“security” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “security”:

– These individual Needneeds can range anywhere from food and shelter to the need for security and happiness.

– The SDLP is in charge of security of heads of state of the French Republic.

– While make bombs to blow up the rest, security tells the police who show up in force.

– Terrorists have gained control of Las Vegas to install widespread panic in both the public as well as law enforcement agencies, such as the National Security Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Rainbow, as well as local SWAT.

– State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service.

security - sentence examples
security – sentence examples

Example sentences of “security”:

– On May 25, 2014, Microsoft gets a security update for people who uses Windows Phone Blue can change them until version Update 1, also the next version is Windows Phone 8, which was current until May 31, 2014, and June 1, 2014.

– The name was used most in 1992, when it was at #15 in the United States on the USA Social Security Administration baby naming chart.

– The Security Council approved this mission on June 22, 1994.

– Sara Kingdom is a Space Security Agent in “The Daleks’ Master Plan”.

– The People’s Public Security Forces has the function of advising the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the protection of national security and preservation of social order and safety; To exercise unified management over the protection of national security and preserve social order and safety; To fight against the conspiracy, activities of hostile forces, assorted crimes and violations of the law on national security, social order and safety.

– Such documents can sometimes be viewed by those without security clearance.

– This isolation gives private networks a basic form of security as it is not usually possible for the outside world to establish a connection directly to a machine using these private addresses.

– Code Red wormCode Red and Code Red II were famous computer worms that used problems with indexing service of Windows 2000’s Internet Information Services to caused a security problem.

– About 70,000 people went peacefully through the city centre, and the police or the State Security did not do anything to stop them.

– After serving time, he joined another protest that led to him being moved to a high security prison in Denver.

– The major crackdown in the “Wehrmacht” after the 20 July plot to kill Hitler resulted in much tighter security and fewer information leaks.

- On May 25, 2014, Microsoft gets a security update for people who uses Windows Phone Blue can change them until version Update 1, also the next version is Windows Phone 8, which was current until May 31, 2014, and June 1, 2014.

- The name was used most in 1992, when it was at #15 in the United States on the USA Social Security Administration baby naming chart.

– SetACL is a freeware Utility softwareutility for manipulating security descriptors on Microsoft Windows.

– The United States Secretary of Homeland Security is the head of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the body concerned with protecting the American homeland and the safety of American citizens.

– The Royal Engineers Search Team had detected a further four VOIEDs in the immediate area and stoically, like he has on over 80 other occasions in the last five months, he set about disposing of them too.That he did it without the security of specialist protective clothing serves even more to demonstrate his outstanding gallantry.

– IBM took over the agency’s IT operations, and “IBM used subcontractors abroad, making sensitive information and an entire database of Swedish drivers’ licences accessible by foreign technicians who did not have the usual security clearance”.

– He allowed the internal security force to put people in prison and torture them if they were thought to be Communists or North Korean agents.

– The Permanent Members of the Security Council worked together in ending this problem; Germany has also conferenced with the permanent UN Security Council members about this issue.

– Similar to the e-mail filtering vendors, the IM security providers focus on the risks and liabilities described above.

– In his later years, he was incarcerated at Full Sutton HM Prison maximum security prison in Full Sutton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.

More in-sentence examples of “security”:

– It also causes problems with some online games, online security cameras, and BitTorrent.

– The tightened security made things very hard for the German soldiers to move about, and a number of them were captured.

– He served as the National Security Advisor United States National Security Advisor for President Bill Clinton from March 14, 1997 until January 20, 2001.

– Belarus is the only post-Soviet Union era country where the national security organization is still called “KGB”.

– When the venue for the summit was changed from Chicago, a White House spokesman said security and the possibility of protests were not factors in the decision.

– In January 2012, Reuters claimed that over 5,000 civilians and protesters had been killed by the Syrian army, security agents and militia, while 1,100 people had been killed by terrorists.

– This meant that Microsoft had not been sending out security updates for this version of Windows, leaving it open to the WannaCry virus.

– According to professor Lars Dencik, from the University of Roskilde, the Danish state used the opportunity of this evacuation to test its anti-terrorist security forces.

– Bush appointed him to chair the Counter-terrorism Security Group and to a seat on the United States National Security Council.

– He served as National Security Advisor National Security Advisor to President of the United States Ronald Reagan from 1983 through 1985.

– In 1991, Fink was fired from Humboldt University of Berlin due to allegations against him being a former informer for the East GermanyEast German state security office, the Stasi.

– In February 2003 he appeared before the United Nations Security Council.

– He was the United States Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe from July 2019 until January 2021.

– The singular lack of armed protection afforded to the Yugoslav monarch, and the general laxity of security precautions when it was well-known that one attempt had already been made on Alexander’s life are grim tributes to Pavelić organizational abilities; he had apparently been able to bribe a high official in the Surete General.

– After a few seconds, the device will appear in “Imaging Devices.” In “USB Controllers” there will be an entry called “Microsoft Xbox 360 Live Vision Security Method 3.” This indicates the camera is installed and ready for use.

– Charles Bila Kaboré was appointed technical advisor to the Minister of the Interior and Security in 1961, before becoming Treasurer General of Upper Volta and member of the Economic and Social Council.

– He was the Director of the Federal Security Service from July 1996 to July 1998.

– In some countries, ATC may also play a security or defense role.

– It is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the headquarters of the United Nations is in New York City.

– The re-formed MVD retained its police and law enforcement powers, while the second, new agency, the KGB, did the internal and external security functions, and reported to the Council of Ministers.

– They often killed the security agents in charge.

– In 2010, security forces stormed a protest camp in the Western Sahara, triggering violent demonstrations in the regional capital El Aaiún.

– The United Nations Security Council is the most powerful part of the United Nations.

– According to Suvorov, even the General Secretary of the CPSU could not enter GRU headquarters without going through a security screening.

- It also causes problems with some online games, online security cameras, and BitTorrent.

- The tightened security made things very hard for the German soldiers to move about, and a number of them were captured.
- He served as the National Security Advisor United States National Security Advisor for President Bill Clinton from March 14, 1997 until January 20, 2001.

– Some Russian army and special forces units, and Moscow’s intelligence and security forces still use it.

– The State is a member of the UN, the Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS, Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State of Russia and Belarus, as well as a member of other international organizations.

– Computer security or anti-malware software is usually good at stopping malware from installing itself.

– The action center shows messages for many more things, not just security for Windows.

– Most of ETA’s terror attacks targeted businesses and Spanish government officials, especially members of the security services and the judiciary, but it also targeted civilians.

– Russia got most of the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons, and also its permanent seat in the Security Council.

– Evidence of security against linear cryptanalysis is usually expected of new cipher designs.

– His killer, 22-year-old Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, was killed by security forces.

– The PAF is also present for the security of the famous Channel Tunnel.

– Some people who always use keys in their jobs are, security guardsecurity guards, prison officers, retail store managers, etc use keychains.

– The National Security Agency knows who Martin really is.

– A Bodyguard is a security guard who physically protects a person against injury.

– The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a domestic security service.

– He was hoping to get money from Social Security that they pay to children whose parents die in accidents.

– For example, in the United Kingdom, there is a distinction between the Security Service and the.

– Other types are the awareness bands and security bands used for music concerts and school dances.

– It does so by using Linux Security Modules in the Linux kernel.

– He was then appointed National Security Advisor to the President in 1996, and assumed the office of Vice Minister in 2000.

– She was in charge of the security of Austria, including its police force.

– During wartime, the Internal Troops fall under the jurisdiction of the Azerbaijani Land Forces, and can be involved in local defense defense and security of the country, along with the army.

– This is no minor inconvenience, as security checkpoints manned by pols and Nats, the police and National Guard are set up throughout the city to stop and arrest anyone without valid ID.

– They fulfill national security duties and duties in support of their ministry.

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