In sentence use of “viscosity”

How to use in-sentence of “viscosity”:

+ The viscosity of the quicksand seems to increase suddenly.

+ Based on this information, they can hypothesize that fermionic condensates will flow without any viscosity as well.

+ The Navier-Stokes equations are momentum equations, and the Euler equations are the Navier-Stokes equations but with viscosity not included.

+ Quicksand may be escaped by slow movement of the legs in order to reduce viscosity of the fluid, and rotating the body so as to float on one’s back.

+ A way to test for viscosity is the speed at which the substance runs down a slope.

+ Increasing the viscosity can be done by adding flour or cornstarch and this can also protect against curdling.

In sentence use of viscosity
In sentence use of viscosity

Example sentences of “viscosity”:

+ Most commonly viscosity of such fluids is not independent of the shear rate or the shear rate history.

+ Gum arabic is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries.
+ It increases the high viscosity regions of sediment responsible for quicksand's "trapping" power.

+ Most commonly viscosity of such fluids is not independent of the shear rate or the shear rate history.

+ Gum arabic is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries.

+ It increases the high viscosity regions of sediment responsible for quicksand’s “trapping” power.

+ The Reynolds number is a way to describe the behavior of a flow—in a flow with a low Reynolds number, like those in which bacteria move, viscosity is the most important effect to consider.

+ What is needed is an oil that has just the right amount of viscosity to keep the two surfaces apart.

+ Depending on how much thickener is added, the resulting viscosity may range between syrupy liquid and thick rubbery gel.

+ Some fluids are anti-thixotropic: constant shear stress for a time causes an increase in viscosity or even solidification.

+ A thixotropic fluid is a fluid which takes a finite time to attain equilibrium viscosity when introduced to a step change in shear rate.

+ It was long thought that the characteristics of “Drosophila” flight were dominated by the viscosity of the air, rather than the inertia of the fly body.

+ In this disease, the number of red blood cells is increased, which changes the viscosity of the blood.

+ When these oils are heated, their viscosity is reduced, and they can be burned directly in a diesel engine, or chemically processed to produce fuels such as biodiesel.

+ The best oils, with a high viscosity index score, will keep their viscosity the same across the temperature range.

+ The viscosity of batter may be from very ‘heavy” to “thin”.

+ Sols can change into viscosity quickly if they are thixotropic.

+ Mafic lava, before cooling, has a lower viscosity than felsic lava due to its lower silica content.

+ A non-Newtonian fluid is a thixotropic fluid which changes its viscosity when the forces on it change.

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