Top 10 Strategies for Efficient Reading in the TOEFL iBT


In today’s lesson, I’ll be sharing the top 10 strategies for efficient reading in the TOEFL iBT. Reading is a crucial component of this exam, and by implementing these strategies, you can enhance your comprehension and speed. So, let’s dive in!

1. Skim the Passage First

When you receive a reading passage, don’t immediately start reading it word by word. Instead, quickly skim through the passage to get an overall idea of its content and structure. This initial scan will help you form a mental framework for the passage, making it easier to understand the details later.

2. Highlight Keywords

As you read the passage more carefully, make it a habit to highlight or underline important keywords. These could be terms that are repeated, names, dates, or any information that seems significant. By doing this, you’ll create visual cues that can aid in quick reference during the exam.

3. Pay Attention to Transition Words

Transition words like ‘however,’ ‘therefore,’ or ‘in contrast’ are not just connectors; they also provide valuable clues about the relationships between different ideas in the passage. Being aware of these words will enable you to grasp the author’s main argument and the supporting details.

4. Practice Active Reading

Reading passively, where you simply go through the words without engaging with the content, can be detrimental to your comprehension. Instead, practice active reading. This means constantly asking yourself questions about the material, making predictions, and summarizing what you’ve read at regular intervals.

5. Familiarize Yourself with Different Text Types

The TOEFL iBT includes passages from various disciplines, such as science, history, and social sciences. Each discipline has its own unique writing style and vocabulary. By exposing yourself to a wide range of texts, you’ll become more comfortable with these variations, which can significantly improve your reading speed and understanding.

6. Use Context Clues for Vocabulary

Encountering unfamiliar words in the passage is common. Instead of getting stuck on them, try to infer their meanings from the context. Look for surrounding words or phrases that can provide clues. This not only helps you understand the word in question but also enhances your overall comprehension of the passage.

7. Be Mindful of Time

Time management is crucial in the TOEFL iBT reading section. You have a limited amount of time to read and answer questions for multiple passages. To ensure you don’t run out of time, set a pace for yourself. If you’re spending too much time on a particular question, it’s better to move on and come back to it later if you have time.

8. Take Practice Tests

Like any skill, reading for the TOEFL iBT requires practice. Take advantage of the numerous practice tests available online or in study guides. These tests not only familiarize you with the format and types of questions but also help you gauge your progress and identify areas that need improvement.

9. Improve Your Note-Taking Skills

During the exam, you’ll have the option to take notes on a virtual notepad. This feature can be immensely helpful, but only if you know how to use it effectively. Practice taking concise and organized notes while you’re practicing reading passages. This will ensure that your notes serve as a valuable reference during the question-answering phase.

10. Review and Reflect

After completing a practice test or reading a passage, don’t just move on to the next one. Take the time to review your answers and understand why you got certain questions wrong. Reflect on the strategies you used and whether they were effective. This self-analysis will help you refine your approach and improve your performance over time.

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