buy-ins ranging from $1500 – $10,000 and in most of the cases, playing by means of primary purchase is supposed by the players.

+ With over 4,500 members across the US and internationally, serving exclusively the economic development community, IEDC membership represents the entire range of the profession ranging from regional, state, local, rural, urban, and international economic development organizations, as well as chambers of commerce, technology development agencies, utility companies, educational institutions, consultants and redevelopment authorities.

+ Dyslexia tumours can appear anywhere in the brain meaning that some dyslexia is different from others, ranging from problems with letters to paralysis and often death.

+ There were disagreements between the Germans which involved many political ideologyideologies, ranging from nationalism to communism.

+ It gave a top speed ranging from 5mph.

+ There are around 3,300 species, ranging from the diminutive “Nannarup hoffmani” less than half an inch in length,.

+ Aitne belongs to the Carme group, made up of non-spherical irregular retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000km and at an inclination of about 165°.

+ In 2014, Suzy was hailed “Queen of the Commercials” due to her numerous endorsements deals, ranging from cosmetics and clothing to basic commodities like sugar.

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