Example sentences of “ordinary”

How to use in-sentence of “ordinary”:

– The main Hellenistic theatrical form was not tragedy but ‘New Comedy’, comic episodes about the lives of ordinary citizens.

– A large temple also had a lot of land and employed thousands of ordinary people to supply its needs.

– These include the average density of ordinary matter and dark matter in the Universe, and the age of the universe.

– Folk music is music that is played or sung by ordinary people.

– This can give make the person feel better for a short time, it can also have the unwanted side effect of blocking ordinary feelings.

Example sentences of ordinary
Example sentences of ordinary

Example sentences of “ordinary”:

– Some of the people who send information to iNaturalist are professional scientists and some are citizen scientists, ordinary people who want to help scientific projects.

– Put simply, the solution should contain more solute molecules than it would under ordinary conditions.

– His government passed a number of laws to improve the life and working conditions of ordinary people.

– As the war came to a close many world monarchies were abolished or diminished, yet under the reign of George V the monarchy remained very much firmly established and as popular with the ordinary public as his late father.

– Tamil nationalists in both Sri Lanka and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu attempted to create an independent state amid the increasing political and physical violence against ordinary Tamils by the Sri Lankan government since the pogroms of 1983, known as Black July.

– Algorithms can be written in ordinary language, and that may be all a person needs.

– Scott took Ponyponies, motorised sleds and ordinary sleds, which he and his men pulled.

– It is about two old men who lead boring, ordinary lives in Wabasha, Minnesota.

– He thought anyone who did this would be above ordinary people.

- Some of the people who send information to iNaturalist are professional scientists and some are citizen scientists, ordinary people who want to help scientific projects.

- Put simply, the solution should contain more solute molecules than it would under ordinary conditions.

– The ideas of the Enlightenment were beginning to make the ordinary people want more power.

– The Catholic Church gave Opus Dei the job of spreading this knowledge, and teaching people that they can be real saints just by doing ordinary things and offering them to God.

– One of the most popular humorists of his time, Thurber celebrated the comic frustrations and eccentricities of ordinary people.

– In fact, there is no practical difference which would be noticed by ordinary people.

– They can take either High or Ordinary level tests.

– In an ordinary hotel with more than one room, the number of odd-numbered rooms is obviously smaller than the total number of rooms.

More in-sentence examples of “ordinary”:

– Some of its ancient household roles are also now filled by ordinary baking soda, natron’s other meaningful ingredient.

– In ordinary Roman calendar, the common year had 355 days and the leap year had 378 days.

– For example, some historians have praised him for giving ordinary people more rights.

– You usually may drive a pickup truck with the same driver’s license as an ordinary car, but heavy pickup trucks may require a light truck license.

– The way they are used in the ordinary bBSn, BSn-2 templates is to be rewritten.

– She became famous as his eyes and ears, meeting thousands of ordinary people and bringing their concerns to Roosevelt.

– It causes ordinary html list items to be dispayed inline.

– For ordinary people on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, life got worse.

– This was in contrast to opera buffa, which was about ordinary people and often made fun of kings and nobility.

– He knew about 100 words as of 2000, and was not ordinary because he appeared to understand what he said.

– Verne was far from being a scientist, but his passion for technology and the progress being made at the time served to introduce many of the inventions that were to come and that, over time, have ended up becoming ordinary elements of our every-day life.

– He graduated from Hampton Grammar School with ten GCE Ordinary Levels and four Advanced Levels in Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Additional Mathematics.

– In the startCollapsible template the color parameter bg colors the background of the entire collapsible section rather than its effect in ordinary BS”n” row templates which is confined to a single row.

– Locale 1 places look like ordinary places in the world.

– Dayton King on the American Broadcasting CompanyABC TV series “No Ordinary Family”.

– For Mencius, if an individual is functioning well, then his or her will can strike a healthy balance among all the impulses and can keep the virtues from being swamped by the ordinary desires.

– Promotion from landsman to ordinary seaman required three years of experience or re-enlistment.

– Prose is the ordinary form of the written language.

– To be “merchantable”, the goods must reasonably conform to an ordinary buyer’s expectations, i.e., they are what they say they are.

– However, Fahrenheit is understood by many ordinary people, whereas the Celsius scale is more abstract.

– The main thrust of his work has been to make computers easily accessible to ordinary people.

– He was a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary from 1995 to 2009.

– It is nothing to do with ordinary ideas of truth.

– All I’m getting from the page at the moment is that it’s an ordinary book of essays, it might even be self-published.

– This template calls the ordinary template.

– The coffin of U Thant was then snatched by a group of students just before it was scheduled to leave for burial in an ordinary Rangoon cemetery.

– Aristocratic people, royalty and ordinary people all mixed there.

– In modern Greece, they are still in use for ordinal numbers, and in much of the same way that Roman numerals are in the West; for ordinary numbers, Arabic numerals are used.

– There is also an alto flute which sounds a musical intervalsfifth lower than the ordinary flute.

– Most ordinary men would have been discouraged, but Pascal took energetically to the austere life of an eastern ascetic, even shedding his western garb for eastern clothing.

– Some poorly-made tubular locks can be picked with an ordinary writing pen.

– It does not dissolve in ordinary acids, but can dissolve in oxidizing agentoxidizing acids to make mercury salts.

– Sometimes it was music played on ordinary instruments which was then changed in some way by the tape recorder.

– This algorithm is much faster than the ordinary method to compute such a value.

– They showed ordinary people at the table together, dancing, writing, cooking, working at trades and in businesses and in the fields.

– BASC only closed down in 1990, when Germany was reunited and the ordinary German civilian air traffic control took over.

– In citizen science, scientists ask ordinary people to help with scientific research or other work.

– It functions there as an ordinary denomination of Christianity without special status.

– Scientific computing with ordinary differential equations.

– Pushkin’s play shows that the ordinary people had a lot of power.

– The re-domesticated Africanized honeybee is usually the choice of South American beekeepers because it will produce much more honey than the ordinary honeybees.

– A Landsman who gained three years of experience or re-enlisted could be promoted to Ordinary Seaman.

– Rank and organization: Ordinary Seaman, U.S.

– Courts give protection to ordinary people from bad governments, they are also protected from bad governments themselves.

– The equations are ordinary differential equations, called Lorenz equations.

– An ordinary battery cannot give such a high voltage or give it so fast, so a photo flash capacitor is used.

– It was made of an ordinary outdoor chair and 43 large balloons full of helium.

– This “veil” can come in several different types, such as an ordinary veil, a niqab, a burka also known as an abayah, which covers the entire body, and any form of covering used to veil.

- Some of its ancient household roles are also now filled by ordinary baking soda, natron's other meaningful ingredient.

- In ordinary Roman calendar, the common year had 355 days and the leap year had 378 days.

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