“hydrocarbon” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “hydrocarbon”:

– The “Cassini–Huygens” team decided that the smooth areas are the hydrocarbon lakes they had been searching for, the first lakes found off Earth.

– Kidd named it naphthalene because “naphtha”  means any explosive hydrocarbon mixture.

– The reaction path has coordination chemistrycoordination of a hydrocarbon to the inner-sphere of the metal atom.

– It was identified as a hydrocarbon lake and confirmed by data from the Cassini spacecraft.

– A fatty acid is a carboxylic acid, with a long unbranched hydrocarbon tail.

– Benzene, C, is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon and was recognized as the first aromatic hydrocarbon, with the nature of its bonding first being recognized by Kekulé in the 19th century.

– When liquified, the hydrocarbon takes up 600 times less space than its gas.

hydrocarbon some ways to use
hydrocarbon some ways to use

Example sentences of “hydrocarbon”:

– When the probe arrived in the Saturnian system in 2004, scientists hoped that hydrocarbon lakes or oceans might be seen in reflected sunlight from the surface, but no reflections were found.

– The sea has a number of reefs, islands where no one lives and significant hydrocarbon reserves.

– The content of long hydrocarbon chains makes the material highly hydrophobic, making it more difficult to extinguish.

– In the 16 electrical transformers at the center, silicone fluid is used as a coolant “with less risk of ignition” than hydrocarbon coolant.

– Machines using hydrocarbon solvents require a wash cycle of at least 25 minutes because of the much slower rate of solvation of solvent-soluble soils.

– Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics.

– In organic chemistry, a diene is a hydrocarbon that contains two carbon pi bonds.

– Olah was a distinguished professor at the University of Southern California and the director of the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute.

– Liquefied petroleum gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases.

– Resin is a hydrocarbon secretionsecreted by many coniferous trees.

– It may have a letter P inside to indicate perchloroethylene solvent, or a letter F inside to indicate a hydrocarbon solvent.

- When the probe arrived in the Saturnian system in 2004, scientists hoped that hydrocarbon lakes or oceans might be seen in reflected sunlight from the surface, but no reflections were found.

- The sea has a number of reefs, islands where no one lives and significant hydrocarbon reserves.
- The content of long hydrocarbon chains makes the material highly hydrophobic, making it more difficult to extinguish.

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