“considerably” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “considerably”:

+ Thus, plates and volcanovolcanic activity were considerably more active than they are today; the Earth’s crust was not only thinner than is today, but probably broken up into many more hot spots, rift valleys, and transform faults.

+ In individual regions, this dating can be considerably refined; in Europe for example, Acheulean methods did not reach the continent until around 400 thousand years ago and in smaller study areas, the date ranges can be much shorter.

+ This considerably annoyed the Hungarian Chess Federation, which had visions of winning the Women’s World Championship after decades of Soviet domination.

+ Pneumatic or “Vacuum” elevators operate without cables and can be installed more easily and quickly than their alternatives since their housing comprises prefabricated sections which are considerably narrower than conventional lift shafts.

+ As a pediatrician, she helped to considerably reduce infant mortality in East Germany, which, during her active years was even lower than in West Germany., see fig.

+ Charles Sturt and other men at the time generally agreed that his administration had greatly benefited the settlement, and the select committee on South Australia reported that the critics of his expenditure were “unable to point out any specific item by which it could have been considerably reduced without great public inconvenience”.

+ Donkeys vary considerably in size, depending on breed and management.

+ The current status of renewable energy commercialization in the United States varies considerably between different renewable energy technologies, with some being commercialized at the present time.

considerably some ways to use
considerably some ways to use

Example sentences of “considerably”:

+ It depended considerably on shellfish, which humans may have eaten in large quantities.

+ However, when the heat is added to the solid and it melts to become a liquid, the bonds are considerably weaker, and in water, are simply hydrogen bonds.

+ Therefore the population of the village decreased considerably and it even became uninhabited during the Turkish campaign of 1543.

+ However, the castle was considerably altered to resist the new artillery.

+ I obviously, as I have stated many times in the past, think it should be used considerably less here than it is, to the point where I often think it should only be used if you can’t find an OS and it must be hidden immediately.

+ TV coverage of NASCAR races has grown considerably since it started in 1972.Fielden, Greg.

+ In wintertime, the temperature in the cold pantry would be considerably lower than that in the kitchen.

+ The understanding of the concept of “Central Europe” varies considerably from nation to nation, and also has from time to time.

+ The nature of this material is not clear, but it may be organic compounds considerably darkened by the charged particle irradiation from the Uranian magnetosphere.

+ For a time also worked at the Government College as a lecturer, adding considerably to its intellectual life.

+ This introduces a delay before a program is run, when the bytecode is compiled to native machine code, but improves execution speed considerably compared to interpreting source code directly, normally by around an order of magnitude.

+ The dubbed version considerably removed the nature of the character and general mood of the series, and possibly as a result it achieved only little success.

+ The A75, with the A10 and A71, provides a continuous high-speed route south from Paris through Clermont-Ferrand to the Languedoc region and through to Spain, considerably reducing the cost of vehicle traffic traveling along this route.

+ Kohl helped to arrange the process of German reunification and participated considerably in the European unity process.

+ Due to its eccentric orbit, Nereid would vary considerably in brightness; its disk would be far too small to see with the naked eye.

+ According to official US Department of Army and Department of Navy casualty records, submitted to Congress in 1946 and updated in 1953, the combined possible total of missing service personnel worldwide is closer to approximately 6600 and probably considerably fewer.

+ Chinatown is considerably less of an enclave than it once was.

+ The trade embargo issued by President Kennedy in the 1960s has been considerably loosened under Obama’s administration.

+ It depended considerably on shellfish, which humans may have eaten in large quantities.

+ However, when the heat is added to the solid and it melts to become a liquid, the bonds are considerably weaker, and in water, are simply hydrogen bonds.
+ Therefore the population of the village decreased considerably and it even became uninhabited during the Turkish campaign of 1543.

More in-sentence examples of “considerably”:

+ The Solar System has evolved considerably since its initial formation.

+ The boundaries of the district varied considerably in time.

+ They vary considerably in form, but for the most part they are amoeba-like with pseudopods.

+ By then Boulton had managed the business for several years, and he expanded it considerably at the Soho Manufactory, built by him near Birmingham.

+ He said that Gabe had been accused of things of which he had not been guilty, had suffered considerably since Tina’s death, and had co-operated with the Court.

+ Gun laws vary considerably around the world.

+ The mid-nineteenth century attitudes towards death and dying for a noble cause were considerably different than modern thinking.

+ Since 1990 the name is still common, although considerably less so.

+ Proponents believes the area somewhat corresponds to the historic County of Barcelona, although its extension is considerably different.

+ Also, the reaction rate was affected considerably by steric effects of 2-substituents, with more bulky groups increasing the rate of reaction.

+ Another point of concern for Pakistan is that Kori Creek has changed its course considerably over the years.

+ Mercury would also be easy to spot, because it is closer and brighter, and because its maximum elongation from the Sun is considerably larger than when observed from Earth.

+ The shape of the estuaries and tidal flats varies considerably from the dry season to the wet season.

+ They also have considerably less features than the “adult” Furby, with a very limited vocabulary and a lower level of interactivity.

+ Changes in land use, particularly the new areas in the Docklands area, caused the project to change considerably in the 1990s.

+ It is characteristic of many brackish surface waters that their salinity can vary considerably over space and/or time.

+ The genetic material within virus particles, and the method by which the material is replicated, varies considerably between different types of viruses.

+ As usual with classics, hardtop models are worth considerably less, station wagons less than that, and sedans least of all.

+ The African forest elephant has a longer and narrower mandible, rounder ears, a different number of toenails, straighter and downward tusks, and considerably smaller size.

+ A louse’s color varies from pale beige to dark grey; however, if feeding on blood, it may become considerably darker.

+ There are also sub-dialects in Syrian Arabic; for example, people from Aleppo have a distinct accent, one that differs considerably from that of people from Homs or Al-Hasakah.

+ Recent studies of entire eukaryoteeukaryotic genomes have now shown that the lengths and density of introns varies considerably between related species.

+ Here’s what I’m noticing…that article is considerably longer than its parent, American League Championship Series.

+ Continental crust is also less dense than oceanic crust, though it is considerably thicker; mostly 35 to 40km versus the average oceanic thickness of around 7–10km.

+ Since early 1980s, many among the best volleyball players in the world play in SuperLega and the level of competition is considerably high.

+ The Solar System has evolved considerably since its initial formation.

+ The boundaries of the district varied considerably in time.

+ Production has considerably shrunk in the past century, and is now around 20 metric tonnes in the best years.

+ In addition, it became rapidly popular among the whole country because “Ehomaki” was advertised considerably in stores.

+ Though several wikis use them liberally to show things like FA/GA-status, I personally find that message-box banners distract considerably from the content.

+ A comparatively modest settlement until the industrial revolution, Kilmarnock extended considerably from around 1800 onwards.

+ Since joining Watford, he has been praised several times by analysts for his calm presence in the goal behind a considerably weak Watford defense and has won back-to-back Premier league goalkeeper of the year awards at the “London Football Awards”.

+ But its pronunciation is considerably different from the one in China.

+ It also suggests that, while economic arguments can be made for linking Mexico into the BRIC thesis, the case for including South Korea looks considerably weaker.

+ Activity levels of diapausing stages can vary considerably among species.

+ Freedman, “Statistical Models: Theory and Practice”, Cambridge University Press One factor contributing to the misuse of regression is that it can take considerably more skill to critique a model than to fit a model.

+ Due to the growing demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in recent years, and costs have dropped.

+ Natural gas prices rose considerably in New York Mercantile Exchange electronic trading on August 2.

+ Little urbanized until the early 20th century, the city grew considerably between the two wars, under Senator-Mayor Auguste Mounié, from 4,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.

+ Through the destruction of their habitat, as well as from hunting and trapping the mouse-deer for food, their pelts, and for pets, humans have considerably reduced the Java mouse-deer population.

+ That is considerably more than those Miller originally reported, and more than the 20 that naturally occur in life.BBC:.

+ Her third studio album “Fantasy Ride”, released in 2009, was considerably less successful than Ciara’s first two albums.

+ Wellington Wimpy, who had been considerably absent during the Famous era, and the show even included characters who never had the chance to appear in animation, such as Popeye’s old lucky charm Bernice the Whiffle Hen and even Alice the Goon, King Blozo and Rough House.

+ The oldest true fossils of baleen are only 15 million years old, but baleen rarely fossilizes, and scientists believe it originated considerably earlier than that.

+ Compared to cups in many other countries, Azerbaijan attracts considerably less public interest and even the cup final tickets are rarely sold out.

+ At seven to 12 billion years of age, Barnard’s Star is considerably older than the Sun, and it might be among the oldest stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

+ Gold and silver chopsticks are considerably heavier than normal wooden chopsticks and also considered to be extravagant.

+ Quality of life is considerably enhanced by improving and maintaining a good range of motion in the joints.

+ DSC has gained quite a lot interest in drug purity investigation because it requires samples with low quantity and is considerably fast in terms of analysis time.

+ The shape of the administrative area Warwickshire differs considerably from that of the historic county.

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