In sentence use of “medulla”

How to use in-sentence of “medulla”:

– The hindbrain consists of the pons, and the medulla oblongata; which is an extension of the spinal cord.

– The medulla tells the intercostals when to contract by sending messages through these nerves.

– If there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood, the medulla sends signals to the breathing muscles and tells them to work harder.

– If the medulla did not work, the person would die.

– Because the medulla controls so many important things, injuries to the medulla can cause some serious problems.

– If there is too much carbon dioxide, the medulla tells the body to breathe faster.

– In humans it is above the medulla and below the midbrain.

In sentence use of medulla
In sentence use of medulla

Example sentences of “medulla”:

- Sets of neurons in the medulla help control other important things, like movement, digestion, and sleep.

- If there is not enough oxygen in the blood, the medulla will tell the body to breathe faster, to take in more oxygen.

– Sets of neurons in the medulla help control other important things, like movement, digestion, and sleep.

– If there is not enough oxygen in the blood, the medulla will tell the body to breathe faster, to take in more oxygen.

– The medulla controls internal organ functions and helps maintains balance.

– Groups of neurons in the medulla tell the body when to breathe in, when to breathe faster, and when to breathe slower.

– This means that the medulla controls heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and the size of the body’s blood vessels.

– The medulla controls breathing.

– If a person’s medulla is completely destroyed, that person will die.

– Once there is enough oxygen in the blood, the medulla will tell the body to breathe slower again.

– The medulla will tell the accessory muscles to kick in, to make it easier for the person to lift their chest to create more room for the lungs to fill.

– The special groups of neurons in the medulla tell these breathing muscles when to contract.

– The medulla measures how much carbon dioxide is in a person’s blood.

– The medulla oblongata is the lower half of the brainstem.

– It acts as a bridge, and has nerve fibres connecting the cerebellum to the medulla oblongata.

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