Use the word “up against”

How to use in-sentence of “up against”:

– So with the support of the Republic of Genoa and the Doria’s family, the people of Sassari rose up against the invaders, until 1417 when the king Alfonso V granted an acceptable status to the town.

– Before the war ended, the United States had encouraged Iraqis to rise up against Saddam.

– More recent buildings are raised on stilts so that the snow does not build up against the sides.

– Season three picks up after the fall of Escobar and continues to follow the DEA as they go up against the rise of the infamous Cali Cartel.

– She went up against Shannon Miller during the 1992 Summer Olympics but was beaten.

– Sometimes, the balloons are lit up against the night sky.

– In 500 BC the lonians settled in the western coast of Asia minor and rose up against Persian’s King Darius.

– The first occurred on the first week of October; Brutus faced Octavian, while Antony’s forces were up against those of Cassius.

Use the word up against
Use the word up against

Example sentences of “up against”:

– When they were lined up against a wall when the killers pulled out Thompson submachine guns and opened fire.

– This exerts a pull on the water column, which brings the water up against gravity.

– On King Edward’s accession to the throne, there was a great famine in the land and violent attacks were stirred up against monasterymonasteries by a prominent noblemen who wanted the lands which his father King Edgar had endowed to them.

– A theory in science is “a logical, systematic set of principles or explanation that has been verified—has stood up against attempts to prove it false”.

– Oak Street Beach was formed by sand washing up against the northern side of Streeterville.

– Old Major makes a speech, calling for animals to rise up against their farmers.

– In his school Knox ran up against the problem from the start, since – after 1815 – the Royal Colleges had increased the study of anatomy in the medical curriculum.

– However, when the Shi’ites, Kurds, and dissidents did rise up against Saddam, the United States did not support them.

– The main idea behind how jaw crushers work is that there is a hinge plate that moves back and forth with a fixed plate is held up against the prior hinge plate.

– The other end was built up against a steep hill.

- When they were lined up against a wall when the killers pulled out Thompson submachine guns and opened fire.

- This exerts a pull on the water column, which brings the water up against gravity.
- On King Edward's accession to the throne, there was a great famine in the land and violent attacks were stirred up against monasterymonasteries by a prominent noblemen who wanted the lands which his father King Edgar had endowed to them.

– In the 2nd century BC, the Jews went up against Hellenistic GreeceGreek rule and created the Hasmonean kingdom, which became first a Roman dependency and soon went under the rule of the Roman Empire.

– The northern Netherlands stood up against King Philip II of Spain in the Dutch Revolt.

– The event was subsequently re-staged on 4 October 2011- at Ally Pally- whose main event featured Rob Corkum up against Richard Gizbert.

– In March, they rose up against the government in a revolt.

– The prophecy has come true: Birnam Wood has marched up against him.

– As Stu is holding Tommy up against him, the lizard crawls out of Tommy’s diaper looking around then notices another place to explore which is Stu’s jeans and jumps out of Tommy’s diaper and inside Stu’s jeans making Stu move abnormally causing him to strongly twitch and squirm as the lizard crawls around inside his jeans….

– In the Murree hills it was the Dhund Abbasi and Karlal tribes who rose up against the British.

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