“auspices” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “auspices”:

– In Northern Ireland passenger trains are still government-owned, under the auspices of Translink.

– The city was left very skeptical when Vitellius chose a day of bad auspices to accept the office of “Pontifex Maximus”.

– In November 2019, Lobkov together with his team participates in the creation of the all-Russian award “Opinion Leaders of Russia 2019” the award is held under the auspices of the all-Russian public association “Mothers of Russia”.

– Francesco Saverio Pavone lived under the auspices of 1989 to 2006, following threats from the Sicilian mafia and members of the Mala del Brenta.

– The WWF eventually carried out a brand extension, effectively reviving WCW under its own auspices and running two separate promotions, each with one of the WWF’s two existing televised shows, “RAW” and “SmackDown!”.

– The editorial office is located in Minsk, ; the name itself means top quality goods or strong home-distilled vodka works under the auspices of the portal.

– But his greatest repertoire of work has been around 30 films made under the auspices of his own company, YASH RAJ FILMS.

auspices in sentences?
auspices in sentences?

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