“proposal” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “proposal”:

– The average time between first meeting and an accepted marriage proposal was two years and eleven months.

– Some said this, and some said that ; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought would meet the case.

– But George still blocked a proposal in 1800 by the British Parliament to allow Catholics to sit in Parliament.

– Hello all, while the proposal to allow “some kind of image uploads” here, this is not our focus, and it should not be.

– Romania cancelled these meetings because Romania’s proposal for the directive used wrong wording to describe how the directive will be run.

– Burma was proposed to be separated in pursuance of the recommendation of the Indian Statutory whose proposal was accepted in principle by the Government.

– Crewe’s location was chosen after fellow Cheshire towns Winsford and Nantwich had rejected a proposal for the station to be built there.

proposal - example sentences
proposal – example sentences

Example sentences of “proposal”:

- I have introduced a proposal to add to other subjects whose articles could be quick-deleted under A4 under appropriate conditions.

- I support the proposal in principle however I do think that before it's implemented it will need some discussion and working out of exactly what constitutes complex.

– I have introduced a proposal to add to other subjects whose articles could be quick-deleted under A4 under appropriate conditions.

– I support the proposal in principle however I do think that before it’s implemented it will need some discussion and working out of exactly what constitutes complex.

– However the secession crisis following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to the proposal never coming to a vote.

– The following is something I wrote on the latest proposal to close a Simple English project.

– If you fix these problems, then I will withdraw my proposal for demotion.

– He is in love with to Elizabeth Swann and she accepts his proposal to rescue Will.

– The proposal if accepted would be for a six-month trial period with a discussion and revote taking place at the end of said period.

– The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.

– Released in 2005, a study by four respected academics contained a proposal to replace the Thames Barrier with a more ambitious 16km long barrier across the Thames Estuary from Sheerness in Kent to Southend-on-SeaSouthend in Essex.

– As Pakhi doesn’t ever see him, he easily takes proposal to Pakhi’s house.

– Most people voted against the old proposal of addition/changes to the deletion policy concerning talk pages.

– The article’s two-week period in the proposal section has been up, although no improvements were made into the article.

– They also return the ring to Barry, who reattempts his proposal to Alice, and this time, Alice accepts.

– The authorities accepted a proposal from the civil engineer Joseph Bazalgette.

– This proposal was rejected.

– The proposal has been up for 11 days now, and no more comments have been made for a while.

More in-sentence examples of “proposal”:

– This proposal was thwarted by arguments over property rights, as property owners were surreptitiously shifting their boundaries.

– It says on the Meta project closure page that if one closure proposal fails, other proposals over the same project will also likely fail, so that means they should continue to survive them.

– The President appoints the Prime Minister, given the election results, and appoints the other members of the Government by proposal of the Prime Minister.

– If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well.

– Connolly has acted in many movies including: “Indecent Proposal “Mrs.

– This was well before the amendment’s proposal by the 11th Congress.

– My next proposal is that a bot be created to update this, just like iw links.

– After the History of the Soviet Union fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine held an independence referendum in which the residents of Zakarpattia were asked about the Zakarpattia Oblast Council’s proposal for self rule.

– Elizabeth loves Will Turner but accepts James Norrington’s marriage proposal to save Turner.

– The proposal was encouraged by Moroccan allies such as the United States, France and Spain. The Security Council has called upon the parties to enter into direct and unconditional negotiations to reach a mutually accepted political solution.

– In December of 2013, Moncayo received direct criticisms by part of the president Rafael Correa afterwards that it showed against of the proposal of the president to reduce the size of the Armed forces of Ecuador.

– In February of 2005, South Africa’s state owned power company, Eskom, said that they had a proposal to increase the amount of electric power that the Inga can make through improvements and the building of a new hydroelectric dam.

– The proposal for this International year originated in FAO at a joint meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres and the Intergovernmental Group on Jute in 2004, and was endorsed by FAO Conference in 2005.

– Now that Abuse Filter is now ready for testing on small and medium wikis, I want to make a proposal for installing it on this wiki.

– Please list your proposal here.

– I believe that his merger proposal is a device to cause disruption.

– Personally, my reasons for allowing fair-use have all been given in the proposal and I am personally unable to offer more valid reasoning than what I have already offered.

– The President exercises the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Grand Master of the Three Orders and shall appoint and remove, at the proposal of the Government, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the Military Staff Heads of the three branches the Armed Forces.

– There is a proposal to change the content of the page, see Template talk:Fact.

– With regards to Trudeau’s plans to unilaterally patriate and change the constitution, the newly re-elected Lévesque, who had initially argued for the incorporation of a Quebec veto into the new constitution, agreed with eight other premiers to a proposal that would not allow Quebec a veto, but would permit “opting out” of certain federal endeavours with compensation.

– When his sister Bianca di Angelo Bianca accepts Artemis’s proposal to become a Hunter, Nico gets angry at her for “abandoning” him.

– In the early 1980s there was a proposal to close Marylebone and divert British Rail services via High Wycombe into nearby Paddington.

– You might also establish a system for labelling the page itself, with a move proposal template, to make everybody aware of your intentions.

– The first proposal builds on a design proposed by Eloquence when the current logo was put in place, while the second uses the current format albeit with a different font.

– My proposal therefore is to delete this page, because even if she won awards, she is not that notable yet, and secondly, because she is currently underage.

– A final point: I doubt such a proposal would work, for one reason being that it is probably out of the scope of Wikimedia – but I’m not too sure on that.

- This proposal was thwarted by arguments over property rights, as property owners were surreptitiously shifting their boundaries.

- It says on the Meta project closure page that if one closure proposal fails, other proposals over the same project will also likely fail, so that means they should continue to survive them.

– Outcome: Proposal rejected.

– Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations.

– My new proposal is, if there are enough users who would be interested in a Wikinews in Simple English, could contribute to an “Almanac” namespace on Simple English Wikibooks, dealing with both news from recent events, and modern world history.

– In October 2008 though, Bluegoblin7 brought the proposal back up, and also started working on a draft system.

– With this proposal he approached the Guggenheim Foundation.

– The proposal was defeated.

– This is not really a proposal since I don’t have the time to create anything like this at the moment.

– See indef block proposal above ndash; just got indeffed for extremely abusive socking.

– To this end, a one chance proposal is probably good with a ban for 3 or 6 months if they blow it; then a indef ban if they blow the second chance after being unbanned within 6 months of the unbanning.

– Some critics oppose the proposal in its current state, calling it old-fashioned and suburban and an unrealistic pipe dream, as it is largely car oriented with shopping mall style retail.

– The proposal for setting up of the Federation of India did not materialize because the act proposed that federation could come into existence only if as many princely states were entitled to one half of the states seats in the upper house of the federal legislature.

– One proposal considers a self-descending tungsten capsule.

– The Québec Government Proposal for a New Partnership Between Equals: Sovereignty-Association”.

– The allied governments led by Bismarck made a proposal for a North German constitution.

– Re Slipknot: The proposal has already been withdrawn.

– I’m fully aware that some people have suggested a number of days other than my “four days” proposal in the beginning.

– On 28 June 1968, Richard Marsh, Baron MarshRichard Marsh, then Minister of Transport approved the proposal to build a station at Pimlico.

– However, this proposal for the future planning of Guangdong Province did not receive sufficient support, and it was aborted as the Soviet forces intervened in the Far East and the KMT and the Communist Party went northward.

– Besides admitting a new state, another type of proposal has been to form a 51st state by dividing a current state, such as the List of U.S.

– A proposal was then made to offer him an unblock with restrictions.

– Hi, just a reminder that there is an updated version of a third proposal in the #New logo section above.

– People are talking about longer blocks, indefinite blocks, and banning, even though there has been no formal proposal for any of those.

– A proposal from the civil engineer Joseph Bazalgette for sewage treatment was finally accepted.

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