How to use in-sentence of “bleed”

How to use in-sentence of “bleed”:

– Haber said he did not think killing a soldier with poison gas was any worse than by letting the soldier bleed to death.

– Each page for printing has trim sizes bleed printing is not possible as is the case with most desktop printers.

– The Pokémon in the battles never bleed or die; they only faint.

– Smaller blood vessels bleed less, and bleed slower, so it is harder to exsanguinate if they are injured.

– Castration has also been used in modern conflicts, as the Janjaweed militiamen currently attacking citizens of the Darfur region in Sudan, often castrating villagers and leaving them to bleed to death.

– They bleed both inside and outside their bodies.

– Cave had a Intracerebral hemorrhagebrain bleed caused by a cyst on April 6–7, 2020.

How to use in-sentence of bleed
How to use in-sentence of bleed

Example sentences of “bleed”:

– Big Show then got on his knees to allow Mayweather to punch him, which Mayweather did, by hitting him with many different punches, which caused Big Show to bleed from the nose and mouth.

– Afterward, V attacked Punk, hitting him with several elbow drops, causing Punk to bleed from the mouth.

– If they wristband wearer commits the forbidden action a poison will be put inside of them and make them bleed out of their eyes.

– It is a bleed in the brain that happens when the brain has not been injured.

– It can also be very unhealthy for the body because the skin around the anus can tear, bleed and get infected with bacteria.

– They do not bleed more than a normal person, but they bleed for much longer.

– The attackers then ran away, leaving her to bleed to death.

– This snake can make someone bleed from all the holes in their body including their hair pores.

– These charges then remain on the object until they either bleed off to the ground or are quickly neutralized by a discharge:., the familiar phenomenon of a static ‘shock’ is caused by the neutralization of charge built up in the body from contact with non-conductive surfaces.

– They bleed from their noses, mouths, and genitals/sex organs.

– The symptoms of a subdural hematoma are slow to notice because the lower-pressure veins involved bleed more slowly than arteries.

- Big Show then got on his knees to allow Mayweather to punch him, which Mayweather did, by hitting him with many different punches, which caused Big Show to bleed from the nose and mouth.

- Afterward, V attacked Punk, hitting him with several elbow drops, causing Punk to bleed from the mouth.
- If they wristband wearer commits the forbidden action a poison will be put inside of them and make them bleed out of their eyes.

– He kills people with a hook for a hand and slashes their chest or back open causing them to bleed to death.

– If one of these arteries is injured, it can bleed very quickly, and an epidural hematoma can build up almost right away.

– Once the Fallopian tube has ruptured, it will start to bleed into the abdomen.

– If the artery is big, a person could bleed to death.

– If a person did not do this, Columbus’s men would cut off their hands, and they would bleed to death.

– Because these veins are smaller, and because veins do not bleed as fast as arteries, subdural hematomas may not bleed as quickly as epidural hematomas.

– The shark then swims away to wait for the prey to bleed to death before going back to eat its body.

– Unfortunately the guy bleed Minang’s – Javanese is required to participate in the first practice “Studio Ananda”.

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