“in the hands” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “in the hands”:

– Legend says she gets departed from her husband when Thongalel was lost in the battle between the gods of the underworld and those of the upper world, in the hands of Salailen Sidaba.

– It usually begins in the hands and feet and may progress to the arms and legs and sometimes to other parts of the body where it may affect the autonomic nervous system.

– That means the country has a king, but the real power is in the hands of a parliament, chosen by the Dutch people.

– After an eight-month nationwide search, investigators believed that they had found the child in Mississippi, in the hands of William Cantwell Walters of North Carolina.

– The consummate authority of punishment is in the hands of the camp commandant, who is personally responsible to the political police commander for the implementation of the rules as issued.

– All power was concentrated in the hands of a relatively small number of people at the top of the party.

– Under the constitution of 1868, executive power is in the hands of the Governor and the cabinet, which consists of several other ministers.

in the hands in-sentences
in the hands in-sentences

Example sentences of “in the hands”:

– Before modern times the government of the Isle of Man was in the hands of the Governor.

– It was founded in 1758 by Pasquale Paoli to create a port that would not be in the hands of the Genoese like Calvi.

– The tactically important ground of Maryang San remained in the hands of Chinese forces for the rest of the war.

– Military command is in the hands of the General Staff, headed by the Chief of Staff, who is Lieutenant-General Seyran Ohanyan.

– Lele puts his children in the hands of their grandpa, Nonno Libero.

– The Crown of Aragon was a joining of multiple titles and states in the hands of the King of Aragon.

– Sjećanja i zapažanja, 1925-1945: prilozi za hrvatsku povijest by Eugen Kvaternik, Eugen Dido Kvaternik, Jere Jareb, “Starčević” Publishing House, 1995 But the chief Ustasha delegate in Bosnia and Herzegovina was Jure Francetić, a Catholic and leading Ustashe returnee, and much of the party work in the province was put in the hands of Catholic priests.

– Many people wanted the festival to continue to be in the hands of the Wagner family.

– For a long time, the kings only controlled Paris and the surrounding area, as much of the rest of France was in the hands of barons or English.

– When they left the responsibility for protecting Sydney and Sydney Harbour was now in the hands of rich colonies like New South Wales and Victoria who now had to organise its own defences.

– One famous sermon is “Sinners in the hands of an angry god”, by Jonathan Edwards, an important Puritan preacher.

– Military command is in the hands of the General Staff, headed by the Chief of the South African National Defence Force, who is General officerGeneral Solly Shoke.

– However, with three albums of demos and by chance one of them got in the hands of multi-platinum recording artist Ludacris.

– The lands were instead left in the hands of the native chieftains.

– In Africa, he learns the money is in the hands of a “white witch” in the jungle who is guarded by a giant gorilla.

– Military command is in the hands of the General Staff, headed by the Chief of Staff, who is Colonel-General Najmaddin Sadigov.

– The aim is to prevent a conflict of interest and too much power being concentrated in the hands of one person.

– Nash did not complete all the detailed designs himself; in some instances, completion was left in the hands of other architects.

- Before modern times the government of the Isle of Man was in the hands of the Governor.

- It was founded in 1758 by Pasquale Paoli to create a port that would not be in the hands of the Genoese like Calvi.

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