“consciousness” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “consciousness”:

– For Nikkatsu, they would latter became one of the founders of “Mukokuseki akusyon” – a subgenre of gangster cinema, reflecting the new Japanese individual consciousness and a departure from centuries of traditionalism.

– An acquaintance of the literature of a society or a country is of prime importance for the understanding of that society or country, because the consciousness of the soul of a society or country, because the consciousness of the soul of a society gets reflected in its literature also.” History is witness to the authenticity of the above statement.

– The organization later changed into the Black Consciousness Movement, and Electionelected Biko as its first president in 1968.

– It also refers to the consciousness and expression of religious influences that help mould the national consciousness.

– Many of his novels were partly autobiographical and used a stream of consciousness style.

– Together with efforts from the government and ruling party, Lee tried to create a unique Culture of SingaporeSingaporean identity in the 1970s and 1980s—one which heavily recognised racial consciousness within the umbrella of multiculturalism.

consciousness - example sentences
consciousness – example sentences

Example sentences of “consciousness”:

– His work in land art was aimed at raising consciousness about environmental issues such as water pollution.

– Cerebral hypoxia makes a person lose consciousness and stop breathing, and this makes the heart stop completely.

– Seen as a form of Yoga, or union, it seeks to dissolve the ego in God, since consciousness of the body and limited mind as self is seen to be a divisive factor in spiritual realization.

– Cylons who are killed have their consciousness downloaded into a nearby resurrection ship.

– Classically, the bringing of unconscious thoughts and feelings to consciousness is brought about by encouraging a patient to talk in free association and to talk about dreams.

– She was imbibed with the true spirit of a colonial poet’s vision to awaken public consciousness like Bankim’s immortal Bengali song.

– The “Kaivalya Upanishad” similarly, states Paul Deussen – a German Indologist and professor of Philosophy, describes the self-realized man as who “feels himself only as the one divine essence that lives in all”, who feels identity of his and everyone’s consciousness with Shiva, who has found this highest Atman within, in the depths of his heart.

– Gurdjieff developed a method for working towards a higher state of consciousness and achieving full human potential.

– In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training, such as prayer, meditation, Tai chi chuan or yoga, for example.

– Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement played key roles in organizing Protestprotests, led by South African high school students, that resulted in the Soweto Uprising.

- His work in land art was aimed at raising consciousness about environmental issues such as water pollution.

- Cerebral hypoxia makes a person lose consciousness and stop breathing, and this makes the heart stop completely.
- Seen as a form of Yoga, or union, it seeks to dissolve the ego in God, since consciousness of the body and limited mind as self is seen to be a divisive factor in spiritual realization.

– Thus our consciousness is added to an already-existing set of mechanisms which operate but whose operation is normally not felt by us.

– The goal of Freudian therapy, or psychoanalysis, was to bring repressed thoughts and feelings into consciousness in order to free the patient from suffering distorted emotions.

– In our own time, subjects such as consciousness studies, decision theory, and applied ethics have increasingly found independence from philosophy as a whole.

– The story is centered around a woman who regains consciousness in an abandoned hospital.

– The second was the introduction of consciousness in the higher animals.

– Wells in his novel, “The Time Machine”, wrote, “There is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it”.

– It controls consciousness and action.

– In Brazil, Black Awareness Day or Black Consciousness Day The date is an official public holiday in five Brazilian states.

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