How to use in sentence of “gastropod”

How to use in-sentence of “gastropod”:

+ See the beetle “Diorhabda”, the bug “Erythroneura” and the Marine biologymarine gastropod “Calliostoma”.

+ The name Limpet is used for many marine and freshwater gastropod species which have a simple conical shell.

+ The study noted that purple Hermit crabhermit crabs make their homes in plastic containers washed up on beaches; the debris may reduce shoreline gastropod diversity, may contribute to a reduction in the number of sea turtle laying attempts and may increase the risk of entanglement for coastal-nesting seabirds.

+ The group includes Marine biologymarine, terrestrial gastropod molluscs.

+ The knobbed whelk is a gastropod mollusc which is protected by a thick, hard shell.

+ Other examples of the unique fauna who inhabit this ecosystem are the gastropod “Crysomallon squamiferum”, a species of snail with a foot reinforced by scales made of iron and organic materials, and the ‘Pompeii Worm’ “Alvinella pompejana”, which is capable of withstanding temperatures up to 80°C.

+ The term is used for a gastropod with a coiled shell.

How to use in sentence of gastropod
How to use in sentence of gastropod

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