“plural” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “plural”:

– The new word combines the meanings of the two morphemes, so the meaning of the new word, “dogs” is “more than one dog.” “Dog” is a free morpheme, but the plural morpheme “-s” is not.

– The plural of platypus is just ‘platypus’.

– Acronyms and abbreviations are made plural by adding “-s” or “-es”.

– Some dictionaries list “busses” as an acceptable plural for “bus”.

– The most common plural first-person pronoun is “watashi-tachi”, but in formal situations you can call yourselves “ware-ware”.

– As of 31 October 2017, there were 111 aircraft<!– the plural of ‘aircraft’ is ‘aircraft’ without an ‘s’.

– This form of plural formation is considered sexist by certain groups and individuals, resulting in proposals for a neutral gender to be adopted, such as “thirty pals”.

plural use in sentences
plural use in sentences

Example sentences of “plural”:

– The plural of volcano can be “either” volcanos or volcanoes.

– Its plural is phenomena.

– In English, the plural morpheme “-s” all have different Pronunciationpronunciations depending on which depending on which type of phoneme, or unique sound, comes before it.

– St Paul’s Island is sometimes split into two islands and it is sometimes called to in the plural as St Paul’s Islands.

– This is because the Latin plural is opera which is rather confusing to English speakers as the word is already used in musical terminology.

– Landes is the plural of the French languageFrench word “lande” ; it was named so because it was the most common habitat in the region.

– The plural of a noun usually ends with -“s”.

– Iznasen in the Berber Zenati language is the plural of “Aznas” which is made up of “Azn”, which means “to send, to dispatch” and “As”, which means “the day”.

– Cayce described his illness from a first person plural point of view – ‘we’ – instead of the First person singularsingular “I.” In later readings, he would usually start off with “We have the body.” In the reading, Cayce said his voice loss was because of psychological paralysis and that could be fixed by increasing the blood flow to the voice box.

– The plural of antenna is either “antennas” or “antennae” U.S.

– The plural form of moose is “moose”.

– Here goes: in English, nouns take plural forms, but adjectives do not.

- The plural of volcano can be "either" volcanos or volcanoes.

- Its plural is phenomena.

More in-sentence examples of “plural”:

- The plural is "ghilan".

- Presumably, this is because the plural "buses" looks like it ought to rhyme with the plural of "fuse" which is "fuses." "Buses" is still listed as the preferable plural form.

– The plural is “ghilan”.

– Presumably, this is because the plural “buses” looks like it ought to rhyme with the plural of “fuse” which is “fuses.” “Buses” is still listed as the preferable plural form.

– A dogma The plural is either “dogmata” or “dogmas” is something that should not be disputed or doubted.

– To make a noun plural add -j.

– To make a word that doesn’t usually exist as a plural into a plural, an apostrophe is occasionally used.

– The plural for chalumeau is chalumeaux.

– All European languages have plural forms.

– The English plural is “concertos”.

– Another nickname is “caña” but this nickname is more often used in plural for amounts under 100 colones.

– Despite plural forms being written using the letter will pronounced as /-s/, /-z/, or /-ız/ depending on which type of phoneme, or unique sound, comes before it.

– The German “Albe”, “Alpe” or “Alp and the French “Alpage” or “Alpe” in the singular mean “alpine pasture”, and only in the plural may also refer to the mountain range as a whole.

– The plural of “triceps” used to be “tricipites”, but now people usually say “triceps” to mean both singular and plural.

– If it is used for multiple groups or nations, the plural word Goyim is used instead.

– They can also be plural such as a box of apples.

– Like many other languages, West Frisian has singular and plural nouns.

– The Society noted the word was not used before the year 1000; “she” was first seen in writings from the 12th century, where the word “”heo”” had been used to mean either the feminine or mixed plural as with “they”.

– It may be abbreviated to “h” or the plural “hh”.

– The plural of planetarium is either planetariums or planetaria.

– Also, there is no need to add words in plural form unless irregular, as the search interface will match “billiards” as well given a search term of “billiard”.

– The plural of “sheep” is just “sheep”.

– All plural and inanimate nouns must be neuter.

– The name is the plural form of “vin” f ‘meadow, pasture’.

– The parameter “pages=n” will auto-adjust to show “p.” for a singular lone page number, or “pp.” for a plural page-range.

– The plural is either “hapax legomena”, or “hapaxes”.

– The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letters.

– The use in English of the plural form “aurochsen” is the same as the German plural and just like English “ox”.

– The plural of cactus is cacti or cactuses or simply ‘cactus’.

– Many of the above irregular plural forms stem from Old English, which had more complex rules for making plural forms.

– The plural “beeves”, when referring to such meat-animals, is well known in the United StatesAmerican cattle industry, but is often restricted to steers.

– It is also a plural of the word “timpano”.

– The act wanted to stop the Mormon practice of plural marriage and the property dominance of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Utah Territory.

– In other languages, such as Chinese, Korean and Japanese, there is usually no plural ending.

– The term can be traced to the 16th century, where it developed from “con sortes”, which is the plural of Latin “consors”.

– The plural is tableaux vivants.

– The plural acts like a fourth gender because gender does not change plural words.

– Originally, data is the plural of the Latin word “datum” from “dare” meaning “give”.

– The plural of ‘Deer’ is just ‘Deer’.

– The word Míkmaw is an adjectival form of the plural noun for the people, “Míkmaq”.

– English speakers know that one can add the plural morpheme, “-s” to the end of “dog” and create the word “dogs”.

– In the north, many people speak Chhattisgarhi, Punjabi languagePunjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Marathi, Odia, and Bihari.Prabodh Bechardas Pandit, “Language in a Plural Society”, Dev Raj Chanana Memorial Committee, 1977.

– When a plural exists, it is often Mensae, such as Cydonia Mensae.

– The apostrophe also distinguishes the possessive endings “-‘s” and “-s#x27;” from the common plural ending “-s”, a practice that began in the 18th century; before, all three endings were written “-s”, which could lead to confusion.

– The plural is “colones” in Spanish.

– The Portuguese language as a rule determines that the plural of nouns, when covering individuals of the feminine and masculine gender, is made based on the masculine: “twenty girls”.

– The two numbers are separated by a comma; the words “year” and “day” are plural when appropriate.

– Most singular feminine nouns end in -a, and most plural feminine nouns end in -e.

– Singular ‘they’ is conjugated the same way as the plural form, similar to the matching conjugations of the plural and singular ‘you’ in English.

– The plural of ‘plateau’ is “plateaux”, or “plateaus”.

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