“ancient” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ancient”:

– In 1876 the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered in Mycenae six graves, which he believed were those of kings and Ancient Greeceancient Greek heroes—Agamemnon, Cassandra, Evrimdon and others.

– The first kind of mortar was developed in Ancient Rome.

– The city-states of Athens and Sparta came later and were part of Ancient Greece.

– These cultures include Religionreligious cultures, as well as the Ancient Chinese, Ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and Ancient Greeks.

– The ancient name for the town was Telmessos.

ancient some example sentences
ancient some example sentences

Example sentences of “ancient”:

– Babylon was a city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, in present-day Iraq, about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad.

– They are from the Old Kingdom in ancient Egypt.

– He was a scholar of Ancient Greek philosophyGreek and Islamic philosophy.

– This unusual route happened because the Niger River is two ancient rivers which are joined together.

– It stood for a long “o” sound in Ancient Greek.

– Ten of the spies try to convince the Israelites that it would be better to go back to being slaves in Ancient EgyptEgypt than enter the Promised Land because if they tried to conquer Canaan they’d get killed.

– After the war, the ancient central fireplace of the League was made again at Buffalo Creek.

– The press publishes texts on other subjects as well, such as wildlife and ancient languages.

– The remains of ancient Celenderis are very few.

– Dissection is an Ancient historyancient method used to find out the inside structure of a living thing.

– Perhaps the first to leave a record of his thought was the Ancient Greek philosopher Xenophanes.

– The historical origins of dialogue are in ancient Greek literatureclassical Greek and Indian literature.

– Inside the Great Pyramid, famous man-made objects have been found from ancient times.

– However, the origin of the crescent and star as a symbol dates back much earlier – to ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt.

– In the early 19th century, many people in Europe became interested in ancient Egypt.

- Babylon was a city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, in present-day Iraq, about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad.

- They are from the Old Kingdom in ancient Egypt.

More in-sentence examples of “ancient”:

- It is characterized by the presence of the thick banyan groves, a temple structure, an ancient stone inscription and a pair of concrete Hiyang Hiren structures.

- A pinax was a tablet or board In ancient Greece and Rome.
- Once those details are provided, then Aristotle seems a lot smarter, in recognizing the Earth as rotating on an axis, from ancient Greece circa 330 BC.

– It is characterized by the presence of the thick banyan groves, a temple structure, an ancient stone inscription and a pair of concrete Hiyang Hiren structures.

– A pinax was a tablet or board In ancient Greece and Rome.

– Once those details are provided, then Aristotle seems a lot smarter, in recognizing the Earth as rotating on an axis, from ancient Greece circa 330 BC.

– The third part, beginning with the book of Exodus, describes how the Israelite’s left Ancient EgyptEgypt and the early history of the people of Israel as a nation.

– The classical period of Ancient Greece was from the fall of the Athenian tyranny in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC.

– Armenian mythology originated in ancient Indo-European traditions, specifically Proto-Armenian, and gradually incorporated Anatolian, Hurro-Urartian, Mesopotamian, Iranian, and Greek beliefs and deities.”Armenia ” by A.H.

– Diodorus Siculus or Diodorus of Sicily was a Ancient GreeceGreek historian.

– Sumer was the world’s first known ancient civilization.

– Words in ancient Egyptian languages have similarities with the Ancient Greek and Latin names.

– Fujiwara-kyō was the ancient capital of Japan from 694 to 710.

– The “Odyssey” is a major Ancient Greek epic poem.

– The Nile was very important to Ancient Egyptians.

– He drew inspiration from 15th and 16th century poets and from ancient writers like Vasa.

– Their accounts are mentioned in the Moirang Ningthourol Lambuba, the royal chronicle of Ancient Moirang.

– The river was named “Mogin” by the ancient celts after their god Mogon.

– The later three kingdom period began as Gyeon Hwon founded a new country, later Baekje, succeeding the ancient Baekje, and Gung Ye built Taebong succeeding ancient Goguryeo.

– Unlike in other ancient cultures, these legends and beliefs are still part of modern life for Australian Aborigines.

– In addition, the area includes the site of the ancient city of Vikramapura, former capital of the Pala rulers of Bengal.

– The start of the period is typically taken to be the slow collapse of the Ancient Meitei faith, during the reign of Meidingu Senbi Kiyamba.

– Watling Street is the name of an Ancient historyancient route in England.

– The term ‘metic’ was especially used in ancient Athens in the 4th and 5th centuries BC.

– She is the author of numerous research papers, articles and books on Azerbaijani ancient and medieval history.

– Punctuation was an ancient idea but came to Latin later.

– The word “chromatic” comes from the Ancient Greek languageGreek word “chromos” meaning “color”.

– Hattusili and the Ancient EgyptEgyptian pharaoh Ramesses II later made a peace treaty.

– Winkler 1990, p.166; Reynolds 2001, pp.81–82 By the medieval period, Sappho’s poetry had been lost, Reynolds 2001, p.81 until in the sixteenth century newly printed editions of ancient authors such as Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who had quoted Sappho’s “Ode to Aphrodite”, began to be produced.

– It was invented in 708 BC in Ancient Greece.

– They called it “littera antiqua”, “the ancient letter”, believing that it was the script used by the Romans.

– Some of those in ancient times, who are called “Pagans” today, believed there was not just one god but a number of gods and goddesses.

– It is used to represent the “ps” sound in Ancient and Modern Greek.

– Today you can visit a new interactive display show of the history of the town, smaller displays of the Cabinet ancient history or Guild of shooters to target.

– It was construct by the ancient Greek mechanic Eupalinos, so it is called “Eupalinio Orygma” in Greek.

– Masada is an ancient fortification in the Southern District of Israel.

– They have a special chewing apparatus called “Aristotle’s lantern”, after the Ancient GreeceGreek philosopher Aristotle who was fascinated by sea urchins.

– It can be seen in Ancient RomeRoman monuments such as the Capella Greca and the Sacrament Chapels of the catacomb of St Callistus.

– Oiniades It was named after the ancient town of Oeniadae.

– The Abu Simbel temples are two very large rock Egyptian templetemples built by the ancient Egyptians, at Abu Simbel.

– It had been constructed to carry water in the town of ancient Samos.

– The town is picturesque; and its streets are interesting for their remains of ancient architecture, especially of the Romanesque period, and the memories of great historical events.

– St Just is one of the most ancient mining districts in Cornwall and remains of ancient pre-industrial and more modern mining activity have had a considerable impact on the nearby landscape.

– Seshat was the ancient Egyptian idea of knowledge, shown as a goddess.

– Lares are presumed sons of Mercury and Lara, and deeply venerated by ancient Romans through small statues, usually put in higher places of the house, far from the floor, or even on the roof.

– Khuman Puremba is a grandson of a Khuman prince, who once fled from the Khuman kingdom to Ancient Moirang trying to prevent political turmoil and lead a peaceful life.

– The three religions of China had great influence over the government and people of Ancient China.

– The history of the city goes back to Ancient Rome.

– It was the location of the ancient city of Susa in the Persian Empire.

– The most famous early states, however, were the Ancient Greek states which had freedom, writing and a democracy.

– Betsy Bryan “The 18th Dynasty before the Amarna Period” in “The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt”, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.236 She later had herself crowned Pharaoh several years into the rule of her husband’s young successor Thutmose III.

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