Some example sentences of “specify”

How to use in-sentence of “specify”:

+ On April 2017, it was unbanned, but it now asks users to specify their age.

+ The ability to specify the number of results is available only if “Instant Search” is not enabled.

+ For songs with multiple versions or covers, you can specify the desired version with the optional “version” parameter.

+ For instance, Tajik scripts, making it necessary to always specify which script is in use.

+ It is permitted to specify just Year or Year and month only.

+ These parameters specify details for an optional “Statistics” section displayed below the runways and helipads.

+ If you specify week_ordinal, then weekday and month are required also.

Some example sentences of specify
Some example sentences of specify

Example sentences of “specify”:

+ You can specify rounding with the to the nearest million, and so on.

+ The first permits the user to specify what needs to be cited.

+ Regular users can specify their email in their profile.

+ The user can manually specify the installation directory and the files to be installed in the target installation directory.

+ While he did not specify whether the announcement pertained to his reelection as a United States Senator or for the Presidency, most media consensus was that Rubio would be announcing his presidential run.

+ You can specify up to 10 projects.

+ Otherwise, specify the language in which the website is.

+ Use this parameter to specify the number per engine.

+ To specify a different epoch, such as that of Twitter, use.

+ Note: to use the disambiguation parameter, you must specify a “format” parameter, or use “” between the “ship type” and “disambiguation” parameters.

+ Pages using the module are added to the category if they do not have an official website listed in Wikidata, and they do not specify an official site manually.

+ The size parameter is used to specify whether to include the frame and caption.

+ This can also be used to specify water landing areas for seaplanes.

+ This command is used at the beginning of a connection to specify the username, hostname, real name and initial user modes of the connecting client.

+ The main function of, is that the template allows you to specify a desired height of the panorama.

+ The rows parameters specify how many lines the station should cover, while the hide parameters ensure that the table formatting remains intact.

+ The template is not only used to specify the language of foreign words, but can also be used to specify a single symbol or character in a script, unrelated to any specific language.

+ The value you need to specify is the area name.

+ You can specify a different category with the.

+ Russian, for instance, is almost exclusively written in Cyrillic, so there is no need to specify would be unnecessary for English.

+ You can specify rounding with the to the nearest million, and so on.

+ The first permits the user to specify what needs to be cited.
+ Regular users can specify their email in their profile.

More in-sentence examples of “specify”:

+ Its work has helped to specify machine safeguarding guidelines, the Cornell Safety CarCornell-Liberty Survival Car, and ergonomic guidelines.

+ If the flags in the processor specify that the result was greater than or equal to zero, instead of just going to the next instruction the processor will jump to the instruction at the continue label, which is "mul ax".
+ An option in the template can specify that the sandbox versions of the modules be used.

+ Its work has helped to specify machine safeguarding guidelines, the Cornell Safety CarCornell-Liberty Survival Car, and ergonomic guidelines.

+ If the flags in the processor specify that the result was greater than or equal to zero, instead of just going to the next instruction the processor will jump to the instruction at the continue label, which is “mul ax”.

+ An option in the template can specify that the sandbox versions of the modules be used.

+ The dogs are large, and usually grow to a shoulder height of between, but the official standard does not specify a weight.

+ Please start a section on the article’s talk page to discuss and specify the specific section that contradicts itself.

+ Procedural programs specify or describe sets of steps or state changes.

+ If you want to have a delimiter, such as “,amp;nbsp;”, appear between links, specify the delimiter with lim.

+ There is an optimal ensemble of parameters that uniquely specify the state, and all other parameters can be derived from these.

+ One can specify additional text to appear before and or after the “clarify” tag.

+ For this reason, if an icon size different from the default is wanted, it is best to always specify both a width and a height.

+ The “genre” field should specify the genre of the entry.

+ If the recipe does not specify fresh or dried, assume that it means fresh.

+ The longitude of the ascending node is one of the orbital elements used to specify the orbit of an object in space.

+ Note: If you specify the maxsize or sizedefault params, then you should include the px after the number.

+ The standards specify a serial communicationserial bus which can be used to transfer information.

+ For wrapper templates that usevolume= to specify default name and year.

+ Therefore, it’s a good idea to specify the Gregorian date for a few future years.

+ This template is used to specify the background colouring used TC stats tables.

+ An optional bgcol= field can also be used to specify the background color of the box, either using a color name.

+ If a template is to be always used in a particular namespace and never in another, it is also possible to set to specify the messagebox type typical for that namespace or namespace family such that it will never change from that type.

+ To specify a talk page section, use, i.e.:.

+ Do not specify both “df” and “mf” parameters in the same use of the template, as these formats are mutually exclusive.

+ Dates can use numbered or named parameters to specify year/month/day.

+ These categories were always used for series that started in the year, although the old name didn’t specify that.

+ Optionally, the “edelim” parameter can specify the delimiter used at the end of the page name in this case the “delim” tag is still used for the beginning of the page name.

+ To do so, specify the subpage name of the templates’ versions in the infobox’s parameter parameter to make the infobox display the proper name in the article.

+ Normally, bizarre features would be designed to require special coding to trigger those features, such as: if you want to pass newlines in parameter values, then specify them, explicitly, such as “param=aa#nuline;bb#nuline;cc#nuline;” where the code “#nuline;” or “lt;br ” is the feature to be requested.

+ This normally takes the form of a graphical menu, although if this is not available or the user wishes further control, GRUB has its own command prompt, where the user can manually specify the boot parameters.

+ A celestial coordinate system is a coordinate system that helps astronomers specify the location of objects in the sky.

+ Finally, there is a need to specify each event’s likelihood of happening.

+ These parameters specify airport details for the “Summary” section displayed below the airport codes.

+ If it is passed input that it does not recognise as boolean or, it is possible to specify a default value to return.

+ The parameter may be used to specify the date when the Cycling Archives profile was last accessed.

+ These parameters specify the airport name which is displayed at the top of the infobox.

+ Trigonometric functions specify the relationships between side lengths and interior angles of a right triangle.

+ By default, coordinates appear in the format used to specify them.

+ This sub-template is used to specify the color and image scheme used by it should not be used directly.

+ For journal publication dates it is often simplest to specify just the year, even if a more precise date is known, as a too-precise publication date may distract the reader with useless and even misleading information when a source is written well before its official publication date.

+ So since the templates both use url instead of wikilinks, can I propose we adjust to incorporate all projects instead of just enwiki? We shouldn’t need to have one for each foreign project, just use parameters to specify the project instead.

+ The ID should specify the kind of identifier used.

+ Use of the no-longer-supported parameter instead of attempting to specify the number of columns.

+ To not display the “Reuters” link, do not specify this field, instead specify each other link that should be included; see example below.

+ The parameters required to specify the state depend on the characteristics of the system.

+ The Constitution does not specify how impeachment proceedings are to be initiated.

+ If the original research only relates to a few statements, consider using the inline variant to specify that particular passage as likely being of questionable origin.

+ Therefore, one can apply a chain of logical rules and algorithms to create animations without manually specify any key poses.

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