“biting” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “biting”:

– Storing venom for use in biting or stings is common in some groups of animals.

– Mosquitoes, biting bugs who suck blood and leave itchy bumps, bite him during dawn, when the sun rises, and dusk, when the sun falls.

– They must stay close to the ground, because the earth is warmer than the biting winds that blow above it.

– Venom from stinging or biting insects, like bees and wasps, may cause anaphylaxis.

– Also, the spiny dogfish has earned itself a bad reputation among fishermen due to its habit of biting through fishing nets to get at any fish which is caught in the nets.

– Other behaviours, such as nail biting or trichotillomania often occur in situations where there is a lot of stress or pressure on the individual.

biting use in sentences
biting use in sentences

Example sentences of “biting”:

– Basic themes are biting satire, ritual dances, exorcism rites, parody of human weaknesses, social evils and the privileged class.

– They are very good at biting and chewing.

– It is good to choose a flexible snorkel to avoid biting too hard and to focus on relaxing.

– After lions have brought down a prey, they suffocate it by biting the front of its face to prevent it breathing.

– Instead, these spiders may capture insects by grabbing them and then biting them.

– And I just switched TBC to Tree Biting Conspiracy; he does not show up in blue either.

– If you know how to stop an dog from biting you will not be injured or die.

– They do this by biting people or animals on the neck with their two long fangs.

– Scientists believe that an mosquito or tick has to bite an infected animal before it can spread the virus to a human by biting that human.

– Feeding behaviour has been reported for this shark and includes biting into schools of bony fish.

– Montecore responded by biting Horn’s sleeve.

– The mountain men faced many hazards including biting insects, bad weather, and diseases of all kinds.

– In addition to the bite wound, the dog may transmit diseases through the bite; one example for a disease transmitted through biting is rabies.

– But by this place “Christian” went without much danger, whereat I somewhat wondered; but I have learnt since, that “Pagan” has been dead many a day; and as for the other, though he be yet alive, he is by reason of age, and also of the many shrewd brushes that he met with in his younger dayes, grown so crazy and stiff in his joynts, that he can now do little more than sit in his Caves mouth, grinning at Pilgrims as they go by, and biting his nails, because he cannot come at them.

– Her love of biting is not as common late in the series, though, when she develops a love of cooking.

– The biting dog causes an injury, which may be serious, and may lead to death.

– Tsetse flies are large biting flyflies that live in the tropical regions of Africa.

- Basic themes are biting satire, ritual dances, exorcism rites, parody of human weaknesses, social evils and the privileged class.

- They are very good at biting and chewing.

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