“digest” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “digest”:

+ The ability to digest lactose into adulthood was useful to humans after the development of animal husbandry.

+ Up to 75% of people worldwide begin to lose the ability to digest lactose as they grow into adults.

+ The body requires energy to digest food.

+ This happens before the squabs are fully grown, but after they digest the adult food.

+ The main antagonist of “Battle Tendency” and one of the surviving Pillar Men, a race of humanoids revered as deities and demons in the New World that petrify while in sunlight and digest other lifeforms through physical contact due to their cells containing acidic enzymes and euphoria-inducing enzymes that keep the prey from realizing they are being eaten alive.

+ Also, enzymes help to digest the food.

+ It is also the starting material for bile acids that are made by the liver and used to digest fats, and for steroid hormones.

+ Anaconda eat 4 to 5 times year because it takes 3 to 4 months to digest their food.

digest use in-sentences
digest use in-sentences

Example sentences of “digest”:

+ Stahl thought that because some parts of plants, like raw cellulose and starch are hard to digest in uncooked form, they would likely not be a part of the hominidaehominid diet before fire could be controlled.

+ No animal can digest cellulose by itself.

+ Stahl thought that because some parts of plants, like raw cellulose and starch are hard to digest in uncooked form, they would likely not be a part of the hominidaehominid diet before fire could be controlled.

+ No animal can digest cellulose by itself.

+ It is also published in Braille, digital, audio, and a version in large type called “Reader’s Digest Large Print”.

+ Steatorrhea is caused by the inability to digest and absorb fat in the diet.

+ SymbiosisSymbiotic bacteria in their intestines help them digest the fibres.

+ The swarm puts out extracellular enzymes to digest food.

+ In these neurodegenerative disorders, it is thought that the microglia digest healthy brain cells, causing the degeneration of brain function.

+ Humans that contained amylase in the saliva would benefit from increased ability to digest starch more efficiently and in higher quantities.

+ These first farmers likely had another problem: When people become adults most lose the ability to digest fresh milk.

+ Billiards Digest Magazine.

+ They subsequently sit, sleepy or half torpid, to digest their food.

+ Because of this they are unable to digest lactose.

More in-sentence examples of “digest”:

+ Humans do not digest leaves, but we inherited some of the apes’ vegetarian apparatus.

+ That way a bird can eat several items, and then fly off to a quiet spot to digest them.

+ The main reason it is produced is that goats’ milk is easier to digest than that of cows or buffalos.

+ The capital of the state of Paraná Paraná was the only Brazilian city to enter the 21st century as a reference for national and international urban planning and quality of life; a search by the American magazine Reader’s Digest found that it was the Brazilian city better placed in the ranking of the best cities in the world to live in.

+ Pythons may take several days or even weeks to fully digest prey.

+ Laxatives work by helping your intestines digest undigested food, and do not make you lose weight.

+ Every 10–14 days yellow-lipped sea kraits come on land to digest their food, to shed their skin or mate and lay their eggs.

+ These snails are able to digest most vegetation including carrots and lettuce.

+ It will then release itself and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal.

+ Bond, July 8, 1956 “1951 Was a Year of Scandals, Heroisim, Turn-Abouts, T.V, Big Moments, Heartbreaks, Name-Calling Prayer in Sports” December 30, 1951 “Honest Mentor Resigns” March 22, 1952 Reader’s Digest “They Won by a Tie”, November 1952, page 93 as an example of sportsmanship when he rejected a touchdown that would have won a game for his team.

+ The true bug pumps saliva through this mouth, to partly digest their food.

+ The amount of energy needed to digest cooked meat is less than that needed for raw meat, and cooking gelatinizes collagen and other connective tissues as well, it “opens up tightly woven carbohydrate molecules for easier absorption.” Cooking also kills parasites and food poisoning bacteria.

+ Since butterflies do not digest pollen, more nectar is offered than pollen.

+ Ungulates are typically herbivorous and many use specialised gut flora to digest cellulose.

+ Phenylketonuria is a disease in which a person cannot digest certain foods properly because they have an amino acid, or type of chemical, called phenylalanines in them.

+ Another difference between the two is that odd-toed ungulates digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers as the even-toed ungulates do.

+ To digest it an enzyme called lactase cleaves the lactose into its two subunits glucose and galactose for absorption.

+ The gastrointestinal tract is not only the gut, but also other organs that help us digest food.

+ To them it was a great advantage: they could digest milk throughout life.

+ This stomach is an adaptation to help digest tough grasses.

+ From about the 6th century, there was Roman law that stated that a living foetus may not be buried with the mother, The Digest notes this to be a “lex regia”.

+ In protists, vacuoles also store and help digest food that the protist ate.

+ Lactic acid bacteria contain the enzymes needed to digest lactose.

+ Saliva, which helps animals and people digest food, is mostly water.

+ E.1 Instead of a “quick and merciful death”, “Reader’s Digest Condensed Books” chose part of the book to be printed again.

+ A carnivorous plant must attract, kill and digest prey.

+ Humans do not digest leaves, but we inherited some of the apes' vegetarian apparatus.

+ That way a bird can eat several items, and then fly off to a quiet spot to digest them.
+ The main reason it is produced is that goats' milk is easier to digest than that of cows or buffalos.

+ Taking enzymes help digest food if there is mucus in the stomach.

+ Reader’s Digest has a total sales of 17 million copies, making it the largest paid circulation magazine in the world.

+ In this was, a thin-looking snake can swallow and digest a larger animal.

+ To digest food, apple snails first break up food with the radula teeth, and then the food will be swallowed, and travel down the esophagus and to the stomach.

+ She won awards for Outstanding Actress from the 17th Soap Opera Digest Awards for her act as Nikki Newman.

+ First it traps the insect inside its leaves, and then lets out a liquid that helps digest the trapped animal.

+ Humans and other animals cannot Digestiondigest cellulose but some animals such as termites use bacteria to digest it.

+ It is impossible to digest plastic, and the undigested plastic stops other food from being digested.

+ They have a slow metabolic rate that allows them to digest one leaf in up to a month.

+ Mourning doves generally eat enough to fill their stomach and then fly away to digest while resting.

+ Animals and humans have amylase, so they can digest starch.

+ They can no longer digest milk.

+ For many years, Reader’s Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States until it lost to “Better Homes and Gardens Better Homes and Gardens” in 2009.

+ This makes it difficult for the body to digest food.

+ Of course the attacker learns at least one piece of information, the digest itself, by which the attacker can recognise if the same message occurred again.

+ It may be helped in some cases by taking enzymes, such as those usually produced by the body, which digest fat.

+ Charles DarwinDarwin suggested that the appendix was perhaps used to digest leaves as Darwin, Charles 1871.

+ A key difference between the two is that odd-toed ungulates digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers as the even-toed ungulates do.

+ The lysosome contains enzymes and acids that kill and digest the particle or organism.

+ Cattle are ruminants which mean they have a stomach with several chambers which helps digest their food more efficiently.

+ Reader’s Digest has 50 editions in 21 languages.

+ Humans and many other animals do not digest cellulose.

+ If they do not have enough, they may not be able to digest lactose anymore.

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