“revolt” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “revolt”:

+ The first major slave revolt took place in Dominican Republic’s hills in 1522.

+ But the Albanians, influenced by the Parthian Empire were not slow to revolt against Rome: in 36 BC Mark Antony found himself obliged to send one of his lieutenants to bring an end to their rebellion.

+ David Franzoni’s screenplay was based on the book “Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and Its Impact on American Abolition, Law, and Diplomacy”.

+ However, they also think that capitalism will give way to communism; as the exploitation of workers becomes worse it will lead workers to revolt against their capitalist rulers.

+ In 1926 he attempted a revolt against the Spanish dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera.

+ He was inspired by the Russian revolutionaries who believed that armed revolt can only bring freedom.

+ John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by white peoplewhite abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859.

revolt how to use in sentences
revolt how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “revolt”:

+ Despite the deal, the French people later accused L’Ouverture of planning another revolt against the plantation owners.

+ The revolt was caused by Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries, which caused problems with around 500,000 monks and nuns.

+ The novel “Upanibesh” was the first attempt in Oriya Literature to focus the sexuality as a part of social revolt by any woman.

+ Had Brown succeeded, he intended to arm slaves in the south with weapons to revolt against their masters.

+ It again met from 1551 to 1552, when it was suspended due to a revolt against the emperor.

+ He fought the revolt of 1857 with many freedom fighters or leaders such as Rani Lakshmi bai, Tatya Tope and Mangal Pandey, etc against the East India Company and British army.

+ Despite the deal, the French people later accused L'Ouverture of planning another revolt against the plantation owners.

+ The revolt was caused by Henry VIII's Dissolution of the Monasteries, which caused problems with around 500,000 monks and nuns.
+ The novel "Upanibesh" was the first attempt in Oriya Literature to focus the sexuality as a part of social revolt by any woman.

+ The revolt took place between 1953 and 1959.

+ Afterwards, Mayapan ruled all of Yucatán until a revolt in 1450.

+ He tried to overthrow Ryan, but the revolt was violently crushed and Fontaine was said to be dead.

+ Over time, it changed from a simple revolt against the established order to a multi-sided civil war.

More in-sentence examples of “revolt”:

+ On New Year’s Eve of 1959, Atlas and his ADAM-infused followers began a new revolt against Ryan that spread throughout Rapture.

+ A citizen led revolt overthrew and killed the brutal new dictator General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam within 6 months of seizing power.

+ Flamank proposed that they should head for Kent, ‘the classic soil of protests’, the home of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 and Jack Cade’s rebellion, to rally the volatile men of Kent to their banner.

+ The southern kingdom, Judah, became rich inside the greater empires of the region before a revolt against Babylon led to it being destroyed early in the 6th century.

+ He also recorded the events of the Black Plague, the revolt of the Jacquerie, and other historical events that occurred in his lifetime.

+ During the revolt however, the Seljuk dynastySeljuks of Damascus were able to take back Banyas.

+ The Peasants’ Revolt was a rebellion of peasants in England, in 1381.

+ Ball was later killed after King Richard II after the Peasants Revolt was put to an end by the king.

+ He also believed that capitalism would unfairly treat many people and that those people would eventually revolt and switch to socialism.

+ Serving as a general in the Roman army along the German frontier, Trajan successfully put down the revolt of Antonius Saturninus in 89 AD.

+ The settlement and the bridge were destroyed in a revolt led by Queen Boudicca in 60 AD.

+ The Persians won the revolt and this led to the end of the war.

+ Eleanor supported a revolt by her children against their father’s rule in 1173.

+ He served as a soldier in the army of Henry IV of France against the Spaniards, fought for Dutch revolt from the Spanish King Philip II of Spain.

+ The conspirators also planned to kidnap the royal children, Alice Hogge, “God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth’s Forbidden Priests and the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot” HarperCollins p.344 and lead a popular revolt in the Midlands.

+ After the Revolt of 1857, the British East India Company rule ceased, and India came under the direct control of the British government.

+ This stopped the only effective resistance to William, and the revolt was quickly crushed.

+ Later in the revolt he was attacked and he died.

+ However, his efforts failed and the revolt was met with a harsh Macedonian reaction.

+ Marcus was now interrupted by a revolt in the east, led by the Roman general Avidius Cassius.

+ In 70 AD it was the scene of the Great Jewish Revolt resulting in the institution of the Fiscus Judaicus.

+ The Maccabean Revolt was an insurrection by Jewish patriots against the Seleucid Empire and parties who wished to adopt Greek culture.

+ They met in “tertulias” and decided in 1810 that a revolt against the colonial government was needed because Napoleon I had replaced the King of Spain with a French foreigner.

+ The very first time these colors were used together was back in 1916 when the flag of the Arab Revolt was designed.

+ She led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire.

+ On New Year's Eve of 1959, Atlas and his ADAM-infused followers began a new revolt against Ryan that spread throughout Rapture.

+ A citizen led revolt overthrew and killed the brutal new dictator General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam within 6 months of seizing power.

+ He hoped this show of strength would create a revolt against the Roman government.

+ It was he who brought the reinforcements after the revolt of Boudicca.

+ He soon became interested in politics and supported the Decembrist revolt of 1825 when a group of noblemen and army officers tried to put another tsar in power and make him less powerful.

+ Martín Cortés led a revolt against the Spanish government.

+ The July Revolt of 1927 was an example.

+ The revolt was finally destroyed by the concentrated military effort of a single commander, Marcus Licinius Crassus.

+ Lepidus was sidelined, blamed for a revolt in Sicily, and removed from government.

+ In 135, the second Jewish revolt against the Romans, called Bar Kokhba’s revolt, was put down.

+ The “slave revolt in morals” is when the weaker people force their weaker values onto others.

+ It is home to the Punnapra-Vayalar uprising against the British and also the revolt against the Feudal raj.

+ At the time of the 1959 revolt against Chinese Communist rule in Central Tibet, there were around 300 monks at Mindroling.

+ Upon learning of the alleged death of Alexander, Theban exiles in Athens raced off to their native city in Boeotia and sought to incite a revolt from Macedonian rule there.

+ After the collapse of Hassan’s resistance movement, rebellion and revolt occurred with disputes between different tribes in Northern Somalia.

+ He was blamed for a revolt in Sicily.

+ The government of Elizabeth was more peaceful, apart from the revolt of the northern earls in 1569, and she was able to lessen the power of the old nobility and expand the power of her government.

+ European guilt over colonialism, with its use of recently invented guns on people who did not have them inspired fictional treatments such as Aphra Behn’s novel “Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave”, about a slave revolt in Surinam in the West Indies.

+ The Jewish Revolt was already ongoing.

+ With excommunication and a revolt by his dukes, Henry apologized and was forgiven, though the conflict continued.

+ Mexico wasn’t successful in representing the New Mexican people, which lead to another revolt called the Chimayo Rebellion.

+ At the time of mutiny in 1857, the Karlals tried to revolt against the rule of East India Company, however, British were able to imprison Karlal chief Sardar Hassan Ali Khan Karlal and many mutineers of this tribe were hanged along with some Dhund tribesmen.

+ His motives for taking part in the revolt are unclear, as is the depth of his involvement.

+ A brother of Caonabo and other allied Taíno caciques led the revolt against the Spanish and finally lost the battle in 1495.

+ In reaction to King Henry’s tax levy, Michael Joseph, a blacksmith from St Keverne and Thomas Flamank a lawyer from Bodmin, persuaded many of the people of Cornwall to revolt against the King.

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