“projection” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “projection”:

– After vanquishing the demon List of demons Zankou and an astral projection form of themselves everyone believes that they are dead.

– The Mercator projection is a cylindercylindrical map projection which is widely used in cartography today.

– For example, Africa is actually 15 times larger than Greenland, but on this map projection they look the same size.

– The projection is defined on the entire sphere, except for one point, called the “projection point”.

– If neither a nor b is a unit vector, then the magnitude of the projection of a in the direction of b would be a ·, as the unit vector in the direction of b is b /b.

projection in-sentences
projection in-sentences

Example sentences of “projection”:

- The total population of the district according to the 1998 census was 725,000 and according to 1999 projection its population stands at 741,000.

- It is a form of parallel projection, where the view direction is orthogonal to the projection plane.
- A light beam or beam of light is a small projection of light energy coming from a source into a beam.

– The total population of the district according to the 1998 census was 725,000 and according to 1999 projection its population stands at 741,000.

– It is a form of parallel projection, where the view direction is orthogonal to the projection plane.

– A light beam or beam of light is a small projection of light energy coming from a source into a beam.

– This is only a guide, as the projection means the scale changes depending on the latitude.

– The equirectangular projection is a simple map view made about 100 AD.

– This form of projection also avoids that people who look at the show interrupt the light stream or bump into the projector.

– This decomposition is based on a Petrie polygon projection of a 7-cube, with 21 of 672 faces.

– The Mercator projection that has his name is a flat map projection of the features of the surface of the earth that can be seen and made only mathematically.

– Caliban is represented by the dangerous and invisible “monster from the id”, a projection of Morbius’ psyche born from the Krell technology instead of Sycorax’s womb.

– In other words, it is a projection of the terrestrial equator out into space.

– It reveals updated projection figures attributed to the rising growth trends in India over the last four years.

– The lobby has a piano and a projection of current live Google searches.

– Maps based on this projection are promoted by UNESCO.

– A movie projector is a machine that shows moving pictures by projecting them on a projection screen.

– The Robinson Projection is a compromise between accuracy and the readability of the map on a flat surface.

– The visual system has the complex task of constructing a three dimensional world from a two dimensional projection of that world.

– Its likely functions were sound projection and recognition.

– This decomposition is based on a Petrie polygon projection of a 10-cube, with 45 of 11520 faces.

– This decomposition is based on a Petrie polygon projection of a 8-cube, with 28 of 1792 faces.

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