“Free market” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Free market”:

+ It is Conservatismconservative and free market in its editorial policy.

+ The party advocates for a more free market economy.

+ Belgium relied heavily on free market economic policies after its liberation in 1944, and had the fastest recovery.

+ He wrote a plan for the economy supporting free market economics and has proposed tax cuts for small businesses that have innovative ideas.

+ It introduced a free market in the commercial airline business and led to a great increase in the number of flights, a decrease in fares, an increase in the number of passengers and miles flown, and a consolidation of carriers.

+ Running for president when the Argentine economy was not performing well, Macri campaigned on a platform of change, and promised to pass free market reforms of the economy.

+ With the new system, “sistema cambiario de bandas”, the exchange rates posted by the Central Bank are a “reference” and each authorized financial institution can determine their value independently in hopes that the free market will provide a mechanism to keep them reasonable.

+ Since the 1990s the term has been consistently used in academia to imply the move from welfare state to laissez faire economic management, particularly associated with the promotion of free market ideals in the late 1980s by Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US.

Free market how to use in sentences
Free market how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “Free market”:

+ This would establish a monopoly, and many countries have laws to protect the free market against such practices.

+ Foster says that any attempt to solve our problems merely by technological, industrial or free market means, divorced from fundamental social relations, cannot succeed.

+ Pinochet introduced many neoliberal free market policypolicies bringing growth and great economic progress to Chile.” In economic affairs, Pinochet’s rule was influenced by the ideas of Milton Friedman.

+ The original name reflected the party’s support of free market policies..

+ Currently it leans to more free market beliefs instead of social care.

+ This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

+ Capitalism has a more or less free market economy, which means that prices move up or down according to the availability of the products.

+ This would establish a monopoly, and many countries have laws to protect the free market against such practices.

+ Foster says that any attempt to solve our problems merely by technological, industrial or free market means, divorced from fundamental social relations, cannot succeed.
+ Pinochet introduced many neoliberal free market policypolicies bringing growth and great economic progress to Chile." In economic affairs, Pinochet's rule was influenced by the ideas of Milton Friedman.

+ This is the belief of free market capitalism or laissez-faire capitalism.

+ From 1995 to 2008, Remigijus Šimašius was a legal expert and economist at the Lithuanian Free Market Institute.

+ Usually regarded as a mixed market economy, it has adopted many free market principles, yet maintains an advanced social welfare infrastructure.

+ These policies are commonly used with supply-side economics, referred to as trickle-down economics by political enemies and free market economics by political advocates.

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