Sentence example of “attach”

How to use in-sentence of “attach”:

– He planned to attach a few large balloons filled with helium to his lawnchair and then float above his backyard.

– Muscles attach to the bones with tendons.

– For the transcription to take place, the enzyme that makes RNA, known as RNA polymerase, must attach to the DNA near a gene.

– Eye bolts are commonly used to attach cables to objects, for instance attaching a ropestring to the back of a painting to allow the painting to hang from a nail on a wall.

– It does not attach itself to any mark or dot, and does not create any fullscreen markers.

Sentence example of attach
Sentence example of attach

Example sentences of “attach”:

– It is a plastic model of a potato, that can be decorated with several plastic parts that attach to the toy’s body.

– An example of characters with radicals that don’t exist by themselves is the complex character 休 “xìu” meaning “to stop”, “to cease” or “to rest”, which is made up of the radical 亻, which is a variant of the simple character 人 “rén” meaning “person” or “human”, though the variant never exists as by itself must therefore attach itself to another character to form a complete character, and the radical 木 “mǔ” meaning “wood” or “tree”, hinting what a person might want to do after he/she ceases working.

– These attach to sequences of DNA next to the genes they regulate.

– Shaltut went as far as declaring that Muslims are free to attach themselves to any of the five schools.

– The fibers join to a single tendon to attach to the ulna bone.

– The cheekpieces extend across the horse’s cheek and attach to the bit.

– DMB can be received, when attach DMB receiver to the vehicle, or buy mobile phone has the ability to receive DMB, personal portable receiver or receiver which type of output to the monitor when connect personal computer.

– Eventually, the larvae change into cypris form, and attach on other hard surfaces to form new barnacles.

– Another common requirement is a place to attach to.

– Two half-hitches is a knot that is often used to attach rope to poles or other objects.

- It is a plastic model of a potato, that can be decorated with several plastic parts that attach to the toy's body.

- An example of characters with radicals that don't exist by themselves is the complex character 休 "xìu" meaning "to stop", “to cease” or "to rest", which is made up of the radical 亻, which is a variant of the simple character 人 "rén" meaning "person" or "human", though the variant never exists as by itself must therefore attach itself to another character to form a complete character, and the radical 木 "mǔ" meaning "wood" or "tree", hinting what a person might want to do after he/she ceases working.

– A system for information retrieval will attach a score to each document returned.

– Depending on how you attach the storage, how many servers want to access it, etc, these systems usually cost 5-6 digit figures.

– They attach either to the roots or branches of their hosts.

– Lash points are few, and since the frame is integrated, it is hard to securely attach larger and heavier items to the outside.

– Semiotics is the study of how we attach meaning to the world around us and how we communicate that meaning to others.

– GFCIs that attach to appliance cords, or are built in to extension cords, are also available.

– The user can attach one or more files to any e-mail message.

– A few polyps collect materials such as sand grains and shell fragments, which they attach to their outsides.

More in-sentence examples of “attach”:

– To play, players use Slot 2 to attach a device with red, green, blue, and yellow buttons on it.

– Humans tie a rope to the mountain and attach the other end to the harness they wear.

– Some Syrian Christians of Travancore continue to attach this honorific title to their names.

– They later attach themselves to the underside of the leaves of water weed before becoming free swimming.

– The main cells that make it work are the B cells, which create and secrete antibodies that seek out the invaders and attach to them.

– These offspring have underdeveloped rear limbs, and after birth they migrate to the marsupium where they attach to a nipple.

– Metroids are hovering creatures who attach to its prey to take in their energy.

– The cyanide antidote kit used most often in the United States includes three medications: amyl nitrite and sodium nitrite, which attach to cyanide and change it to a less dangerous chemical, and sodium thiosulfate, which turns cyanide into a harmless chemical that a person can urinate out.

– This technique uses special antibodies that attach themselves to the substance.

– In their larval stage they attach to various animals and feed on skin, often causing itching.

– If smoke enters the smoke detector, some of the alpha particles will attach to the smoke instead of the air particles.

– People did not attach sexual feelings to it.

– The dodder can grow and attach itself to multiple plants.

– When a virus attaches to a cell, these peplomers can only attach to certain receptors on the cell.

– Their habitat is in the spaces between marine gravel to which they attach themselves.

– B-cells make antibodies, which are little molecules that attach to viruses or bad cells.

– The pallets are usually metal with sides that attach to a cargo net.

– About 20% of the known species are benthic and can attach to algae or rocks.

– Biotic sources would include insects which might bore into the tree, deer which might rub bark off the trunk, or fungi, which might attach themselves to the tree.

– So that’s how it’s going to be from now on, I guess: “Do what we say and no one gets hurt.” When’s the next blackout and how long are you going to keep it up? Maybe attach demands to be met next time.

– Derivational morphemes change the part of speech or somehow change the basic meaning of the word they attach to.

– Strong ropes make climbing possible and special tools attach ropes to cave walls.

– This is a type of molecular binding, which is where molecules attach to each other in a stable way without decaying or breaking that bond rapidly.

– The mast cells and basophils attach to the allergen to try to kill it.

– Byssus is a silky “filament” by which certain molluscs attach to hard surfaces.

- To play, players use Slot 2 to attach a device with red, green, blue, and yellow buttons on it.

- Humans tie a rope to the mountain and attach the other end to the harness they wear.

– Once the opioids attach to these opiate receptor sites – like a lock fitting into a keyhole – the opiates start to work.

– A less common approach is to attach a right after the footnote marker and replace the “8” with the appropriate page number.

– Many ribosomes, together with mRNA, will attach themselves to the outer cell membranemembrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

– When a mother has her first baby, it may take a few times to get the baby to attach well.

– These endorphins attach to the same brain receptors as opioid drugs, so they can cause the same euphoric effects as those drugs do.

– A viral infection attach to and enter susceptible cells.

– It will then attach to the endometrium.

– Cases, which are designed to attach to, support, or otherwise hold a smartphone, are popular accessories.

– Pretorius, was a madman who had his own head removed from his body and placed on tiny, spider-like robotic legs, which could attach to a larger android body.

– The place where the shank meets the fluke is called the “crown”, and the shank is usually fitted with a ring or shackle to attach it to the “rode”.

– After the larvae crawl across the sea floor and find a suitable place, they attach themselves to rocks or algae.

– It can be used to launch rifle grenades or attach a bayonet.

– They have sucker-like disks on their heads with which they attach to the shark.

– Other animals attach natural materials to their body for concealment.

– Hatchlings attach themselves to their mothers’ milk areolae, a specialised patch on the skin that secretes milk.

– I suppose the list could be made into a group of stubs, which you would need to attach a category to each individual, but imho most of them will probably not turn out to be notable enough, and a list should be more than enough.

– The Society states that, ‘Fellows attach the letters FRSA after their name’.

– GLaDOS helps Chell attach broken personality cores to Wheatley to weaken him and she tries to press the button that switched GLaDOS and Wheatley in the first place.

– But most laptops do allow the user is able to attach a separate mouse.

– Some dissociatives, like that produced from “SalviaSalvia divinorum”, enter the bloodstream and attach to receptors in the brain.What are the effects of common dissociative drugs on the brain and body? Others attach to dopamine receptors.

– Once inside, these bacteria attach themselves to or invade specific cells in our respiratory system, digestive tract or in any open wound.

– However, a few species attach to rocks as adults by a filament.

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