In sentence use of “sexual”

How to use in-sentence of “sexual”:

+ Homosexuality is illegal in the TunisiaRepublic of Tunisia and the law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its civil rights laws and there is no legal recognition for same-sex couples.

+ He was best known for his human figures, sometimes with erotic and sexual subtext and context.

+ In November 2017, Carey was accused of sexual harassment by a former security official, Michael Anello.

+ This activity is called sexual intercourse.

+ However, there is disagreement about whether Whitman had actual sexual experiences with men.Loving, Jerome.

+ On the 27th of January in 2014, the Assembly of the Republic, the Northern Cypriot Parliament, voted to abolish the criminal code provisions that outlawed Same-sex relations between men and males, becoming the last territory in do so within Europe in order to decriminalise Sexual relations between consenting, Adult men.

+ His most famous play, “Lysistrata”, is about a group of women who protest against a war by not having sexual intercourse with their husbands until the war is ended.

+ On September 27, 2018, Professor Christine Blasey Ford, accused him of sexual assault when they were both in high school.

In sentence use of sexual
In sentence use of sexual

Example sentences of “sexual”:

+ Some readers wanted to travel with them, or invite them to wild parties, or have sexual intercourse with them.

+ Such movies contain strong sexual content, very strong violence or extremely graphic language and are usually considered too intense for an R rating.

+ After his death, it became known that he had sexual relationships with at least two women, one of whom was a minor at the time.

+ Beverley Palesa Ditsie became the first openly lesbian person to address the United Nations regarding LGBT issues, calling for States to adopt resolutions that recognized sexual diversity.

+ In other relationships, intimacy has more to do with shared moments than sexual interactions.

+ The name “Zygomycota” comes from zygosporangia, where strong and tough round shaped spores are formed during sexual reproduction.

+ Foot fetishism is a sexual interest in human feet.

+ Principle 3 demands legal recognition of the sex change of transsexuals without any surgery, including sterilization and sexual reassignment surgery, because the each person’s self-defined gender identity is seen as important for the autonomy and dignity of the person.

+ Another difference is sexual activity.

+ It also happens when an adult man gives money or gifts to young boys in return for sexual activity.

+ Sexual fetishism is sexual arousal caused by an object or body part that is not normally thought of as sexual.

+ Some readers wanted to travel with them, or invite them to wild parties, or have sexual intercourse with them.

+ Such movies contain strong sexual content, very strong violence or extremely graphic language and are usually considered too intense for an R rating.
+ After his death, it became known that he had sexual relationships with at least two women, one of whom was a minor at the time.

+ At first, sexual reproduction might seem to be at a disadvantage compared with asexual reproduction.

+ Unlike the previous game, it has plenty of mature content, graphic violence, profanity and sexual themes.

+ Regarding staying clean, laws are given about menstruation, sexual relations, skin disease, and how dead bodies are to be disposed of.

+ People who are gay or homosexual also use their genitals to have sexual intercourse with each other.

+ At first Sadism meant only cruelty for sexual pleasure, but as the word became more widely used its meaning changed.

+ This may be thought of as a lack of a sexual orientation.

+ Asian male elephants reach sexual maturity during their early teens.

+ This essay focuses on the distinction between a sexual object and a sexual aim.

More in-sentence examples of “sexual”:

+ From 2011 to 2016 he was in prison because of a conviction of sexual offences.

+ A second image may also be useful for species that display sexual dimorphism so that both a male and female representative could be shown.
+ To "be false to the married relation", called adultery, is when a married person has sexual relations with a person other than his or her spouse.

+ From 2011 to 2016 he was in prison because of a conviction of sexual offences.

+ A second image may also be useful for species that display sexual dimorphism so that both a male and female representative could be shown.

+ To “be false to the married relation”, called adultery, is when a married person has sexual relations with a person other than his or her spouse.

+ People used to believe that the hymen always tears after having sexual intercourse for the first time, and that you could if a woman was virgin by looking at her hymen and seeing if it was torn.

+ Another common example of ageism is not allowing “minors”, or young people, to vote, drink, drive, work, marry, gamble, or give sexual consent.

+ According to SimpleWP pornography is made up of thing that make people think about sexual intercourse.

+ This happens when boys are kidnapped to act as sexual slaves for adult men.

+ Geddert was charged with Physical abusephysical, psychological and sexual abuse.

+ Sexual identity and sexual behavior are connected to sexual orientation but are different.

+ In women who are past menopause, a common cause of painful sexual act is having too little estrogen.

+ The movie was not rated by the MPAA but is similar to an NC-17 due to foul language and strong sexual material involving minors.

+ Moreover, the National Assembly prepared a revision about punishment of sexual violence crime.

+ This is when several generations are born by virgin birth, and then a generation occurs with normal sexual reproduction.

+ We know nothing about his sexual life.

+ Means sexual intercourse had not taken place.

+ He was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, but the case was settled out of court.

+ The theory of their use in sexual display was first proposed by Davitashvili in 1961 and has gained increasing acceptance since.

+ It is very easy to show that trauma, such as sexual abuse increases the risk, but 40 years of searching for the right genes has not found anything that has been confirmed by independent research groups.

+ Conservative denominations often oppose same-sex sexual relations based on Old TestamentOld and heterosexual.

+ As a result, many notable figures were accused of sexual harassment/abuse such as Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose, Louis C.K., Dustin Hoffman, Matt Lauer, U.S.

+ It says that crimes which were committed because of the victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity or disability are hate crimes.

+ It does not show a sexual act.

+ On Monday April 9, 2018, Rochelle was arrested for protesting comedian Bill Cosby while toplessnesstopless outside a sexual assault trial against Cosby was being held.

+ The movie was controversial in the United States for depictions of sexual content.

+ Hormones influence sexual arousal.

+ Digital sexual penetrationpenetration is penetration with one or more fingers.

+ Other reasons for it being illegal are religion and to try to prevent sexual predation.

+ The ascus is a tube-shaped sac, which contains the sexual spores produced by meiosis and which are called “ascospores”.

+ One whole order order of the rotifers, the bdelloid rotifers, has no sexual reproduction.

+ The video is known for its sexual content.

+ His work, with others, prepared the way for the later sexual revolution.

+ There are other kinds of organisms, the protistother eukaryotes – such as the malaria parasite – that also engage in sexual reproduction.

+ Each of the three has a sexual relationship to the two others.

+ Birds produce offspring by laying eggs which are fertilised by sexual reproduction.

+ Instead, the two of them began a sexual relationship.

+ There is little proof to support the suggestion that early life experience or sexual abuse play a part in connection to sexual orientation.

+ This scale was in “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.” It was made to fight the idea that people can only be homosexual or heterosexual.

+ It is most often used in place of an actual penis for sexual reasons.

+ Neil views his sexual abuse as love; he becomes mainly attracted to middle-aged men.

+ When one views homosexuality as the term for people that feel romantically or sexually attracted to their own sex, more people are gay than when one might view homosexuality as only a term for people who do “have” sexual relationships with their own sex.

+ Not all people agree that the condition sexual addicion exists.

+ As the Secretary of the Army, West commented on the Aberdeen scandal, which prompted stricter enforcement and investigation into the Army’s sexual harassment policies.

+ Qetesh was a fertility goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure.

+ There, the male gets eaten by the female, after having sexual intercourse.

+ The bonobo has high levels of sexual behavior.

+ Munch analysts say this reflects his sexual anxieties.

+ The partners come together for more than just sexual intercourse.

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