“retina” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “retina”:

+ In another usage, ganglion cells are found in the retina of the vertebrate eye.

+ The retina is the thin layer of cells that lines the back of the eyeball in humans and in many animals.

+ The MacBook Retina is a laptop computer made by Apple Inc..

+ The optic nerve transmits visual information from the retina to the brain.

+ The theme of the event was ‘We still have a lot to cover.’ Originally, at the time of its release, the iPad Mini 2 was officially sold as the “iPad Mini with Retina Display”.

+ A tissue behind the retina reflects light back, thereby increasing sight in darker waters.

retina how to use?
retina how to use?

Example sentences of “retina”:

+ The yellow spot or macula is an oval yellow spot near the centre of the retina of the human eye.

+ The retina has two types of cells: Rod cells and Cone cells.

+ The yellow spot or macula is an oval yellow spot near the centre of the retina of the human eye.

+ The retina has two types of cells: Rod cells and Cone cells.

+ This treatment is done in cases of proliferative retinopathy that causes severe scar tissue to form on the retina or when new blood vessels continue to grow on the retina after laser treatments.

+ For them, space on the retina is better used with more rods since rods collect light better.

+ The fourth generation iPad kept the same Retina display as the last generation, but added some new features such as the Apple A6X chip, and the Lightning connector, which replaced the 30-pin dock connector.

+ The retina is at the back of the inside of the eye.

+ Most information about light that leaves the retina travels through the optic nerve, and is used by the brain to recognize what you’re seeing.

+ Faster electrical synapses are used in escape reflexes, the retina of vertebrates, and the heart.

+ At the same time, a new version of the iPad mini was announced that had the better Retina display.

+ For example, in the visual system, sensory cells called rod and cone cells in the retina change the physical energy of light signals into electrical impulses that travel to the brain.

+ While in the hospital his incubator was left too warm, which caused his retina to detach and resulted in severe optical nerve damage.

+ The retina is composed of light-sensitive cells which fire a signal down the optic nerve when light hits the cell.

+ The retina receives the images that the eye sees.

+ It is the first iPad Mini to have a Retina Display.

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