In-sentence examples of “pattern”

How to use in-sentence of “pattern”:

+ Damask is a weaving pattern that is usually used with silk or wool.

+ The basic design of the game became a pattern that later rhythm games followed.

+ The basic echinoderm pattern of fivefold symmetry can be recognized, but most crinoids have many more than five arms.

+ Additionally, once the practice becomes a familiar pattern used by one person in a relationship, other persons may avoid reporting new issues or problems for the sake of avoiding a repeat of the gunnysacking behavior.

+ This is because the pattern of stars looks like a cross.

In-sentence examples of pattern
In-sentence examples of pattern

Example sentences of “pattern”:

+ The same pattern might apply to the Moon’s northern pole, but that has fewer craters.

+ It has yellow skin and a brown pattern on its back that look like an hourglass.

+ Meanders form a snake-like pattern as the river flows across a fairly flat valley floor.

+ In 1722, the British Army called for a standard pattern of muzzleloading flintlock musket.

+ The two sexes have somewhat different pattern and colouring.

+ Mobbing is developed or pushed by a leader who persuades others into a systematic pattern of “mob-like” behaviour toward the target.Shallcross, Linda “et al.”.

+ The same pattern might apply to the Moon's northern pole, but that has fewer craters.

+ It has yellow skin and a brown pattern on its back that look like an hourglass.

+ A person might also change their speech pattern in a professional setting in order to sound more educated or refined, and may speak more casually or use swear words when in a casual setting.

+ That is why another snake, Rough-scaled Sand Boa, mimics the color pattern of the Russell’s Viper so it looks like the Russell’s Viper, but it is actually harmless.

+ The pattern of inheritance of recessive genes is quite simple.

+ Except for the parity blocks, the distribution of data over the drives follows the same pattern as RAID 0.

More in-sentence examples of “pattern”:

+ The leathery front wings are green with many yellow spots; the legs are blue, with a yellow serrated pattern on the hind legs.

+ It describes the changing pattern of nature in the following months.

+ The leathery front wings are green with many yellow spots; the legs are blue, with a yellow serrated pattern on the hind legs.

+ It describes the changing pattern of nature in the following months.

+ Generally, each floret is oriented toward the next by approximately the golden angle, 137.5°, producing a pattern of interconnecting spirals, where the number of left spirals and the number of right spirals are successive Fibonacci numbers.

+ A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song.

+ This is a branching pattern with no names given to species, unlike the more linear tree Ernst Haeckel made years later.

+ The pattern was designed by referring to Chinese lacquerware.

+ After the cloth is dry, the areas keep their original color, and it also shows the pattern between the areas that have the color and do not have the color.

+ A community social network is the pattern of relationships among a set of people and/or organizations in a community.

+ If you determine that a new pattern is necessary, use your image editor to create a new pattern including any details necessary to render the kit accurately.

+ The horse that does the pattern the fastest is the winner.

+ He also pointed out that China’s history will enter a divided pattern every few hundred years.

+ Elementary errors in arithmetic show a wrong pattern of thought.

+ Darwin began to realize that every species of living thing has the potential to increase geometrically, yet this pattern of population growth does not happen in practice.

+ In computer programs, pattern recognition tries to teach computers to perceive and recognize things as accurately as possible, how people do it or better.

+ The spider spits in a Z pattern and criss-crosses its prey in sticky liquid.

+ The whale shark has a unique “checkerboard” colour pattern of light spots and stripes on a dark background.

+ If you feel that the pattern that you are adding could generally not be used by another club, you are creating a club-specific pattern.

+ Variability in echolocation call design of 26 Swiss bat species: consequences, limits and options for automated field identification with a synergic pattern recognition approach.

+ They studied large numbers of data and saw a pattern that said the organisms in Olfactores had a relationship with each other that they did not have with cephalochordates.

+ It has the rhyme pattern abba abba cddece.

+ The use of the strange pattern on the whale shark is unknown, although many bottom-dwelling Whale sharks use these markings as a camouflage against their backgrounds.

+ Also very suspicious pattern of editing on the page.

+ Only with the rise of civilization and wealth, and especially within the last 60 years has this pattern of childraising, embedded in our mammalian biology, been significantly altered.

+ Davis attended New York’s for only one semester – six months – and while there studied pattern making.

+ They called this a dipole pattern and a Doppler effect of the Earth’s motion.

+ In other words, a typical behaviour pattern is inherited because it has raised the inclusive fitness of individuals as compared to other behaviours.

+ The most obvious form of sight-based pattern language comes in the form of writing.

+ In Wales, it established a similar pattern of counties and districts.Arnold-Baker, C., “Local Government Act 1972”, These have since been entirely replaced with a system of unitary authorities.

+ The Voyager 1 spacecraft found a hexagonal cloud pattern near Saturn’s north pole at about 78°N.

+ Camouflage uniformclothes, fabric coverings, and paint use a colored pattern of several colors that is designed to blend in with the surroundings.

+ This makes it easy to see the pattern of white notes.

+ This pattern symbolizes the way that ska music mixes of Black and White musicans and styles of music.There was a British genre of ska-punk influenced by The Specials, Madness and the English Beat, that began to dress in kilts.

+ The most common pattern was a ring outside of a city that was his target.

+ This frog can be green, brown, orange or tan in color, and it often has a pattern on its back so it can camouflagelook like moss or larger animals that want to eat it.

+ The tabby pattern is not visible at all in the white portion.

+ This move gets its name because the lady moves in a pattern that is similar to a hockey stick.

+ The body is marked with a whirled or swirled pattern on the cat’s sides.

+ The design of Heian-kyō mirrored grid pattern of Chang’an, which was the Tang Dynasty capital of China.

+ In the reconstruction after the Great Fire, Hooke proposed redesigning London’s streets on a grid pattern with wide boulevards and arteries, a pattern later used in the renovation of Paris, Liverpool, and many American cities.

+ The tabby pattern is in many pure breeds of cats, as well as in mixed breeds.

+ The fact that DNA produced a diffraction pattern showed it had a regular structure.

+ This genealogy is shown in the way the pattern is divided into 24 tribes.

+ Their plots follow a pattern in which the men and women who hire him reveal themselves to be as corrupt, corrupting, and criminally complicit as those against whom he is hired to protect them.

+ It is recommended to apply the test case pattern to templates using ParserFunctions that can generate very different looking output, such as the ones that take many parameters, or the ones that have many branches of the operator.

+ It has a distinctive rhythmic pattern which this polonaise follows unflinchingly.

+ If a user stopped vandalizing some time ago, and his or her edit history does not suggest a pattern of frequent vandalism, there is no need to warn or block the user.

+ School bullying is a pattern of behavior during the ages when children and young people are in school.

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