“true of” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “true of”:

– This is why airplanes and other fast machines are streamlined, and the same is true of fish.

– This is often true of the Gatwick Express, which travels along the Brighton Main Line, as it will often divert over Chatham side tracks during engineering works in order to maintain service levels.

– This is especially true of the deliriants.

– The first is that, in genetics, what is true of animals is also true of man.

– Much the same is true of microflies, which are also common.

– Niels Bohr and his colleagues argued that we get into big trouble if we assume to be true of the things that are too small to be seen even with a microscope anything that we have proof for only on the scale of everyday life.

true of use in sentences
true of use in sentences

Example sentences of “true of”:

– The same is true of many chitons.

– They are often referred to as water moulds, although the water-loving nature which led to that name is not true of most species, which are terrestrial pathogens.

– This is not true of most Satanists.

– This is also true of his next opera: “Mr Brouček’s excursion to the moon”.

– The same is true of white supremacist regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia and of parts of Europe at different time periods; importantly under Nazi Germany’s Third Reich.

– This is true of many galls produced by insects and mites.

– This is true of all known life.

– This is also true of most of the earlier British boy groups.

– This may or may not be true of all possible forms of life in the Universe: it is true of all life on Earth today.

– This is particularly true of the Christian ChurchChurch and Christianity, which are nearly all Latin derivatives.

– This was true of all kinds of music, including opera.

– We know for sure that Neanderthals, at least, were hunters of large mammals such as mammoths, and that may be true of other hand axe cultures.

– And it is not true of pencils, which are still very commonly used.

– This is not true of rollerball pens, which are ballpoints that use water-based ink of low viscosity.

– Each of the required conditions is true of “G”, so “G” is a group.

– This turned out to be true of all insects.

- The same is true of many chitons.

- They are often referred to as water moulds, although the water-loving nature which led to that name is not true of most species, which are terrestrial pathogens.

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