In sentence use of “believe”

How to use in-sentence of “believe”:

+ Many people believe Shakespeare was one of the best playwrights.

+ They believe in witchcraft and practice trial by ordeal.

+ I do not believe that this user is acting in good faith 1.

+ Muslims consider the prophet Muhammad to be the last of the prophets, Islam 101 and believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s use of these terms is a violation of the concept of “finality of prophet hood”.

+ They believe that priests and rituals are unnecessary and can get between the believer and God.

In sentence use of believe
In sentence use of believe

Example sentences of “believe”:

+ They believe the whole of Jewish history, and world history, is part of this process.

+ I truly believe the mistakes I’ve made here are as important as my contributions.

+ Zoroastrians believe people are free to choose between good and bad.

+ The only person who was ever in the same room as the victim was his wife but Baley doesn’t believe she did it.

+ Jack had left the village in 1964 and Pat subsequently married Tom Merrick and made him believe he was the father, even claiming that Jackie was born prematurely, which was not the case.

+ Aboriginals believe that people have a part of them that will live forever.

+ The pro-life movement, also called the anti-abortion movement, is a group of people who believe that human life begins at conception and that the life of unborn children should be protected.

+ The Taliban believe that the ancient statues were un-Islamic and that they had a right to destroy them.

+ Historians believe that Washington’s death helped change the way people view lynching.

+ Decent people won’t believe too many angry remarks that others say about you.

+ Christians believe that demons were angels that went bad.

+ Many observers believe the group is linked to al-Qaeda.

+ I do admit that I do tend to get a little caught up in things, but I really believe that, since the IamAR issue, I have learned to control my feelings and remove myself, or not even participate in discussions that I know will get me angry in.

+ At the end of time, Jesus will Second Comingcome back to Earth to everlasting life to those who believe in him.

+ Many mathematicians believe that there are an infinite amount of Sophie Germain primes, but this has not been proven.

+ They believe the whole of Jewish history, and world history, is part of this process.

+ I truly believe the mistakes I've made here are as important as my contributions.
+ Zoroastrians believe people are free to choose between good and bad.

More in-sentence examples of “believe”:

+ He did not believe that intelligence was a measurable fixed entity.

+ I’ve QD tagged this at least twice, I believe it’s been gotten before by someone else and this is only in the space of a few days.

+ Those who do believe form the Resistance, led by Leia.

+ Jesus, who was related to Adam only through Jesus’ mother, had no sin, and died to remove the sins of those who believe in him.

+ They believe in religious pluralism- that people are free to decide what they believe and how they use it in their lives.

+ Some people who are not Christians believe that Jesus lived at the time that the Gospels say, but do not believe that Jesus was the “Son of God” or “Savior”.

+ The natives believe they come down with the rain.

+ I believe it is important, well written, and has been looked over/tweaked by a number of editors, including several administrators.

+ Subjective: I believe the content is inaccurate.

+ Thus, I believe they fail GNG.

+ Buddhists believe that there are many Buddhas.

+ They believe Jesus of Nazareth appointed the first bishops, who appointed future bishops, who eventually appointed each community’s current bishops.

+ A great number of people believe that fondue is a very old country way to make food of hard cheese and hard bread.

+ They don’t believe that such miracles happen today.

+ While everyone decorates and writes letters to Santa, Squidward refuses to believe in Santa and all the Christmas cheer.

+ Why is everyone agitated if this is that user named “Ionas68224” because I seem to see the block on the user named “Ionas68224” was for “disruption”, I do not believe that I would require a block because I haven’t disrupted, unlike ionas68224.

+ Given that the two are different, one with an “er” in it, I believe some standardization is necessary.

+ If there’s a huge anti-one-element-category campaign, then I’ll delete them, but I firmly believe that articles should not use red-linked categories.

+ Muslims believe that Jesus was the son of Mary.

+ However, some other wiccans believe that the goddess is more important than the god.

+ Traditional Jews also believe that all of the commandments must still be followed today.

+ They believe that there is no afterlife.

+ So while the app may be notable for an article I don’t believe the creator meets out standards for a standalone article.

+ They believe that the real world is intertwined with and presided over by the spirit world.

+ I believe it is well written enough and meets all of VGA criteria.

+ HinduismHindus believe that Balram was the older brother of Krishna.

+ Scientists believe the Bramble Cay melomys is extinct.

+ Ironically, there is no group that claims to believe in or teach tritheism; the term is solely used as an accusation against others, somewhat similar to the usage of the word “cult”, in accusing a group of holding an alternate or distorted view of the Christian doctrine of Trinity.Chapman, John.

+ It doesn’t meet criteria 2, but I believe that can be fixed.

+ Shaivas believe that Shiva is All and in all, the creator, preserver, destroyer, revealer and concealer of all that is.

+ This combination of subjects has led experts in Prehistorypre-historic art and cultures to believe that there was likely a magical aspect to these paintings.

+ That is why these do not convince people that they are intelligent and still cause them to believe they do not deserve to be where they are.

+ I for my part believe that you could make a great administrator here, but that there are certain things that need honing.

+ They believe Don Giovanni must have helped Leporello escape.

+ Jones and Williams head to a grave site where they believe Francisco de Orellana lies buried; legend tells that he found the crystal skull but was never found.

+ People are also doing things to help find missing women because they do not believe the government will help them.

+ In addition to the physical body, some believe humans also have a soul and believe that the soul can continue without a body.

+ Christians believe that these are three parts of One God.

+ My main issue is with his monitoring of a user which I believe to be me.

+ Later, the Chipmunks find an engagement ring in a bag Dave brought home and believe that he is going to propose to Samantha.

+ It can also show what people believe is happening in a place or time where it is impossible to know what really happens.

+ They believe it suggests that people with views on life based on nature are smarter than those with other views on life.

+ New Age people do all believe that a new future time is coming in which people will be more aware of their own special spiritual nature and this will make the world a different and better place.

+ Even when Huxley told him that one of his favourite mediums was a proven fraud, he refused to believe it.

+ Often this person can get others to believe what they say about what is right, without making any special effort to be fair to other views.

+ Abramoff and Kidan were said to have used a fake wire transfer to make people believe that they had made a $23 million down payment needed to qualify for a $60 million loan.

+ Scientists believe that the universe is more than 13 billion years old while the earth existed for 4.5 billion years according to scientific theory.

+ I believe they would be an outstanding addition to our cadre of sysops.

+ Some scientists believe that spontaneous symmetry breaking is the answer.

+ For example, it’s one reason why many people believe time travel to be dangerous.

+ He did not believe that intelligence was a measurable fixed entity.

+ I've QD tagged this at least twice, I believe it's been gotten before by someone else and this is only in the space of a few days.

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