“peculiar” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “peculiar”:

– He was known for his “Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies”, published in 1966.

– The people also built a very peculiar monument, the Fountain of the 99 Spouts.

– Overly often, peculiar ideas are treated as mainstream “everyone-should-know-nerdisms” which become some of the widespread quirks that appear, from day to day.

– Apparently, this species achieved its current, essentially land-locked distribution peculiar among sea-eagles due to the collision of Indian Plate with Eurasia.

– Works from this stage, including anthropomorphic themed drawings, announce the peculiar features that characterize his later works.

– The name column sorts correctly, but the number column behaves in a peculiar way.

peculiar example in sentences
peculiar example in sentences

Example sentences of “peculiar”:

– He also used in his peculiar movements and in numerous non – violent struggles in the motherland of India.

– The Vampyromorphida are characterized by the possession of photophores, a peculiar type of uncalcified endoskeleton called “gladius”, 8 webbed arms and the 2 velar filaments.

– Rather than maintaining some basic, core levels of simplicity, the multiple nerdisms start interfering with earlier peculiar features, and the result becomes “conflicting nerdisms” with almost unpredictable, expanding quirks.

– They show a peculiar distribution, with the peripatids being mainly equatorial and tropical, while the peripatopsids are all found in what used to be Gondwana.

– After waking up on a peculiar planet, Mario finds a playful star like creature, named a Luma and he must play hide and seek with the Luma and his friends to gain information about where he is.

– One peculiar ingredient is capsaicin which is main cause of hot taste.

- He also used in his peculiar movements and in numerous non - violent struggles in the motherland of India.

- The Vampyromorphida are characterized by the possession of photophores, a peculiar type of uncalcified endoskeleton called "gladius", 8 webbed arms and the 2 velar filaments.
- Rather than maintaining some basic, core levels of simplicity, the multiple nerdisms start interfering with earlier peculiar features, and the result becomes "conflicting nerdisms" with almost unpredictable, expanding quirks.

– The rush should be dry after harvesting, and keep the peculiar smell and the color of the rush.

– Although casinos later discontinued this peculiar payout, the name ‘blackjack’ or ‘black jack’ remained, as the game is known today.

– It’s peculiar that they have the final say in what goes into a scientists’ report”.

– Koalas have a peculiar way of cooling themselves.

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