“master plan” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “master plan”:

+ Other historians have since argued that there is no clear evidence that the attacks were part of a master plan or overall “conspiracy”.

+ In 1925 Patrick Geddes was commissioned to design a master plan for the city of Tel Aviv.

+ With Max’s size and speed and Freak’s directions and master plan of running into the pond, they keep themselves safe until they are rescued by the police.

+ The airport has produced a master plan outlining their vision for growth up to 2030.

+ Grant Associates both from UK, were awarded the master plan design for the Bay South and East Gardens in September 2006.

+ With the Regent’s backing Nash created a master plan for the area, put into action from 1818 onwards, which stretched from St James’s northwards and included Regent Street, Regent’s Park and its neighbouring streets, terraces and crescents of elegant town houses and villas.

master plan - some sentence examples
master plan – some sentence examples

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