“thus” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “thus”:

+ It was in this essay, that Hooker announced his support for the theory of evolution by natural selection, thus becoming the first recognised man of science to publicly back Darwin.

+ Most are made of glass, thus are fragile and can break.

+ Variations in the process, which might affect the quality of the end-product or service can be detected and corrected, thus reducing waste as well as the likelihood that problems will be passed on to the customer.

+ The entropy has thus decreased.

+ They found the Zamzam Well which led to people settling nearby, and thus Makkah was born.

+ It has an area of 164.54km² and an population of 1,797,715, Estimasi Penduduk Menurut Umur Tunggal Dan Jenis Kelamin 2014 Kementerian Kesehatan It is thus the eighth most populated suburb in the world.

thus some example sentences
thus some example sentences

Example sentences of “thus”:

+ Pollux and Castor were also known for their boxing abilities and were thus the gods of athletes and athletic competitions.

+ After the war, the area beyond Edgware was made part of the Metropolitan Green Belt, largely preventing the anticipated residential development in the area, and the potential demand for services from Bushey Heath thus vanished.
+ Terms like Kargil "conflict", Kargil "incident" or the official military assault, "Operation Vijay", were thus preferred.

+ Pollux and Castor were also known for their boxing abilities and were thus the gods of athletes and athletic competitions.

+ After the war, the area beyond Edgware was made part of the Metropolitan Green Belt, largely preventing the anticipated residential development in the area, and the potential demand for services from Bushey Heath thus vanished.

+ Terms like Kargil “conflict”, Kargil “incident” or the official military assault, “Operation Vijay”, were thus preferred.

+ Another prime objective of a Medical Social Worker is assisting patients along with staff members to cope with psychosocial problems associated with ill health Levine Herbert, 1997 and thus promote the overall wellness of theirs.

+ This led to a peaceful transition after his death, thus founding the Nerva-Antonine dynasty.

+ On September 4, 2012, Marois led her party to minority victory in the Quebec general election, thus becoming the first female premier in the province’s history.

+ Opponents of the law often argue that sexual orientation and gender identity are a choice, unlike other protected factors such as gender, race race and religion, and thus should not be equally protected.

+ Cooperation is thus hypothesized to be a logical next step among the BRICs because Brazil and Russia together form the logical commodity suppliers to India and China.

+ Consequently, no Roman Senatesenators were put to death during his reign; he thus kept to his promise that he would assume the office of banished from the city.

+ Usually airports that don’t have this information are used for general aviation, thus the template’s name.

+ Sarcomas, or cancers arising from connective tissue cells, are particularly good at amoeboid movement, thus leading to their high rate of metastasis.

+ It thus provide services such as ship building, repairing and the moving of goods among ships.

+ For dotted lists that use small font and thus need a bigger dot.

+ New name lists are used every year, whilst a name is normally only used once so thus no names are retired.

+ Most automobiles enclose people and cargo in a closed compartment with a roof, doors and windows, thus giving protection from weather.

More in-sentence examples of “thus”:

+ On 29 August 1756 his well-prepared army crossed the frontier and invaded Electorate of SaxonySaxony, thus beginning the Seven Years’ War which lasted until 1763.

+ Señorita Pólvora follows Valentina, a young, beautiful and wealthy woman who falls for a hit man and thus discovers that the love of his life, and his own family, belong to one of the most powerful of Mexico drug cartels.

+ Over time, the connection to war, and thus to death, led to Wepwawet also being seen as one who opened the ways to, and through, Duat, for the spirits of the dead.

+ After the death of President Paul von Hindenburg on 2 August 1934, Hitler assumed the office of Reichspräsident, and thus became commander in chief.

+ He was the only Soviet leader to have been born after the October revolution and was thus a product of the Soviet Union having grown up in it.

+ As Christopher Nolan’s debut feature, it was designed to be as inexpensive as possible to make: scenes were heavily rehearsed so that just one or two takes were needed, thus economising on 16 mm film stock, the production’s greatest expense, and for which Nolan was paying from his salary.

+ It thus appears that the Nazis inspected Jasenovac, possibly due to doubts they had about Ustaše devotion to the extermination of Jews.

+ Afterwards, Lesnar missed an attempt to knock Goldberg down, allowing Goldberg to execute another spear and a successful Jackhammer maneuver that led to a three count for Goldberg, thus winning the match.

+ It thus includes the mountainous complex of Beni Iznasen the Triffa plain and the north of Angad plain.

+ Since then, both IBM Lotus and Microsoft have introduced federation between their EIM systems and some of the public IM networks thus employees may use a single interface to both their internal EIM system and their buddies on AOL, MSN, and Yahoo!.

+ The storm was forecast to strengthen further and become a hurricane as it moved into the Bahamas and thus into the Gulf of Mexico.

+ Doing so will cause the game’s protagonist or avatar to dance or play their instrument correctly, thus achieving a greater score.

+ This thus allows the monopoly to have money to do costly innovation or become more cost efficient in producing the products or services.

+ After the group stages, Mumbai Indians won 10 out of their 14 matches thus qualifying them for the playoffs.

+ Blue-footed booby parents, meanwhile, build nests with steeper sides, thus preventing some older chicks from engaging in siblicidal behaviour.

+ This list is used by MediaWiki to know what pages are disambiguation pages, and thus not articles.

+ Most animal manure is feces–excrement of plant-eating mammals which has been used as bedding for animals and thus is heavily contaminated with their feces and urine.

+ This term simply means “Path of Awakening” and is thus a form of dharma.

+ On 7 January 1945, Hitler agreed to withdraw all forces from the Ardennes, including the “SS Panzer” divisions, thus ending all offensive operations.

+ Other than the llama, these animals are not ruminants and thus tend to pass plant fibres undigested in their dung.

+ Post Office requested permission to drop one “t” thus becoming Atwood.

+ However, once King Minos saw the bull, he refused to sacrifice the bull, kept it for himself, and sacrificed another bull to Poseidon, thus angering him.

+ The daughter of Michael Bowes-Lyon and Elizabeth Margaret Cator, her paternal aunt was Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, and she was thus a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon.

+ They lay two kinds of eggs: thin-walled eggs that hatch quickly, and thick-walled eggs that are believed to be resistant to freezing, and thus capable of over-wintering and hatching in the spring.

+ On 29 August 1756 his well-prepared army crossed the frontier and invaded Electorate of SaxonySaxony, thus beginning the Seven Years' War which lasted until 1763.

+ Señorita Pólvora follows Valentina, a young, beautiful and wealthy woman who falls for a hit man and thus discovers that the love of his life, and his own family, belong to one of the most powerful of Mexico drug cartels.
+ Over time, the connection to war, and thus to death, led to Wepwawet also being seen as one who opened the ways to, and through, Duat, for the spirits of the dead.

+ Special relativity would apply when the energy density across 3D space is uniform, and so the gravitational field is scaled uniformly from location to location, why an object experiences no acceleration and thus no gravitation.

+ The testimonies were utilised as prime evidence against the accused and were thus used to give the judgement in the case.

+ It is thus possible to find 2×4s that are four, eight, or twelve feet in length.

+ Roman soldiers would have thus looked much like Greek “hoplites”.

+ The first machine to combine all the disparate elements of the previous half-century of innovation into the modern sewing machine was the device built by English inventor John Fisher in 1844, thus a little earlier than the very similar machines built by the infamous Isaac Merritt Singer in 1851, and the lesser known Elias Howe, in 1845.

+ Both the German Empire and United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandUnited Kingdom relied heavily on imports to feed their population and supply their war industry; thus both aimed to blockade each other.

+ He was the founder of the House of Orléans, a cadet branch of the ruling House of Bourbon, and thus the direct ancestor of Louis Philippe I, who ruled France from 1830 till 1848 in the July Monarchy.

+ The slower runners from Group B thus have ranks of 5, 7, 8, and 9.

+ About the selection of the articles to be added to new subpages and thus to be shown on the main page in future, I would like to propose myself and Creol, as the two people who are responsible to maintain the process.

+ Another less famous “conquest” took place in 1502, when Andreas Paleologus, de jure Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, left Ferdinand and Isabella as heirs to the empire, thus Ferdinand became de jure Roman Emperor.

+ Many of these beliefs are still relevant in the modern world and thus the sutta provides Buddhist scholars with much information to ponder about the Buddha’s teachings.

+ Their shared votes were larger than that of English, thus defeating him.

+ He was thus pleased to become Eisenhower’s deputy in creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s European forces in 1951.

+ Beutler thus discovered the key sensors of microbemicrobial infection in mammals.

+ The numbers run from Jupiter outward, thus I, II, III and IV for Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto respectively.

+ They are only notable for one event and thus fail notability requirements.

+ For and the early “mimamsa” school do not accept a IshvaraGod while accepting the authority of the Vedas; they thus are “atheistic “astika” schools”.

+ Dental floss can do most things that a toothpick can do but dental floss is much thinner than a toothpick and can thus get to places that most toothpicks cannot reach.

+ The party was thus born out of the meeting of four major French political traditions: Gaullism, Liberalism and Radicalism.

+ Later on, it fell under Sikh rule until 1849, when the Punjab was annexed by the East India Company and thus British rule lasted here until 1947.

+ Gia, Chrissy, and Jessica refuse to do them, thus reducing the spending money to $125.

+ While this template does parameter preprocessing, thus simplifying the code.

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