“integral” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “integral”:

– In 1823, Cauchy defined the definite integral by the limit definition.

– In calculus and mathematical analysis, an integral is a way to calculate the limiting value a function with one variable will tend towards.

– An integral is the reverse of a derivative derivative, and integral calculus is the opposite of differential calculus.

– The Flash is one of DC Comics’ most popular characters and has been integral to the publisher’s many reality-changing “crisis” storylines over the years.

– The obvious solution is then to split that surface in several pieces, calculate the surface integral on each piece, and then add them all up.

– Numerical solution of integral equations by means of the Sinc collocation method based on the double exponential transformation.

integral example in sentences
integral example in sentences

Example sentences of “integral”:

– There are 4 electric motors placed on each wheel supported by an Integral powertrain.

– In mathematics, Cauchy’s integral formula is a central statement in complex analysis.

– Devas constitute an integral part of the colorful Hindu culture.

– The proof of this is straightforward: The definition of an integral is a limit of sums.

– Spires are considered integral parts of the architectural design of buildings, changes to which would substantially change the appearance and design of the building, whereas antennas may be added or removed without such consequences.

– Similarly, an integral for a function with three variables over a three-dimensional region, called triple integral, can be thought of as a hypervolume.

– In the field of electromagnetism, flux is usually the integral of a vector quantity over a finite surface.

– The integral of the Dirac delta function is the Heaviside function.

– However he was not able to repay the debts, so these lands became integral parts of Guelders.

– He was the hardest to win over, and eventually she becomes an integral part of the Sheffield home, and she becomes best friends with the butler Niles.

– In many schools in the UK, conflict resolution has now become an integral part of the SEAL programme, chiming,as it does, with the SEAL principles of developing social skills and an understanding of ones own feelings.

– Here, is the integrand of the function, or part of the integral to be integrated.

– If one thinks of “S” as made of some material, and for each x in “S” the number “f” is the density of material at x, then the surface integral of “f” over “S” is the mass per unit thickness of “S”.

– Type “B” consists of four parts – Math 1, Math 2, Geometry and Vector, Integral calculus and Statistics.

– By the fundamental theorem of calculus, the integral is the antiderivative.

– This describes the derivative and integral as inverse processes.

- There are 4 electric motors placed on each wheel supported by an Integral powertrain.

- In mathematics, Cauchy's integral formula is a central statement in complex analysis.

More in-sentence examples of “integral”:

– This equation only works if the integral is done over a closed surface.

– This gives the relationship between the definite integral and the indefinite integral.

– It includes any mixture of combat disciplines or any blend of two or more styles of martial arts like boxing and kick boxing which are its integral fighting styles.

– True, Davis did prepare sandwiches at “Tamala Designs With Bagel”, a SoHo clothing store with food counter in the back owned by Aggie Markowitz who reflected ” was an integral part of the downtown fashion mafia.

– A natural question is then whether the definition of the surface integral depends on the chosen parametrization.

– Pakistan’s geosphere is geographically unique, located within Southcentral Asia and has close political affinity and is a integral part of Greater Middle East Region, with the mighty Indus RiverIndus river and its tributaries as its main water supply or lifeline, the world’s largest Irrigation system respectively.

– Note that we’re only dealing with the differential forms, not the integral forms, but that is sufficient since the differential and integral forms are equivalent in each case, by the Kelvin–Stokes theorem.

– In complex analysis, contour integration is a way to calculate an integral around a contour on the complex plane.

– Moreover, with MTR stations being an integral part of the neighbourhood, the programme also provides opportunities to promote Hong Kong’s community art, encourage art appreciation among the public and give residents a feeling of home at the stations.

– During the American Civil War, the Yard once again became an integral part of the defense of Washington.

– It uses differential calculusdifferential and integral calculus as well as linear algebra to study problems of geometry.

– Mythical narration plays an integral role in nearly every genre of Meitei literature.

– He discovered of the Faddeev equations in the theory of the quantum mechanical three-body problem and for the development of path integral methods.

– In mathematics, a surface integral is a definite integral taken over a surface.

– Thus, we can evaluate a contour integral of the fourth dimension.

– Though most of the buildings in a historic district are an integral part of its history, some have nothing to do with the history of the district and are called non-contributing elements.

– If, however, the normals for these parametrizations point in opposite directions, the value of the surface integral obtained using one parametrization is the negative of the one obtained via the other parametrization.

– Parenchyma is integral to vascular tissue, where it provides a route of exchange for materials within and between the xylem and the phloem.

– Indeed on January 9, 1939, the colony of Italian Libya was incorporated into “metropolitan Italy” and thereafter considered an integral part of the Italian state.

– After his term concluded, he served as the administrative secretary, as president of the Directive Council of Social Security, as president of the Internal Council of Health, and as vice president of the National System for Integral Family Development – all in the State of Mexico.

– The mathematical formula for direct calculation is given as a multiple integral over a shape’s area,.

– West’s character advises that “comprehension is not a requisite of cooperation.” In addition, West provides philosophical commentary on all three Matrix films in The Ultimate Matrix Collection, along with integral theoryintegral theorist Ken Wilber.

– The integral of a sum of functions is the sum of each function’s integral.

– The statement also provides integral formulas for all derivatives of a holomorphic function.

– Big said: “He’s a founding father of a whole genre of music and a man who really set the bar early on to be such an integral part of the sound and song structure of Sabbath”.

– It includes subtopics Path integral formulation, scattering theory, Schrödinger equation, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics.

– But fifty years later Rome lost the area that since then remained an integral part of the Sassanian Empire for more than two centuries.

– The Karaikal district formed an integral part of the Pallava kingdom in eighth century.

– Born hypothesized that the above integral determines that the particle “exists somewhere in space”.

– Efforts are on to export the naturally grown fruits and vegetables as Organic foods mainly to the Greater Middle East region which it forms an integral part.

– An integral for a function with two variables over a two-dimensional region, called double integral, can be shown as a surface in three dimensional space.

– During the Umayyad period Hispania was an integral province of the Umayyad Caliphate ruled from Damascus, Syria.

– The publication of a book offered by publisher FZA was an integral part of the award, and the publisher limited this book to 100 pages.

– Applications range from structural elements such as steel-reinforced concrete, to the Thermal insulationthermally insulative tiles which play a key and integral role in National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Space Shuttle thermal protection system which is used to protect the surface of the shuttle from the heat of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

– It has always been an integral part of the Paris Opéra, which was founded in 1669 as the Académie d’Opéra.

– During the same time when she was First Lady, Cordero was President of the National System for Integral Family Development.

– Flammersheim, pp.115 Analysis of these curves plays an important role in determination of heat of transformation, heat of reactions or any changes in heat capacity due to temperature variations, for instance, the enthalpy of exothermic and endothermic processes can be determined by finding the area under the DSC curve using a mathematical technique called integral calculus.

– In calculus, an integral is the Space.

– For integrals of scalar fields, the answer to this question is simple: the value of the surface integral will be the same no matter what parametrization one uses.

– In 1983, Danny Goodman of “Creative Computing Video Arcade Games” said that “B-17 Bomber” was his favorite game that used the Intellivoice, enjoying the voices and saying the game and others “made the voice an integral part of game play”.

– An ion channel is an integral membrane protein or more typically an assembly of several proteins.

– The surface integral can be defined component-wise according to the definition of the surface integral of a scalar field; the result is a vector.

– He is often credited with having invented the principle of least action; a version is known as Maupertuis’s principle – an integral equation that determines the path followed by a physical system.

– This relation is known as Gauss’ law for electric field in its integral form and it is one of the four Maxwell’s equations.

– A double integral can also be used to define an integral over an arbitrary surface.

- This equation only works if the integral is done over a closed surface.

- This gives the relationship between the definite integral and the indefinite integral.
- It includes any mixture of combat disciplines or any blend of two or more styles of martial arts like boxing and kick boxing which are its integral fighting styles.

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