“alpha” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “alpha”:

– The binary system Alpha Centauri has an apparent magnitude of -0.27, but the brightest individual star is Alpha Centauri A with the apparent magnitude as listed here of -0.01.

– In 1989, he was named an honorary member of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity at Iowa State University.

– This action infuriated the young Popeye so heavily that his anger became pure strength; he quickly got back on his feet and punched whale with all his might, instantly killing the proud alpha and proceeded to take on the rest of the pod.

– Tropical Storm Alpha was the twenty-third tropical cyclonetropical or subtropical storm of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.

– The Alpha Persei Cluster is an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus.

– Small amounts of helium are also present in pitchblend as a result of alpha decay.

– In 1908 Hans Geiger, developed a technique for detecting alpha particles that would later be used in the Geiger-Müller tube.

– Haemoglobin, for example, has two alpha and two beta chains.

alpha use in sentences
alpha use in sentences

Example sentences of “alpha”:

– The odd-even isotope does 3 alpha decays before fission.

– The leaders are the alpha male and the alpha female and are usually the only pair to breed.

– All of this happened before Hurricane Wilma absorbed Alpha on October 24.

– These are pollutants which emit radioactive materials, such as alpha particlealpha and beta particles, posing danger to human health and the environment.

– The ALPHA Collaboration is a group of physicsphysicists from about 11 universities who work together to try to trap neutral antimatter.

– The 2009 American science fiction movie “Avatar Avatar”, directed by moon of the fictional planet Polyphemus, in the Alpha Centauri system.

– After finding out that it is but a trick, King orders the Alpha rogues to kill them.

– Since then, the PAF have flown on an Alpha Jets.

– His work on keratin helped Linus Pauling discover the alpha helix.

– Beta decay is what scientists call a neutron breaking down, in contrast with alpha decay where an atom breaks down.

– The carcinogens in them are caused by the radiation they release, such as gamma rays or alpha particles.

– Heavy nuclei such as uranium and thorium may undergo spontaneous fission, but they are much more likely to undergo decay by alpha decay.

– That is, electrons were ejected from the atom with a range of energies, rather than the discrete amounts of energies that were observed in gamma and alpha decays.

– Many helium-4 on Earth is produced from the alpha decay of heavy elements.

– If smoke enters the smoke detector, some of the alpha particles will attach to the smoke instead of the air particles.

– While normal proteins have lots of alpha helixalpha helices, or twisted parts, changed proteins have lots of beta sheets, or flat parts.

- The odd-even isotope does 3 alpha decays before fission.

- The leaders are the alpha male and the alpha female and are usually the only pair to breed.
- All of this happened before Hurricane Wilma absorbed Alpha on October 24.

More in-sentence examples of “alpha”:

– Note: If the note’s text has a reference name that is used more than once, the labels will still match, but the clickable alpha characters that toggle the note’s display will be “next to” the note’s label, with links to the multiple locations of its marker in the main text.

– As it crossed Hispaniola, Alpha was weakened to a tropical depression because of the island’s tall mountains.

– The current state-of-the-art ALPHA trap can contain antihydrogen atoms in their ground state if they are colder than about 0.5 Kelvin i.e.

– A line made from Alpha Centauri, through Beta Centauri leads to within a few degrees of Gamma CrucisGacrux, the star at the top of the Southern Cross.

– Persistent infections may be helped in 80% of patients by the use of alpha blockers, or long term low dose antibiotic therapy.

– If the distance from Earth to Sun is scaled down to one meter, the distance to Alpha Centauri A would be 271kilometers or about 169miles.

– There are two main types of secondary structure: alpha helix and beta strand.

– An alpha helix is a twisted part of a protein.

– An alpha helix is created by alternating groups of atoms.

– It was equipped with a central 64K byte Ram, a keyboard with 58 alpha numeric keys and 11 numeric keys, a 32-character LED screen, a floppy disk: capacity = 140 000 characters, a thermal printer: speed = 28 characters / second, an asynchronous channel, a synchronous channel, a 220V power supply.

– By a clever arrangement of magnets, ALPHA has a so-called magnetic minimum trap, in which antihydrogen may be trapped.

– In molecules containing carbonyl groups, alpha cleavage often competes with a McLafferty rearrangement.

– There may be an extra Alpha channel, with another 8 bits.

– Only the Alpha Centauri system, Barnard’s Star, and WISE 1049-5319 are closer.

– But it is not harmful when it is outside of the body because alpha radiation does not travel through the outside layers of the skin very well.

– The high degree to which alpha males monopolize matings results in an unusually large number of paternal half-siblings and full siblings in this species relative to other primate species.

– He is upset when Sam Uley, acting Alpha of the pack, declares that the pack will not retaliate.

– During alpha decay, the atomic nucleus releases an alpha particle.

– Salamence also has a mega-evolution introduced in the games Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

– Tropical Storm Alpha was the first tropical storm to get a Greek alphabet name.

– Fairview Alpha is an Unincorporated areaunincorporated community in Natchitoches and Red River Parishes in the state of Louisiana.

– These are ones in alpha radiation.

– The stars eta Leonis and alpha Leonis mark the lion’s heart, with alpha Leonis, also known as Regulus, being the bright star of magnitude one.

– They fly FranceFranco-German Alpha Jet training airplanes.

– The closest confirmed system is Gliese 832 at 14.8 light years with one confirmed planet, whereas the closest unconfirmed system is Alpha Centauri at 4.37 ly with a planet of Earth mass.

– Since 8.04 the code has been merged within Ubuntu and since 8.04 alpha 5, Wubi can also be found in the Ubuntu Live CD.

– They are different versions than on the original Alpha album.

– These sections are the Alpha Quadrant, Beta Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant, and Delta Quadrant.

– It happens when the atom emits an alpha particle.

– Unlike most common radiation sources, polonium-210 emits only alpha particles.

– As an example of a mechanism of alpha cleavage, an electron is knocked off an atom to form a radical cation.

– He is part owner of Alpha Prema, the parent company of the Formula One Group of companies.

– Also, programs that have not yet entered the alpha or beta stage, but passed the development stage, are called so.

– Compaq and Silicon Graphics stopped working on their Alpha and MIPS architectures to move to the Itanium architecture.

– Johnny Alpha is a mutant bounty hunter who was given a special gift when he was disfigured.

– The Rangers have new helpers called Dimitria, Alpha 6, Blue Senturion and the Phantom Ranger.

– Domesticated dogs often view their owner as the alpha male.

– Unstable nuclei may undergo alpha decay, in which they emit an energetic helium nucleus, or beta decay, in which they eject an electron.

– Its brightest star, Alpha Monocerotis, has a visual magnitude of 3.93.

– Most are protons and alpha particles, which are the nuclei of helium atoms.

– He found two different kinds, which he called alpha decay and beta decay.

– The process of alpha decay may be thought of as a special type of spontaneous nuclear fission.

– While a student at Washington, he was inducted into the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society, and became a brother of the Alpha Kappa Lambda social fraternity.

– To look at americium again, the isotope americium-241 gives off alpha radiation.

– When fibrinogen is activated to form fibrin, an enzyme called thrombin cleaves the fibrinopeptides off of the alpha and beta chains.

Alpha radiation cannot hurt humans when the alpha radiation source is outside the human body, because human skin does not let the alpha particles go through.

– For alpha particles and low energy beta particles the “end window” type of GM tube is used as these particles have a limited range even in free air and are easily stopped by a solid material.

– The high energies of alpha and beta particles mean that a trail is left by ions produced along the path of the charged particle.

– Curium has a silver color and it is made by bombardmentbombarding a target with alpha particles.

- Note: If the note's text has a reference name that is used more than once, the labels will still match, but the clickable alpha characters that toggle the note's display will be "next to" the note's label, with links to the multiple locations of its marker in the main text.

- As it crossed Hispaniola, Alpha was weakened to a tropical depression because of the island's tall mountains.
- The current state-of-the-art ALPHA trap can contain antihydrogen atoms in their ground state if they are colder than about 0.5 Kelvin i.e.

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