How to use in-sentence of “ascend”

How to use in-sentence of “ascend”:

+ Lieutenant governors in Massachusetts do not ascend to the governorship upon death or resignation of their predecessor.

+ She continued her public duties in old age, surviving to see her granddaughter, Elizabeth, ascend the throne as Queen Elizabeth II.

+ After being crucified, Gabrielle and Xena ascend into Heaven, but are soon ambushed by demons.

+ At the time of her birth, only males could ascend the throne of Denmark.

+ On January 20, 2006, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi made an announcement that they would change the law to allow women to ascend the throne.

+ Perhaps only then, shall I peacefully ascend and at long last reach the heavens.

+ An ascend takes 30minutes while a descend takes 25minutes.

+ The Yellow Trail cuts into the Jungle Fall Path in the dense forest near the summit, at a height of 150m, and hikers have to descend and ascend many steps along the way.

How to use in-sentence of ascend
How to use in-sentence of ascend

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