“stem” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “stem”:

– These can stem from feelings of anxiety and a general lack of emotional control during the first few days of withdrawing, which results in swaying back and forth between anger and euphoria.

– A Japanese word has a stem called a “body”, and additional parts.

– Organisms also use stem cells to replace damaged cells.

– The Main Stem flows 1.5 miles west from the direction at Lake Michigan; passing under the Outer Drive, Columbus Drive, Michigan Avenue, Wabash Avenue, State Street, Dearborn Street, Clark Street, La Salle Street, Wells Street, and Franklin Street bridges en route to the North Branch at Wolf Point.

– Under natural conditions, the parts of the stem that connect the tubers with the main stem die in the autumn or winter.

– Morphologically, the words are built with the stem followed by a particle.

stem - some sentence examples
stem – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “stem”:

– For example, from “produced”, the lemma is “produce”, but the stem is “produc-“.

– The stem cells’ state, and what the daughter cells turn into, is influenced by signals from other cells in the embryo.

– Until her death, Reagan supported and advocated stem cell research.

– In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into “all” of the specialised embryonic tissues.

– Differentiation is also a common process in adults: adult stem cells divide to make fully-differentiated daughter cells during tissue repair and during normal cell turnover.

– The lower parts of the big leaves are closely packed making a false stem that is not made of wood.

– When used for crack cocaine or methamphetamine, the stem is generally used as a standalone unit, without any water or attachment of any sort.

– Shoa, cardiac surgerycardiac surgeon and one of the first people to work with adult stem cells for heart disease.

– The exception to this rule is when a chord contains a second, in which case the stem runs between the two notes, the higher being placed on the left of the stem and the lower on the right.

– What about an indef semi-pp of Ja’far, Aladin and the like? It might help stem this issue.

- For example, from "produced", the lemma is "produce", but the stem is "produc-".

- The stem cells' state, and what the daughter cells turn into, is influenced by signals from other cells in the embryo.

– The next spring/summer the stem of the biennial plant becomes much longer.

– The cork-like bark and huge stem are fire resistant and are used for making cloth and rope.

– Its stem goes into a crack in the bark of fibrous barked trees.

– Myelodysplastic syndromes affect the bone marrow stem cells.

– The stem usually points up if it is on or above the middle line.

– Because of its property of accelerated aging regeneration, stem cells and cancer.

– He described nearly all the key differences of Morphology morphology of stem and root, showed that the flowers of the Asteraceae are built of multiple units, and correctly said that stamens are male organs.

More in-sentence examples of “stem”:

– Dio 54.28 Agrippa’s more famous descendents stem from his daughter Agrippina: they include his grandson Caligula and great-grandson Nero.

– It is also the place where insulin and stem cells were first found.

– That new law would allow embryonic stem cell research to be done in Missouri.

– The Willamette’s main stem is long, lying entirely in northwestern Oregon in the United States.

– The length of a stem is usually that of an octave on the staff, going to either an octave higher or lower than the notehead, depending on which way the stem is pointing.

– The procedure used transfection of some stem cell-associated genes into the adult fibroblasts.

– These look like, and perform the function of, leaves but are actually composed of stem tissue.

– Some spiders in species of “Portia” can take long detours from one bush down to the ground, then up the stem of another bush to capture a prey item on a particular leaf.

– If you really take a good look at these sentences, you may easily find the stem of the words: pusa, pusath; ballata, ballathath, ballatama.

– At first they were quill pens made of the stem of a pigeon feather.

– Usually, the stem remains very short and the leaves are low to the ground, forming a rosette.

– With this method, a piece of the source plant containing at least one stem cell is placed in a suitable medium such as moist soil, potting mix, coir or rock wool.

– The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30cm wide.

– Hematopoietic stem cells.

– They are now used in medical therapies, and researchers expect that stem cells will be used in many future therapies.

– Met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin are in the brain stem and spinal cord; they are the pain killers of the spinal cord.

– They form a group of perennial herbs, twining shrubs, lianas or rarely trees but notably also contain a significant number of leafless stem succulents, all belonging to the order Gentianales.

– The trunk is the main stem or “main woody axis of a tree”.

– East Francia was divided into four Stem duchyduchies: Swabia.

– On December 6, 2005, Ho had his own stem cells put into his heart by Amit Patel and his other Medical doctordoctors in Thailand.

– Pattazhy may stem from an imperfect Malayalam portmanteau fusing Patt.

– If the stem points up from a notehead, the stem starts at the right-hand side of the note, but if it points down, it starts from the left.

– To produce sex cells, the stem cells go through a different division process called meiosis.

– White proposed a method of estimating the age of large and veteran trees in the United Kingdom by correlation between a tree’s stem diameter, growth character and age.

– The five main cultivars are: green leaf, red leaf, cos, crisphead, and stem lettuce.

- Dio 54.28 Agrippa's more famous descendents stem from his daughter Agrippina: they include his grandson Caligula and great-grandson Nero.

- It is also the place where insulin and stem cells were first found.
- That new law would allow embryonic stem cell research to be done in Missouri.

– Mammalian stem cells change or cellular differentiationdifferentiate into several kinds of blood cell within the bone marrow.

– Palm stems represented long life to the Ancient Egyptians, and the god Huh was often shown holding a palm stem in one or both hands.

– In most cases, neurons are generated by special types of stem cells.

– The stem of the pineapple contains an enzyme having healing effects, anti-inflammatory effects and it may reduce edema.

– People can eat the stem and roots.

– During morphogenesis, generalised stem cells become the cell lines of the embryo which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

– The stem group of birds would be all the earlier Aves minus the crown group Neornithes.

– It is composed of a woody stem with paired leaf or flower clusters spaced ½ to 1″ apart.

– EDM can be said to stem from a fusion between regular dance music and electronic music.

– Water, which is absorbed by the plant’s roots, travels up the stem to the leaf through the xylem.

– At the 2017 VEX Robotics World Championship, Woodie Flowers was inducted into the STEM Hall of Fame.

– Some stem group metatherians persisted well into the Neogene period before becoming extinct.

– Simpler animals like flatworms can regenerate because the adults retain clusters of stem cells in their bodies.

– The stem is erect in young plants, but becomes creeping or trailing with age.

– An alternate interpretation of the same fossil has the long stem as an inflorescence rather than a flower, with staminate flower above.

– The stem is normally divided into nodes and internodes, the nodes hold leafleaves, flowers, cones, axillary buds, or other stems etc.

– During morphogenesis, totipotent stem cells become the various cell lines of the embryo, which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

– It is against abortion, sex education, contraception, feminism, pornography, stem cell research, and LGBT rights.

– Highly plastic adult stem cells can be taken from a variety of sources, including umbilical cord blood and bone marrow.

– Bananas have a “false stem which is made by the lower part of the leaves.

– The name “Cordyceps” is taken from the Greek languageGreek word κορδύλη “kordýlē”, meaning “club”, and the Latin stem “-ceps”, meaning “head”.

– The stem flattens and grows up the tree “underneath” the host tree’s outer bark.

– If they were as small as this, then a miniaturization event occurred near the base of the avian stem lineage.

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